Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: inviteI’m not sure I understand what you’re doing with this open domain idea, but it seems like a well intentioned thing. On the other hand, domain squatting is not a well intentioned thing. Shelling out the $6.95 or whatever didn’t, IMNSHO, give you a right to the domain name in the first place. You asked for comments.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How can you deactive a plug in when you can not loginIn the table wp_options, there is an active_plugins . You’d need to delete from there, but there is some numerical code aside from just the plugin names. Backup the database before you tinker…
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Is there any reason to use other blog systems?whooami, I cut the useage of bandwidth from spam by 75% by converting a site from b2evolution to wordpress. So it has “more problems” than at least one other blogging platform (this one).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A WP blog updating another WP blog ?All the update service sends is a ping. So, even if you somehow made it post, I guess it would just post a ping, not the actual post.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing? Blog ContentDoes his blog have an Atom or RSS feed? If so, you can use one of the syndication plugins like FeedWordPress or AggRSS. Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Make hyperlinks open page in new window?Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Password correct but nothing happensIs your firewall blocking cookies? I had the identical problem with Zone Alarm Pro. I added the site by both site name and IP address to Zone Alarm’s trusted sites (firewall tab) and Privacy tab sites list before the problems caused by the firewall were completely defeated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Parent Page only in SidebarFrom:
(integer) Numeric value for how many levels of hierarchy (sub-pages) to display. Defaults to 0 (display all pages).So:
<?php wp_list_pages('depth=1&title_li='); ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: One of my categories is brokeIs your blog installed in the directory /news/ ? If so, wouldn’t it need to be /news/exhibitions/ to get the category? Have you tried changing your permalinks so that categories have a different layout like /cat/news and /cat/exhibitions/ ? If all else failed, given that you used to have a page and template by that name you might consider an alternate name for the category. Maybe change it to “exhibits” or “shows” instead of “exhibitions”?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Limiting posts per day or authorIf you have that many authors you might want to consider either multiple blogs or a forum instead of a blog. Just a thought.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Someone got into my admin panel !They didn’t necessarily have to get into your admin panel to modify files. It could be about poor password security. It could be about another security problem on the server. It could even be one of those other PHP programs let them in, but it was your blogs that they wanted to deface.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Comment form closed but still receive spamPick at least one of the child cat posts, hit “edit this post,” check the box for the parent category as well, then hit “save.”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A WP blog updating another WP blog ?Use a feedreading plugin to use the RSS feed. If you want it in the sidebar, CG-Feedread works great.
If you want to actually generate duplicate posts in the second blog (a bad idea if search engine results matter, by the way) try FeedWordPress.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: passworded page questionClear the cookies and browser cache? Probably somethign I’d do if I ever used a public computer anyway…