Forum Replies Created
Obviously, the best what I can do, I do. I answer on my own helpreguest which I placed here 8 hours ago. I do this not for selfish reasons. No. I have the true intention to help the open source community even though I am more a victim than a profiteur.Even though I am really angry I do not do it for my own selfish reasons. I mean, who has ever answered his own help request in this Forum before – except me?
How inconsistent and illogical the installation of an SMTP server under WordPress on Bluehost is my topic here. Basically there are only two errors. But I paid too much to correct them. Approximately 25 hours I spent on this opaque and obscure setup.
I installed 2 smtp-servers as plugins before only to throw them out again. Then the last one seemed to be promising. It was “Fluent SMTP”. Yes, it is working now. But again: The price I paid was too high to make it running for my outgoing mails.
Let me ask you some questions here:
1) Why cannot Bluehost pre-configure the SMTP Server for their customers automatically?
2) Why am i told in every Forum and under every help-hint that my mail-server is
That is not true. My mail-server is in truth is even worse in this unorganised community: The first smtp-server I installed was “POST SMTP”. “One of the most popular SMTP plugins”, they say. And these people do not shy away from saying that my outgoing smtp server should be addressed as “”. 3 different explanations on one fact. This is simply crazy and needs grande streamlining. It makes me insane. I only ask myself if they lead me astray intentionally or if this disinformation (everywhere in WP) is based on operational blindness. You guys must answer this for yourself. I can only diagnose these things.
Then – during the setting of ALL 3 smtp-servers I installed the user is asked for “Your smtp-username” and “your smtp-password”. Fine. Someone who has never had contact or touch to this tortuous awkward questions thinks, of course, he must invent a new name and a new password for this purpose. Everybody who is new to this will think so. But no. Oh, no, of course not. We developers of the smtp-mailers, we are the worlds uncrowned champions of awkwardness and encrypted secrets. And immediately you run into ther next trap. I would have NEVER EVER have thought that there is only your common mailname and your common mail-password expected. The mail you use every day. Why do you not ask for my email and email-password? Because you are elitist. You ask for this mysterious SMTP-username and SMTP-password.Then, when I de-activated and deleted my plugin “fluent smtp” and wanted to reload it fresh and clean to correct the errors I made above (again: that i committed these errors was not my fault, but the fault of anti-intuitive, contradictory information of 3 different parties here) that worked neither. I could not find an entry into the set-up of “Fluent SMTP”. Possibly it was not erased enough or there was any cache involved or the site allowed not for a fresh start. i do not know it. on the 4th or 5th trial however (I do not know how) I was in it again, could reconfigure the setting and now all my test-mails went through with success. Of course I am very, very relieved now. as I said above I just want to show you herewith in what strange waters the whole hosting-community sails. Their thinking is kind of trapped in their professional box. The first thing should be to streamline all instructions in matters of smtp. I still do not understand why I need an external smtv-provider when I installed the “Fluent SMTP” plugin, which is surely the best product of its kind momentary. Surely. But still a little awkward, But the real nightmare are all these blacklisted, rejected mails from the PHP-mailing which nobody ever mentioned in the glossy advertisements on Bluehost. It is very sad. Having said that I cannot be grateful enough to one guy in India who helped me out of my misery yesterday. His name was “” SHRADA “”. If he had not given me the tip to address the smtp-server with a BOX before and bluehost after the “Mail” entry I would be the eternal Sysiphos reloaded from the greek tragedy. Their support-job in India is surely not easy, not to say it is possibly a thankless job.
“Thank you, Shrada”. Without him I had never achieved to run my own smtp-server on Bluehost.Hello.
Since I ran into exactly the same trap and I see that Kenneth′s
help-request is not answered by no one after that almost 2 months
have passed, I see once more how bloody lonely the WP-user is.I have loaded now the 4th smtp-plugin, with Fluent SMTP.
I had to delete all 3 former SMTP plugins, since none worked.It is fuck… complicated, unbelievable opaque and confusing to
set up a working Mail-Form. But no one talks about it. Neither
has anyone ever mentioned that the default php-system set up on
Bluehost ist practically unusable, since all the mails it sends
to the customers end up as spam or are blacklisted – or both.
This fact is simply kept secret.Sometimes i think those who have studied the opaque and obscure
ways of setting up email and WordPress in general needed years
for it, to get used to it and then all pretend it would be easy
to use it. They behave like the priest-cast of a conspiratorial
religious community. It is sooo strange. It borders to insanity,
how complicated the set-up of a smtp-server still is these days.
All the old mail-protocolls from the 1980-ees should be deposed
on the digital garbage-heap of history. we neither use Zeppelins
no more today. Up to this day I have not grasped the theoretical
model of how email works. And that despite the fact that I bought
my first computer in 1977, a TRS80 with a Zilog processor and
16 KB of RAM. I bet 90 percent of all users are in the same
situation, even though no one would admit that. It is a pity.I should cancel the whole account at Bluehost now. But I have
said that too often before and started then again to tinker with
the mess again. Its a time- & nerve-wrecking Sysiphos-untertaking.I could vaumit all over my desk now, so strong I am upset with it.
Look at my site, ( ) there you can see me in the
middle of my construction-site.Thomas
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need support with my WordPress installationDear Corinna.
Let me whisper a silent “good morning” first, before I start another of my comments.
I keep it short. The first thing was that TAR was not to open with my Dezipper. OK. Open Source has its own resources. I downloaded yesterday “”. When I called it up this morning early the first error was that it missed any file (from Australia) to dezip the downloaded wordpress-5.6.1.tar –
Ok. Once I was online again the whole complex was decipped. It has only 50 MB, – but 2623 files in 316 directories. The next, – I am sorry, but I have no other wording for this, – repellant was the greeting message of Mister Matt Mullenweg in the ReadMe.1st.
His message contains an endless list of all the whereabaouts how to deal with diverse config-files. Under Point 2 it says: “Open wp-admin/install.php in your browser. It will take you through the process to set up a wp-config.php file with your database connection details.
Already this fist step failed – since Windows 10 (artificial intelligence) asks with which file it should open a “php”-file and offers to lead you to its MS-store. Nice solution. Its opening with my text-editor only. Its any programming language, maybe Python. It is as it is almost always, as it has been almost always with all Open Source Software over the years. There are some rare exceptions, Not only Scribus, but the DOS-Box runs smoothly too, which enables me to work with programs from the companies “Ashton-Tate” and “Borland” which both went bancrupt decades ago, in the mid-1990-tees.
So far I wasted 6 hours with two trials do run a wordpress-server on my Acer Aspire here in Portugal.
It is a shame and a pity. In most cases open source is missing a file here and there and an installation of its products fails in 2 of 3 cases. Yes. After the about 20 hours I wasted so far – WordPress is a nightmare for me. Really. My head is not suited to deal with its puzzles of variating snippets, with its four editors etc. I am a german. Germans can go very deep but most of them need structure and order.
I regret that I touched this bloated puzzle at all.
But I remain very grateful for your personal help!Thomas
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need support with my WordPress installationDear Corinna,
(this is a site I had never approached myself)
I read the following suggestions to contribute:1. Chat with members of the community … etc.
2. Read the Scribus Team’s blog … etc.
3. Visit Scribus Wiki and ask for an account.
You could be contributing in no time.
4. Join the Scribus User Mailing List and ask …
5. Check out Scribus code from Scribus Subversion ..
6. Got problems to report? Head on to Scribus Bug
Tracking System …
7. Thinking of something you don’t see on this page?
Talk to us. You could become a new hero of the
Open Source Desktop Publishing!Alah, no account is shown where I could upload my 100 Euros
for my relief and for THEIR GREAT WORK. I am (for myself only)
already a hero of self-publishing, since I can export my
fully approved PDF-files for content and for cover of my
800-pages autobiography and bring it to any letter-press –
be it here in Portugal or be it on any other place in the world –
to print my book in short time in almost any letterpress.
That thought is so very amazing for me and I could never
ever have accomplished it without Scribus. Or is it that
I am again too stupid to understand the slight irony in
Point 7 of the list?Is there eventually any judical reason for this?
Yours sincerely
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need support with my WordPress installationHuh, faster than the speed of life.
Witty Corinna, I will contribute today
to Scribus. I swear it, I give my oath.
It is my personal desire to do so.Tom
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need support with my WordPress installationIt worked smoothly WordPress 5.8.1 TAR with 14.735 MB.
I hope I can turn around the game and later bring it up
to life via PDF. I try to replace intelligence with
experience again, what is no easy undertaking.Thank you so much, really.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need support with my WordPress installationCorinna,
thank you for your enggement for me.
WHAT ? – The TAR file from is about 15 MB?
If that is true why the is Bitnami recommended by others?
Of course, I will try to get the original from this place.
Once I have it on my own PC here, it could still work out
for me. – Something else, Corinna:Before I started up with my beloved SCRIBUS I had terrible
experiences with 2 knownn so calles PDF-Editors. Once I
had mastered my book I wanted to contribute with Euro 100.–
to the great guys and to all those open source people.
Neither on the homepage of Scribus nor on any other place
I could find a hint to which account I could send my
contribution. I still want to do this. Since this site is
a part of the open source software community I ask you
where I could find their (Scribus′s) contribution account.I hope I am not too stupid now to find the file in this place.
of course I always received a low grade in school in Math.
That is completely correct, Corinna. You will beat me in
chess in under 5 minutes. In this respect I am a fool, indeed.Thomas
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need support with my WordPress installationHello to everyone
but especially to
Corinna Russo,after studying the offerings of the three teaching-sites you recommended I thought it would be a good start to install the WordPress system here at home on my ACER Aspire Notebook on my 64-bit Windows 10.
So I downloaded the WordPress system from and choose the version for my computer.
The downloaded files name is “bitnami-wordpress-5.8.1-0-windows-x64-installer”. It has not less than 235 Megabyte – even though its content is compressed.
“That is too much”, I thought, “but ok”. For the first installation I choose the english language. The first annoying error occured when the installer did not accept my password. The installer claimed that it did not consist completely from ANSI or ASCII signs. That was nonsense, I took only keys for the password which are directly addressable on my keyword.
After overcoming this nonsense the installation procedure did REALLY take at least 15 minutes to proceed through an endless depacking of content and so on only to stop in an excessively long error-message that in itself can only be considered as an attack on health and spiritual integrity of the user.
It said :Error running C:/Bitname/WORDPR-1.1-0/mariadb/bin\mysql_install-db.exe–port=3306–datadir=C:\Bitnam\wordpress-5.8.1-0/mariadb/data:2021-09-27 22:13:36 … etc. … etc.
Gosh! I stop here. It is gruelsome long this error-mesage. Finally it ends with “FATAL ERROR: database creation failed”. The then usual “tips” follow,
Nonsense that I am offered since 40 years. It says I could be helped under
But I stopped long ago to believe hollow promises like that. Such messages have stolen years of my valuable lifetime. The tip ends with “please leave a comment in the Knowledge Base or a file bug report at –
Before I waste more time and nerves into fruitless efforts like this, I thought, let me check if the culprit is again our bloatware producing octopus who hindered me once to install Linux on my Aspire with a similar trick.
So I pressed F2 at the start to change the boot-procedure on my Aspire from “Win Boot Manager” to “HDD:WDC WD5000LPCX” which is my Harddisk. Further I changed from English to German language. The same thing happened as before, Fatal Error with the installation of a SQL-database which was named after the blessed virgin Maria. In what a world do we live?
Let me please say one thing, Corinna. I will take and accept bettings on it: You do not know anyone, not one person, neither in your acquaintance-circles nor in this wordpress-forum who has more or equal computer experience than I have. If Ray Kurzweil is your friend then I possibly loose my bet. Otherwise not at all. My first computer I purchased in 1977. It was Tandy with 16 KB RAM, a Zilog-Processor and CP/M as operating-system. That was at a time when Intel had yet no market. As I said I will be 70 next year.
If someone like me fails over and over again with the wordpress-concept – how only will other people cope with its bloated code? Ok. It is my karma. Surely.
It must be my negative thinking which infects the surrounding minds like a pestilence. At least that is what I was told before. Why then I learned Scribus (with no paid video and no teacher) myself and finished my 800 pages book with it? With 69 years?
I am fed up. I lost tremendous amounts of time and life quality over decades with the deciphering of others peoples softwares. We are all too dependant on it. Today the software is between 10.000 and 100.000 times bigger and bloatier than it was 40 years ago.
30 years ago people complained about bloat-code and too long booting-times already. Nothing has changed. The code is bloatier than ever and the booting of PC′s takes longer today than ever before. It really is a terrible “Hamsterrad”. For me it is unbearable.Thomas
PS: I will rather die than expect any help from the outside now. The only regret I have is that I dealed a lot less with this topic of bloated code in my book than I should have done. I will look for the tiniest webbuilder on the market and liquidate WordPress.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need support with my WordPress installationCorinna,
“welcome to wordpress101” is 19 Dollars for one month and 49 for one year.
It offers – beside the video-lecture – the support forum should one have
difficulties with one or two matters occuring in their wordpress 5 training video costs 35,57 Euros.
And the video-tutorial “WordPress for Beginners” is only Euro 12,99.
But there are 2 or even 3 follow-up videos for more advances WP-users.I marked all three sites. I will decide tomorrow which one I will take.
I thank you once more for your constructive suggestions. Thanks, Corinna.Kind regards
ThomasForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need support with my WordPress installationthank you for your hint. I will try all three given links.
But not before tomorrow. I had to take a break and to think
and do other things in the last 3 days, Corinna.We will see if I will take a new approach next week.
The only good thing here is, that I am under no time-stress.
I can relax a week or even two and then start new with it.Thomas