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  • timok


    @favicon.ico: I think most or maybe even all browser automatically request favicon.ico, no matter if it is there or not. Creating an all white 16*16 .ico and uploading it could actually save performance, as the browsers then can cache that file (and it might be smaller than your 404 page too).
    200-350kb for an image on the web is still a lot, I would try to get that < 150kb at least.

    Anyhow, I dont think that will really reduce the load on the server, so finding a better host might be your best option. 2000 page impressions per day are nothing, unless you pay < 1$ per month your host really should not complain about that.



    <?php wp_list_cats();?> should read <?php wp_list_cats();?>



    A blank white screen is almost certainly a php error with display_errors turned off. Check your servers error_log or the PHP manual for information how you can turn on display_errors.



    You want to create a filter and hook it in at the “the_content” hook. See and

    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: Parse Error


    It would help if you could copy&paste your wp-config.php in between backticks, so it is formatted exactly as the PHP-Parser sees it.



    Could be a problem with mod_suexec or mod_suphp. If you have access to the error_log or suphp_log you can find further information there (if you find the “premature end…” there and don’t know what the other errors right before that one mean, post them here). If not, try a phpinfo() and check the modules section (or post it here).
    A link to your page would help too, so one could check which parts work and which not. If it is a suexec/suphp problem it is most likely that some of your template files dont have the right owner or group.



    Well, I guess one of the reasons there are no flash menus in WP themes is that they lack accessability – and I am glad about that. As for DHTML or CSS drop downs: While there are some very good examples out there to show that you can make them in a easy-to-use, accessible and cross-browser-compatible way, it is not too easy to cast the – by theory endless wide and deep – WP (category) navigation into such a markup. IOW: A dropdown menu with 4 top-level categories and a maximum depth of 2 – short: (4/2) – is easy, one that works for (4/2), (2/8), (15/1) and (25/7), is still fast, is usable in all major browsers, JS on or off, THAT is hard to build.



    The empty page most likely comes from the error_reporting/display_errors settings in PHP. You can either check the error_log or change your settings (see the php manual)



    $query = "SELECT ID, post_name, post_title, post_content
    FROM wp_posts
    WHERE post_status = 'publish' and post_date <= now()
    ORDER BY post_date DESC
    LIMIT 0 , 5 ";

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
      printf("<span><a href='/YOURBLOGURL/?id=%s'>? %s</a> </span> <br />%s<br /><br />",
        $row["ID"], $row["post_title"], $row["post_content"]);
    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: Fatal error


    drmike: While asking the host to up the memory can solve the problem, I think this issue should be taken care of by the WP devs. I am working with PHP for years now and I don’t see why a WP admin page should use more than 8MB of memory on the server. I can understand need for more memory when you handle huge files (image manipulation, generation or parsing of large CSV files, Excel sheets, PDFs, etc), but that is usually NOT the case in WP admin pages, so this error MIGHT be a sign of poor programming somewhere in there.



    Looks like a php error with error_reporting off. Either turn on error_reporting (the php manual can help you there) or check your webservers error.log

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Endless searchform


    style.css (line 312)

    #s {
    background:#111111 none repeat scroll 0%;
    border:1px solid #333333;
    width:250px; /* <== YOUR’PROBLEM’ */

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Need help desparate!


    Usually with plugins that show something on your blog you need to adjust your themes templates. The plugins documentation should explain which “template tags” you can put into your templates.



    Not a popup, but I have written a small JS script to allow loading of the comments and the comment form right in the index page – as well as a small guide how to include that into almost any theme. If you know some PHP, HTML and maybe CSS it should not take you more than 10 or 15 minutes to apply my ‘hack’ to your favorite theme. You can see the script in action at – in case the entry about my ‘hack’ is no longer on front page when you read this, the permalink is

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