Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Thread Starter TKouch


    Hi Matthew,

    I had difficulty figuring out how to open a ticket and had sent in the problem via ‘contact us’ as well before I figured it out. Someone named Rick reached out to me and told me that there is a known issue with the legacy donation template using the shortcode to display it. My theme actually has a WP Bakery element to display the GiveWP donation form, but somehow the issue where the PayPal button does not display happened for us as well when we upgraded our GiveWP plugin from version 2.33.1 to version 3.6.1.

    So, I recreated our donation form to use the classic template instead. I was able to get the PayPal button to appear, but it took a lot of time to figure out how to remove the venmo button & all the credit card fields. I finally found the new settings added to the PayPal payment method and was able to turn venmo off and use smart buttons only for the payment field type.

    I do still have an issue, thought, because we didn’t want the “Debit or Credit Card” button. I tested it and am waiting for verification that those donations make it to the account correctly.

    1. Is there a way to remove the Debit or Credit card button
    2. Why does my custom CSS not work on the classic form? I have ‘inspected’ the page and can hide whatever I want from there, but the loading of the page ignores ALL my CSS formatting, both what I had for the legacy form & any new formatting for the new form. I did change the CSS to reference the new form number. Somehow, it is just not allowing me to change any of the formatting for the form.

    Thank you for following up. I spent hours last night getting everything working so the website could accept donations again. I look forward to your response.

    thanks, Terri

    Hello, I just upgraded to GiveWP version 3.x.x from 2.33.x and the PayPal button is no longer appearing on our giving page.


    thank you, Terri

    Thread Starter TKouch


    Thank You for your assistance. The plugin is now working!!!!

    Thread Starter TKouch


    Thank you Rick.
    Just to confirm … my database still has these 4 tables after I deactivated (removing all data) and deleted the plugin:
    a. wp_give_log
    b. wp_give_logs
    c. wp_give_migrations
    d. wp_give_revenue

    Is that correct or should I delete these tables before I reinstall GiveWP?

    Thanks so much, Terri

    Thread Starter TKouch


    You gave me the exact same instructions that you gave me already – I did the steps to add the wp_give_logs table last week and it did NOT fix the problem.

    We have NO donation data as I am trying to get this working for the first time. Can I just DELETE the plugin and all the wp_give tables from the database and start over? I just want to get it working.

    Please advise! Thanks, Terri

    Thread Starter TKouch


    After getting those errors, I tried manually running the database updates/migrations (per your instruction on
    Result: each of the 6 database updates ran successfully
    Then I tried re-running the database updates, and it failed again. There are now 5 error logs. I will include them here:

    update error

    post_title:Update Error
    post_content:Update Task
    Total update count: 33
    Update IDs: Array
        [0] => upgrade_give_payment_customer_id
        [1] => upgrade_give_offline_status
        [2] => v18_upgrades_form_metadata
        [3] => v189_upgrades_levels_post_meta
        [4] => v1812_update_amount_values
        [5] => v1812_update_donor_purchase_values
        [6] => v1813_update_donor_user_roles
        [7] => v1817_update_donation_iranian_currency_code
        [8] => v1817_cleanup_user_roles
        [9] => v1818_assign_custom_amount_set_donation
        [10] => v1818_give_worker_role_cleanup
        [11] => v20_upgrades_form_metadata
        [12] => v20_upgrades_user_address
        [13] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
        [14] => v20_upgrades_donor_name
        [15] => v20_move_metadata_into_new_table
        [16] => v20_rename_donor_tables
        [17] => v201_upgrades_payment_metadata
        [18] => v201_add_missing_donors
        [19] => v201_move_metadata_into_new_table
        [20] => v210_verify_form_status_upgrades
        [21] => v213_delete_donation_meta
        [22] => v215_update_donor_user_roles
        [23] => v224_update_donor_meta
        [24] => v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id
        [25] => v230_move_donor_note
        [26] => v230_move_donation_note
        [27] => v230_delete_donor_wall_related_donor_data
        [28] => v230_delete_donor_wall_related_comment_data
        [29] => v240_update_form_goal_progress
        [30] => v270_store_stripe_account_for_donation
        [31] => add-past-donation-data-to-revenue-table
        [32] => migrate_existing_logs
    Update: Array
        [update_info] => Array
                [id] => v201_add_missing_donors
                [version] => 2.0.1
                [callback] => give_v201_add_missing_donors_callback
                [type] => database
        [step] => 1
        [update] => 5
        [heading] => Update 5 of 2
        [percentage] => 0
        [total_percentage] => 150

    update pause

    post_title:Update Pause
    post_content:stdClass Object
        [key] => wp_give_db_updater_batch_1bdaa3e068beaebc540c9164ac503d67
        [data] => Array
                [10] => Array
                        [id] => v20_upgrades_user_address
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_upgrades_user_address
                        [type] => database
                [11] => Array
                        [id] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_upgrades_payment_metadata_callback
                        [type] => database
                [12] => Array
                        [id] => v20_upgrades_donor_name
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_upgrades_donor_name
                        [type] => database
                [13] => Array
                        [id] => v20_move_metadata_into_new_table
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_move_metadata_into_new_table_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
                                [1] => v20_upgrades_form_metadata
                        [type] => database
                [14] => Array
                        [id] => v20_rename_donor_tables
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_rename_donor_tables_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v20_move_metadata_into_new_table
                                [1] => v20_logs_upgrades
                                [2] => v20_upgrades_form_metadata
                                [3] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
                                [4] => v20_upgrades_user_address
                                [5] => v20_upgrades_donor_name
                        [type] => database
                [15] => Array
                        [id] => v201_upgrades_payment_metadata
                        [version] => 2.0.1
                        [callback] => give_v201_upgrades_payment_metadata_callback
                        [type] => database
                [16] => Array
                        [id] => v201_add_missing_donors
                        [version] => 2.0.1
                        [callback] => give_v201_add_missing_donors_callback
                        [type] => database
                [17] => Array
                        [id] => v201_move_metadata_into_new_table
                        [version] => 2.0.1
                        [callback] => give_v201_move_metadata_into_new_table_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v201_upgrades_payment_metadata
                                [1] => v201_add_missing_donors
                        [type] => database
                [18] => Array
                        [id] => v210_verify_form_status_upgrades
                        [version] => 2.1.0
                        [callback] => give_v210_verify_form_status_upgrades_callback
                        [type] => database
                [19] => Array
                        [id] => v213_delete_donation_meta
                        [version] => 2.1.3
                        [callback] => give_v213_delete_donation_meta_callback
                        [depends] => Array
                                [0] => v201_move_metadata_into_new_table
                        [type] => database
                [20] => Array
                        [id] => v215_update_donor_user_roles
                        [version] => 2.1.5
                        [callback] => give_v215_update_donor_user_roles_callback
                        [type] => database
                [21] => Array
                        [id] => v224_update_donor_meta
                        [version] => 2.2.4
                        [callback] => give_v224_update_donor_meta_callback
                        [type] => database
                [22] => Array
                        [id] => v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id
                        [version] => 2.2.4
                        [callback] => give_v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v224_update_donor_meta
                        [type] => database
                [23] => Array
                        [id] => v230_move_donor_note
                        [version] => 2.3.0
                        [callback] => give_v230_move_donor_note_callback
                        [type] => database
                [24] => Array
                        [id] => v230_move_donation_note
                        [version] => 2.3.0
                        [callback] => give_v230_move_donation_note_callback
                        [type] => database
                [25] => Array
                        [id] => v230_delete_donor_wall_related_donor_data
                        [version] => 2.3.0
                        [callback] => give_v230_delete_dw_related_donor_data_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v224_update_donor_meta
                                [1] => v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id
                                [2] => v230_move_donor_note
                                [3] => v230_move_donation_note
                        [type] => database
                [26] => Array
                        [id] => v230_delete_donor_wall_related_comment_data
                        [version] => 2.3.0
                        [callback] => give_v230_delete_dw_related_comment_data_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v230_move_donor_note
                                [1] => v230_move_donation_note
                        [type] => database
                [27] => Array
                        [id] => v240_update_form_goal_progress
                        [version] => 2.4.0
                        [callback] => give_v240_update_form_goal_progress_callback
                        [type] => database
                [28] => Array
                        [id] => add-past-donation-data-to-revenue-table
                        [version] => 2.9.0
                        [callback] => Array
                                [0] => Give\Revenue\Migrations\AddPastDonationsToRevenueTable Object
                                [1] => run
                        [type] => database
                [29] => Array
                        [id] => migrate_existing_logs
                        [version] => 2.10.0
                        [callback] => Array
                                [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
                                        [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object
                                        [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object
                                [1] => run
                        [type] => database

    update health check

    post_title:Update Health Check
        [id] => migrate_existing_logs
        [version] => 2.10.0
        [callback] => Array
                [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
                        [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object
                        [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object
                [1] => run
        [type] => database
    Updated doing update:
        [update_info] => Array
                [id] => upgrade_give_payment_customer_id
                [version] => 1.3.2
                [callback] => give_v132_upgrade_give_payment_customer_id
                [type] => database
        [step] => 1
        [update] => 1
        [heading] => Update 1 of 2
        [percentage] => 0
        [total_percentage] => 0

    a second update health check error

    post_title:Update Health Check
        [id] => migrate_existing_logs
        [version] => 2.10.0
        [callback] => Array
                [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
                        [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object
                        [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object
                [1] => run
        [type] => database
    Updated doing update:
        [update_info] => Array
                [id] => upgrade_give_payment_customer_id
                [version] => 1.3.2
                [callback] => give_v132_upgrade_give_payment_customer_id
                [type] => database
        [step] => 1
        [update] => 1
        [heading] => Update 1 of 2
        [percentage] => 0
        [total_percentage] => 0

    update restart

    post_title:Update Restart
    post_content:stdClass Object
        [key] => wp_give_db_updater_batch_1bdaa3e068beaebc540c9164ac503d67
        [data] => Array
                [10] => Array
                        [id] => v20_upgrades_user_address
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_upgrades_user_address
                        [type] => database
                [11] => Array
                        [id] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_upgrades_payment_metadata_callback
                        [type] => database
                [12] => Array
                        [id] => v20_upgrades_donor_name
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_upgrades_donor_name
                        [type] => database
                [13] => Array
                        [id] => v20_move_metadata_into_new_table
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_move_metadata_into_new_table_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
                                [1] => v20_upgrades_form_metadata
                        [type] => database
                [14] => Array
                        [id] => v20_rename_donor_tables
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_rename_donor_tables_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v20_move_metadata_into_new_table
                                [1] => v20_logs_upgrades
                                [2] => v20_upgrades_form_metadata
                                [3] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
                                [4] => v20_upgrades_user_address
                                [5] => v20_upgrades_donor_name
                        [type] => database
                [15] => Array
                        [id] => v201_upgrades_payment_metadata
                        [version] => 2.0.1
                        [callback] => give_v201_upgrades_payment_metadata_callback
                        [type] => database
                [16] => Array
                        [id] => v201_add_missing_donors
                        [version] => 2.0.1
                        [callback] => give_v201_add_missing_donors_callback
                        [type] => database
                [17] => Array
                        [id] => v201_move_metadata_into_new_table
                        [version] => 2.0.1
                        [callback] => give_v201_move_metadata_into_new_table_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v201_upgrades_payment_metadata
                                [1] => v201_add_missing_donors
                        [type] => database
                [18] => Array
                        [id] => v210_verify_form_status_upgrades
                        [version] => 2.1.0
                        [callback] => give_v210_verify_form_status_upgrades_callback
                        [type] => database
                [19] => Array
                        [id] => v213_delete_donation_meta
                        [version] => 2.1.3
                        [callback] => give_v213_delete_donation_meta_callback
                        [depends] => Array
                                [0] => v201_move_metadata_into_new_table
                        [type] => database
                [20] => Array
                        [id] => v215_update_donor_user_roles
                        [version] => 2.1.5
                        [callback] => give_v215_update_donor_user_roles_callback
                        [type] => database
                [21] => Array
                        [id] => v224_update_donor_meta
                        [version] => 2.2.4
                        [callback] => give_v224_update_donor_meta_callback
                        [type] => database
                [22] => Array
                        [id] => v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id
                        [version] => 2.2.4
                        [callback] => give_v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v224_update_donor_meta
                        [type] => database
                [23] => Array
                        [id] => v230_move_donor_note
                        [version] => 2.3.0
                        [callback] => give_v230_move_donor_note_callback
                        [type] => database
                [24] => Array
                        [id] => v230_move_donation_note
                        [version] => 2.3.0
                        [callback] => give_v230_move_donation_note_callback
                        [type] => database
                [25] => Array
                        [id] => v230_delete_donor_wall_related_donor_data
                        [version] => 2.3.0
                        [callback] => give_v230_delete_dw_related_donor_data_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v224_update_donor_meta
                                [1] => v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id
                                [2] => v230_move_donor_note
                                [3] => v230_move_donation_note
                        [type] => database
                [26] => Array
                        [id] => v230_delete_donor_wall_related_comment_data
                        [version] => 2.3.0
                        [callback] => give_v230_delete_dw_related_comment_data_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v230_move_donor_note
                                [1] => v230_move_donation_note
                        [type] => database
                [27] => Array
                        [id] => v240_update_form_goal_progress
                        [version] => 2.4.0
                        [callback] => give_v240_update_form_goal_progress_callback
                        [type] => database
                [28] => Array
                        [id] => add-past-donation-data-to-revenue-table
                        [version] => 2.9.0
                        [callback] => Array
                                [0] => Give\Revenue\Migrations\AddPastDonationsToRevenueTable Object
                                [1] => run
                        [type] => database
                [29] => Array
                        [id] => migrate_existing_logs
                        [version] => 2.10.0
                        [callback] => Array
                                [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
                                        [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object
                                        [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object
                                [1] => run
                        [type] => database


    Thread Starter TKouch


    Thanks for your help. I did exactly as your instructions said. Afterwards, the wp_give_log table was empty and the wp_give_logs table had 1 row in it.

    I then re-installed the Give-Donation plugin (version 2.4.10) and tried to run the updater. It gave me this error almost immediately:
    An unexpected issue occurred during the database update which caused it to stop automatically. Please contact support for assistance.

    There are 3 error logs created from running the updater:

    (1) `Description: Update Error
    Category: Migration
    Source: Give Core
    Date & Time: 2021-05-07 18:04:53`
    Error details:

    post_title:Update Error
    post_content:Update Task
        [update_info] => Array
                [id] => migrate_existing_logs
                [version] => 2.10.0
                [callback] => Array
                        [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
                                [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object
                                [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object
                        [1] => run
                [type] => database
        [step] => 1
        [update] => 29
        [heading] => Update 29 of 30
        [percentage] => 0
        [total_percentage] => 90
     Query failed in database


    Description: Update Pause
    Category: Migration
    Source: Give Core
    Date & Time: 2021-05-07 18:04:53
    Error details:

    post_title:Update Pause
    post_content:stdClass Object
    [key] => wp_give_db_updater_batch_1bdaa3e068beaebc540c9164ac503d67
    [data] => Array
    [10] => Array
    [id] => v20_upgrades_user_address
    [version] => 2.0.0
    [callback] => give_v20_upgrades_user_address
    [type] => database

    [11] => Array
    [id] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
    [version] => 2.0.0
    [callback] => give_v20_upgrades_payment_metadata_callback
    [type] => database

    [12] => Array
    [id] => v20_upgrades_donor_name
    [version] => 2.0.0
    [callback] => give_v20_upgrades_donor_name
    [type] => database

    [13] => Array
    [id] => v20_move_metadata_into_new_table
    [version] => 2.0.0
    [callback] => give_v20_move_metadata_into_new_table_callback
    [depend] => Array
    [0] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
    [1] => v20_upgrades_form_metadata

    [type] => database

    [14] => Array
    [id] => v20_rename_donor_tables
    [version] => 2.0.0
    [callback] => give_v20_rename_donor_tables_callback
    [depend] => Array
    [0] => v20_move_metadata_into_new_table
    [1] => v20_logs_upgrades
    [2] => v20_upgrades_form_metadata
    [3] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
    [4] => v20_upgrades_user_address
    [5] => v20_upgrades_donor_name

    [type] => database

    [15] => Array
    [id] => v201_upgrades_payment_metadata
    [version] => 2.0.1
    [callback] => give_v201_upgrades_payment_metadata_callback
    [type] => database

    [16] => Array
    [id] => v201_add_missing_donors
    [version] => 2.0.1
    [callback] => give_v201_add_missing_donors_callback
    [type] => database

    [17] => Array
    [id] => v201_move_metadata_into_new_table
    [version] => 2.0.1
    [callback] => give_v201_move_metadata_into_new_table_callback
    [depend] => Array
    [0] => v201_upgrades_payment_metadata
    [1] => v201_add_missing_donors

    [type] => database

    [18] => Array
    [id] => v210_verify_form_status_upgrades
    [version] => 2.1.0
    [callback] => give_v210_verify_form_status_upgrades_callback
    [type] => database

    [19] => Array
    [id] => v213_delete_donation_meta
    [version] => 2.1.3
    [callback] => give_v213_delete_donation_meta_callback
    [depends] => Array
    [0] => v201_move_metadata_into_new_table

    [type] => database

    [20] => Array
    [id] => v215_update_donor_user_roles
    [version] => 2.1.5
    [callback] => give_v215_update_donor_user_roles_callback
    [type] => database

    [21] => Array
    [id] => v224_update_donor_meta
    [version] => 2.2.4
    [callback] => give_v224_update_donor_meta_callback
    [type] => database

    [22] => Array
    [id] => v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id
    [version] => 2.2.4
    [callback] => give_v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id_callback
    [depend] => Array
    [0] => v224_update_donor_meta

    [type] => database

    [23] => Array
    [id] => v230_move_donor_note
    [version] => 2.3.0
    [callback] => give_v230_move_donor_note_callback
    [type] => database

    [24] => Array
    [id] => v230_move_donation_note
    [version] => 2.3.0
    [callback] => give_v230_move_donation_note_callback
    [type] => database

    [25] => Array
    [id] => v230_delete_donor_wall_related_donor_data
    [version] => 2.3.0
    [callback] => give_v230_delete_dw_related_donor_data_callback
    [depend] => Array
    [0] => v224_update_donor_meta
    [1] => v224_update_donor_meta_forms_id
    [2] => v230_move_donor_note
    [3] => v230_move_donation_note

    [type] => database

    [26] => Array
    [id] => v230_delete_donor_wall_related_comment_data
    [version] => 2.3.0
    [callback] => give_v230_delete_dw_related_comment_data_callback
    [depend] => Array
    [0] => v230_move_donor_note
    [1] => v230_move_donation_note

    [type] => database

    [27] => Array
    [id] => v240_update_form_goal_progress
    [version] => 2.4.0
    [callback] => give_v240_update_form_goal_progress_callback
    [type] => database

    [28] => Array
    [id] => add-past-donation-data-to-revenue-table
    [version] => 2.9.0
    [callback] => Array
    [0] => Give\Revenue\Migrations\AddPastDonationsToRevenueTable Object

    [1] => run

    [type] => database

    [29] => Array
    [id] => migrate_existing_logs
    [version] => 2.10.0
    [callback] => Array
    [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
    [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object

    [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object


    [1] => run

    [type] => database




    Description: Update Health Check
    Category: Migration
    Source: Give Core
    Date & Time: 2021-05-07 18:04:53
    Error details:

    post_title:Update Health Check
    [id] => migrate_existing_logs
    [version] => 2.10.0
    [callback] => Array
    [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
    [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object

    [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object


    [1] => run

    [type] => database

    Updated doing update:
    [update_info] => Array
    [id] => upgrade_give_payment_customer_id
    [version] => 1.3.2
    [callback] => give_v132_upgrade_give_payment_customer_id
    [type] => database

    [step] => 1
    [update] => 1
    [heading] => Update 1 of 2
    [percentage] => 0
    [total_percentage] => 0



    We have NO donation data as I am trying to get this working for the first time. My guess is that the issue came from trying to import demo data from the new theme into our WP environment.

    Can I just DELETE the plugin and all the wp_give_ tables from the database and just start over? I just want to get it working.

    Thank you so much for your assistance. Terri

    Hello, Please advise if I should install the new version of the plugin to fix this? I have not been able to successfully run the Updater in my database as of yet. Please review my error logs posted previously.
    thanks, Terri

    Good afternoon,
    a) I see that you have released a new version of the plug-in. Should I try installing that and rerunning the updater?
    b) My environment currently has no donations as I am just setting it up for the first time. Could that be the issue with the updater?
    Waiting to hear back from you …
    thanks, Terri

    I reran and received the message:
    “An unexpected issue occurred during the database update which caused it to stop automatically.
    Update 1 of 30
    There are 3 error logs. Each have a category of “Migration” and a Source of “Give Core”. The descriptions for the 3 errors are respectively: “Update Error”, “Update Pause”, and “Update Health Check”.

    The first error (Update error) log gives the following:

    post_title:Update Error
    post_content:Update Task
    Total update count: 0
    Update IDs: Array
    Update: Array
        [update_info] => Array
                [id] => migrate_existing_logs
                [version] => 2.10.0
                [callback] => Array
                        [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
                                [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object
                                [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object
                        [1] => run
                [type] => database
        [step] => 643721
        [update] => 29
        [heading] => Update 29 of 30
        [percentage] => 0
        [total_percentage] => 93

    The second error (Update pause) log gives the following:

    post_title:Update Pause
    post_content:stdClass Object
        [key] => wp_give_db_updater_batch_932d9258387bb8eb59976bc779f0b6d5
        [data] => Array
                [14] => Array
                        [id] => v20_rename_donor_tables
                        [version] => 2.0.0
                        [callback] => give_v20_rename_donor_tables_callback
                        [depend] => Array
                                [0] => v20_move_metadata_into_new_table
                                [1] => v20_logs_upgrades
                                [2] => v20_upgrades_form_metadata
                                [3] => v20_upgrades_payment_metadata
                                [4] => v20_upgrades_user_address
                                [5] => v20_upgrades_donor_name
                        [type] => database
                [29] => Array
                        [id] => migrate_existing_logs
                        [version] => 2.10.0
                        [callback] => Array
                                [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
                                        [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object
                                        [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object
                                [1] => run
                        [type] => database

    The third error (Update health check) log gives the following:

    post_title:Update Health Check
        [id] => migrate_existing_logs
        [version] => 2.10.0
        [callback] => Array
                [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
                        [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object
                        [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object
                [1] => run
        [type] => database
    Updated doing update:
        [update_info] => Array
                [id] => migrate_existing_logs
                [version] => 2.10.0
                [callback] => Array
                        [0] => Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs Object
                                [logTypeHelper:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LogTypeHelper Object
                                [legacyLogsTable:Give\Log\Migrations\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\Log\Helpers\LegacyLogsTable Object
                        [1] => run
                [type] => database
        [step] => 643721
        [update] => 1
        [heading] => Update 1 of 0
        [percentage] => 0
        [total_percentage] => 0

    Please let me know. I did not deactivate all the plug-ins when I ran it this time.

    thanks, Terri

    I am having a similar issue with both the 2.10.2 and 2.10.3 versions. I am in my staging environment where I am implementing a new theme which included the GiveWP as a plugin. Every time I click the Updater, it just spins and spins. This last time it ran overnight and all day today.

    I also have a demo version of our new theme and the GiveWP updater ran in that environment with no problem – it ran in just a couple of minutes.

    * I am on GoDaddy hosting and can not find any caching to disable.
    * I have deactivated all the plugins in my staging environment which are not in my demo environment (since it works there, I assume there is no plugin conflicts). See list of active and deactivated plugins below.

    Please advise if this is the correct place for support. We have a licensed copy of GiveWP so I feel like I should be able to use your support from but I don’t have an account to use.


    WP Version: 5.7.1
    Theme: Churhius
    Version: 2.5
    Author: monkeysan
    Child Theme: not yet
    Active Plugins
    All-in-One WP Migration version 7.4.1 by ServMask 
    All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension version 2.39 by ServMask 
    Churhius Theme – Functionality version 1.0.8 by monkeysan 
    Contact Form 7 version 5.4 by Takayki Miyoshi 
    Easy Tables (vc) version 2.0.1 by WPBakery 
    Give - Donation Plugin Version 2.10.3 & 2.10.4
    Latest Tweets Widget version 1.1.4 by Tim Whitlock 
    Redux version 4.1.24 by + Dovy Paukstys 
    Sermon Manager for WordPress version 2.16.7 by WP for Church 
    Slider Revolution version 6.3.3 by ThemePunch
    The Events Calendar version by The Events Calendar 
    WPBakery Page Builder version 6.6.0 by Michael M -
    Inactive Plugins (inactivated to try to get this to work ... many will be active in production)
    Easy Google Fonts version 1.4.4 by Titanium Themes
    Envato Market version 2.0.6 by Envato 
    EventON version 2.3.23 by AshanJay
    EventOn - Events List version 0.7 by AshanJay
    Go Daddy Quick Setup version 1.04 by
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP) version 6.7.0 by ExactMetrics
    Gravity Forms version by rocketgenius
    Gravity Forms version 2.4.24 by rocketgenius
    Gravity Forms CSS Ready Class Selector version 1.1 by Brad Vincent
    Gravity Forms Mailchimp Add-On version 4.8 by Gravity Forms
    Gravity Forms PayPal Standard Add-On version 3.4 by Gravity Forms
    Hello Dolly version 1.7.2 by Matt Mulleweg
    Limit Login Attempts version 1.7.1 by Johan Eenfeldt
    Limit Login Attempts Reloaded version 2.21.0 by Limit Login Attempts Reloaded
    MailPoet version 2.14 by MailPoet
    MailPoet version 3.60.9 by MailPoet
    McAfee SECURE version 1.9.1 by TrustedSite
    Post Grid by PickPlugins version 2.1.3 by PickPlugins
    Qube+ Elements version 1.1 by Qube+
    Qube+ Once Click Import version 3.1 by Qube+
    Really SImple SSL version 4.0.13 by Really Simple Plugins
    Search & Replace version 3.2.1 by Inpsyde GmbH
    Series Engine version 2.8.4 by Eric Murrell (Volacious)
    Sermon Browser version 0.45.22 by Mark Barnes
    Sermon Podcast for Church Theme Content version 1.0.6 by Churchly
    Simple CSS version 1.1.1 by Tom Osborne
    SlickNav Mobile Menu version 1.9.1 by Neil Gee
    Smash Balloon Instagram Feed version 2.9 by Smash Balloon 
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore version 1.16.53 by
    Woocommerce version 5.2.2 by Automattic 
    WordPress Importer version 0.7 by wordpressdotorg 
    Yoast Duplicate Post version 4.1.2 by Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast
    Yoast SEO version 16.1.1 by Team Yoast

    thank you for your assistance

    Thread Starter TKouch


    Thank you. Yes, that is the same video which I used to confirm that I was doing it correctly.

    Not sure how you want me to send screenshots … this ticket doesn’t allow me to add them. Basically, I select a date (in the future), set the number available to 3 and the price to 50, then click Apply. The calendar continues to show Unavailable for that date. No matter what I do, I cannot get the calendar to show available appointments.

    I’m sure it is something ridiculous that is causing this … I just can’t figure out what it is. The other plugins that I have activated are Contact Form 7 by Takayuki Miyoshi, Contact Widgets by GoDaddy, Flamingo by Takayuki Miyoshi, Page Builder by SiteOrigin, Really Simple SSL by Rogier Lankhorst, SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle by SiteOrigin, Under Construction by Web factory Ltd. Could there be a conflict with another plugin? I have a number of inactive plugins as well.

    Thank You.

    Thanks for the help dougiegsd – I removed my checkbox group with multiple selections, and the spinning arrow doesn’t happen anymore.

    But for some reason I’m not receiving the email? It’s been over a half hour now and I still haven’t received the 2 emails that I sent from the form. I know it’s setup correctly because yesterday I was eventually getting the email, although it took an hour or so.

    The only plugins that I have activated are Under Construction, Contact Form 7, and Really Simple CAPTCHA. CF7 was my 2nd plugin installed. I’m using the Aspen theme.

    I just installed Contact Form 7 (version 3.5) to my development website today, and am also getting the spinning arrow. Eventually, if I leave it for awhile, it sends the email, but it takes a long time (like an hour or so). I just installed Contact Form 7 today – and it installed the latest version.

    Interestingly, though, I had the old version of Contact Form 7 (version 3.4.2) on another website. I also updated it to the new version today, but appears to be working fine. It’s not getting the spinning arrow nor is it taking forever to send an email.

Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)