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  • After the database update some fields were still missing. The data was still there in the database but I had to manually add all of the missing fields for the data to be available on the site.

    Tomi Toivio


    You can just add the prefix to the name of your table and then do SQL queries with $wpdb->get_results().

    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "mytable";
    $mytablecontents = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $table_name);
    Tomi Toivio


    I don’t know what you wanna do, but I can do something when admin posts a comment reply from the admin panel with a function like this.

    /* Call the function when comment is posted */
    add_action('comment_post', 'my_admin_reply');
    function my_admin_reply($id) {
          /* Only do it when posting from admin */
          if (is_admin()) {
          $mycomment = get_comment($id);
          $mycommentid =  $mycomment->comment_ID;
          $mycommentparent = $mycomment->comment_parent;
          $mycommentcontent = $mycomment->comment_content;
          /* Only do it when the comment has a parent */
          if (!empty($mycommentparent)) {
                  /* Doing something with the comment contents */
          	      $mycommentarr = array();
    	      $mycommentarr['comment_ID'] = $mycommentid;
    	      $mycommentarr['comment_content'] = $mycommentcontent . " Doing something!";
    Tomi Toivio


    I think you are passing making a query which includes the query string of the original category. So you are actually making a query with two categories.

    Leaving out the original $query_string from the query_posts() works for me:

    $posts = query_posts('posts_per_page=6&cat=6');

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Post Title issue
    Tomi Toivio


    Something like this?

    function my_remove_title_spaces ($title) {
    	 $title = preg_replace("/ /","",$title);
      	 return $title;
    add_filter( 'the_title', 'my_remove_title_spaces');
    Tomi Toivio


    Maybe you should use $wpdb?

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: store tweet in database
    Tomi Toivio


    It was easy to fetch tweets from Twitter Search with curl, decode the json and add them to a database table. I had a snippet of code for doing that.

    However Twitter now requires that you authenticate with OAuth even for searches. It makes the business of fetching tweets a lot harder than it used to be.

    So I would use a plugin like Twitter Tools rather than bothering with the OAuth authentication.

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