My apologies for the delayed reply – I went on vacation during the holidays and promptly forgot about the issue.
edit: I found the problem! If I leave the email address for notifications blank, the form does not add the /rsvpmaker in the link. I did not want it emailing me every time somebody submitted the form. When I recreated the form, I had an email address in the form. After testing it and getting the confirmation email, I removed the email address again…and the form stopped working!
Broken Form:
Working Form:
I think that event was corrupted somehow.
Here’s a test event:
I use a few plugins I wondered that might affect this. I am systematically various plugins to see if this corrects the issue. I am also trying some stock themes to see if that corrects the issue.
– SiteOrigin PageBuilder
– iThemes Security
– Simple Calendar
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by tonalregression. Reason: Problem resolved!
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by tonalregression. Reason: no Email Address causing bug