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  • Best be careful. I tried in vain to get pre-sales support from WP-Ecommerce as so many people have issues with the plugin. See their forums and do your due diligence in Googling for “WP-ecommerce” and “wordpress shopping cart plugin” etc. and you’ll see the mass number of complaints against Wp-ecommerce.

    I’ve only had experience with them and Phpurchase. Phpurchase installed and worked in 5 minutes. It also worked with other plugins unlike wp-ecommerce.

    Not trying to trash anyone, I know wp-ecommerce has been around a while, but it doesn’t work for me and it doesn’t work for a lot of other people.

    Phpurchase is also pci compliant btw…cheers

    Well, it took a few hours of staring at the message and looking at my hosting account until I figured out a measly “/” was missing from the beginning of my path “hsphere/local/home/fivehole/”.

    I would think this problem would plague just about everyone??

    Anyway, just commented out the following code from wpbusdirman.php file:

    $uploaddir = trim($uploaddir,’/’);

    I still love to know how to donate to the cause as this is FANTASTIC plugin so far…plus I’d like some premium support ?? Cheers!!!

    Hi Themestown,

    First, thanks for the great plugin. Just a couple questions…

    1) How do I make a donation?

    2) Everything in the plugin seems to work great except uploading an image. I’m getting the error you mention on your site about:

    “[1272201668_0.jpg]could not be moved to the destination directory hsphere/local/home/fivehole/”

    That’s my error specifically. I’ve tried what you suggested in your post about permissions etc. I’m at my wits end…any help much appreciated.

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