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  • timok


    Well, I have tried to reproduce your issue, but I can’t. WP does only output links contained the configured URL. Either your domain redirection works thru some filtering proxy, your theme screwed up something majorly (is it custom made? maybe it has part of those links hardcoded and you forgot?) or you simply made a mistake in configuration.
    Honestly, how should WP come with that URL unless someone put it in there either in the config or in the theme?



    Umm, maybe your IE just has larger default font than your FF? Except for 2 headings you are using relative font sizes, so if IE defaults to 16px and FF to 12 (for example) the font of course is bigger in IE. That would be a feature, not a bug.



    Spam bots usually don’t use the comment forms, they just send HTTP POST requests right to the recieving script – the names of the form fields are the same for all WP blogs anyhow.
    You can not (easily) change that behaviour of WP, but you can install and activate a spam protection plugin like Akismet, Bad Behaviour or SpamKarma2 – personally I am using SpamKarma2 and so far it has caught all spam I receive (several hundred per day).

    If you want to learn more about HTTP etc I would recommend the Wikipedia article on HTTP as a starting point.



    Umm, judging from your error messages your Host has not only disabled allow_url_fopen, but fopen completely (in the php.ini, see Either get them to enable fopen for local files again or find a better host. Personally I would opt for the latter, if only for the reason that they either are clueless about PHP or lie to there customers about how they configured PHP.



    To quote the w3c: Cool URIs don’t change.
    I would set up a copy of the old database, make a new WP installation that uses that database, adjust the WP settings for URIs to whatever you want and then set up redirects on the old installation so all links there redirect to the same content on the new blog. If you do it on HTTP level (for example with a .htaccess and mod_rewrite or by replacing your index.php with a php script using header()) feed readers should follow them too, so the risk to lose readers is really low and all traffic coming via search engines will end up on your new blog too.
    If you need help with the redirects just ask and I will see what I can do. Before I used WP I had a Sunlog powered blog under the same domain name and all the old links are still working due to mod_rewrite – compared to that your “problem” is easy ??


    (@timok) says

    If your blog is running 2.1.1, please upgrade immediately and do a full overwrite of your old files, especially those in wp-includes.



    How do you want to solve the “caching problem”? Will the css be written to a static file or dynamically delivered with a (fixed/variable?) expires header?
    How about performance? How many DB-Queries will there be per request? How much looping inside PHP will happen?



    Well, if it is really a theme problem deleting your themes folder (/home/jag82/public_html/wp-content/themes/freshy/) should solve it. If that doesn’t help then maybe your database restore did not work correctly.



    Looks very good and seems to adjust very well to different font sizes.
    I can not reproduce the above mentioned scrollbar problem here (1024*768 resolution, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/



    Ok, my idea did not work out, so unless I miss something you can’t “simulate” the desired effect with tags, sorry.



    I don’t think you are doing something wrong, your question is phrased well and you give every information that’s needed (IMO). Maybe there is no solution with the current category system? I don’t use categories at all, so I really don’t know.
    I might have a solution based on a modified version of Ultimate Tag Warrior, but I need to test my idea first.



    style.css (line 245)

    .widecolumn {
    	padding: 0px 0 0px 0;
    	margin: 0px 0 0 0px;
    	width: 450px;

    change to

    .widecolumn {
    	padding: 0 0 0 20px;
    	margin: 0;
    	width: 450px;

    I am not sure why your post got ignored, but it might have helped to include a link to your page right in the post to save people checking your profile.

    Oh and you have some very nice pictures on there ??

    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: Parse Error


    Sorry, I was sleeping.
    Prefix the lines starting with A corresponding MO file and For example, install to with // each and your problem should be solved.



    doodlebee: I am too lazy to verify this now, but I am pretty sure IE6 “makes up” the empty document source when it receives an empty response. HTML4.0 Transitional and charset=windows-1252 are strong hints, that this is not WP ouput.



    A blank white screen is almost certainly a php error with display_errors turned off. Check your servers error_log or the PHP manual for information how you can turn on display_errors.

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