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  • This is a feature that we thought would be ideal for this, allow someone to access their branch but not others.

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    Mine is also not working, can you look at let me know if I am doing it right?

    I have added the exception code at the end of the JPG files I do not wish to convert in my Banners Folder.


    This is what my .htaccess file looks like, is this correct?

    # BEGIN WebP Express
    # The rules below are a result of the WebP Express options, WordPress configuration and the following .htaccess capability tests:
    # – mod_header working?: could not be determined
    # – pass variable from .htaccess to script through header working?: no
    # – pass variable from .htaccess to script through environment variable working?: could not be determined

    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} original
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
    RewriteRule . – [L]

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On

    # Redirect to existing converted image in cache-dir (if browser supports webp)
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/$1.$2.webp -f
    RewriteRule ^/?(.+)\.(jpe?g|png)$ /wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/$1.$2.webp [NC,T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1,L]

    # Make sure that browsers which does not support webp also gets the Vary:Accept header
    # when requesting images that would be redirected to existing webp on browsers that does.
    <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
    SetEnvIf Request_URI “\.(jpe?g|png)$” ADDVARY

    # WebP Realizer: Redirect non-existing webp images to webp-realizer.php, which will locate corresponding jpg/png, convert it, and deliver the webp (if possible)
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^/?(.+)\.(webp)$ /wp-content/plugins/webp-express/wod/webp-realizer.php?xdestination-rel=xwp-content/$1.$2&wp-content=wp-content [E=DESTINATIONREL:wp-content/$0,E=WPCONTENT:wp-content,NC,L]

    # Redirect images to webp-on-demand.php (if browser supports webp)
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)
    RewriteRule ^/?(.+)\.(jpe?g|png)$ /wp-content/plugins/webp-express/wod/webp-on-demand.php?xsource-rel=xwp-content/$1.$2&wp-content=wp-content&%1 [E=REQFN:%{REQUEST_FILENAME},E=WPCONTENT:wp-content,NC,L]

    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
    # Apache appends “REDIRECT_” in front of the environment variables defined in mod_rewrite, but LiteSpeed does not.
    # So, the next lines are for Apache, in order to set environment variables without “REDIRECT_”

    # Set Vary:Accept header for the image types handled by WebP Express.
    # The purpose is to make proxies and CDNs aware that the response varies with the Accept header.
    Header append “Vary” “Accept” env=ADDVARY

    # Set X-WebP-Express header for diagnose purposes
    Header set “X-WebP-Express” “Redirected directly to existing webp” env=EXISTING

    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
    AddType image/webp .webp

    # END WebP Express

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    I was able to fix it. I renamed the original file to a new name and uploaded a new custom link and deleted the original custom link and it works fine now.

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    If I de-activate your plug in all icons go away, I just re-activated it and they all came back including the three reddit icons.

    If I delete the one custom link for reddit, all three go away but If I do another I am sure I will have four icons so I don’t want to do that again.

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    I cleared my browser cache three icons are still there, I have WP Fastest cache installed so I deleted all the cache and verified and the three icons were still there, I deactivated WP Fastest cache and the three icons are still there.

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    So I went to the trash and there was the original podcast page in there, I deleted trash and I went in and changed the slug on the active page and still same thing happens. Thank you for that suggestion.

    I currently backed up my site and upgraded to WP 5.0.2 and re-activated MCE and checked, still the same look as I attached in previous email. I hit shift and reloaded the page a dozen times and a few icons came up but they still don’t work. I deactivated MCE and deleted it from my site and downloaded a full download from your site and installed and the results are the same as above. I hit shift and reload several times and nothing changed.

    I hope this helps you because I love MCE and I look forward to using it again as soon as you can figure out the problem. if you need me to test anything please don’t hesitate to let me know!

    I just tried your suggestion and it did load the top bar but the lower bar is all little squares. I highlighted some text and clicked insert, Insert Edit link and when I click that my screen starts flashing.

    The insert media which wasn’t working before now works.

    If I disable tiny mce advanced the default menu works fine

    Below is an image of what I see. the URL is on the older version of wordpress

    Click here

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    Honestly I am not sure! I read about the /tmp and another post said something about a /wwwtmp I created both and gave the permissions as 777 as suggested and the site started to function again.

    Either that or my ISP got enough calls and fixed it on their end??? of course they will neither confirm or deny, they just say they don’t support wordpress.

    I actually found most of my stuff on Google search, not here.

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    After reading for countless hours, I got it fixed

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    I read in another support about it being a PHP problem on the host side, they said to create a file to see my php info which I did and the following is set on my host

    upload_tmp_dir /tmp (for local value) /tmp (for master value)

    in wordpress I am not sure where this folder should go, my site is under WWW for the root folder. I didn’t see the folder there so I created it and changed all the permissions to RW for everything.

    Any other help, actually ANY Help would be appreciated! ??

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    I just installed a brand new wordpress 4.4.1 on another domain and went to upload an image and got the same error about missing a temporary folder

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    Is anyone else having this problem, it sounds from my ISP they have received many calls regarding this same issue.


    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    Also it appears that non of my plug ins are updating as well.

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