Dear Takis,
i found the error maker ??
1. The picture was not resized = The path to the picture was wrong! wp-uploads//2016/01/blabla.jpg. I installed an path changer “WP Original Media Path” to change the upload path. In the future i want to deliver the pictures over an subdomain. And in this plugin i made an misconfig. i put a “/” at the end of path. and of this, the plugin sets the // in the path. Now it runs perfect!!
2. The htaccess error it dont now. the plugin says everythink is okay, but it dont change the htaccess. i dont know why he do that. but after i put the lines manually he shows the same. i think that the first error makes the plugin runs mad.
i m very satisfied about the plug in … and about your very fast support. and i m very “argh” about me, i dont see the // in the path.
Best regrads