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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] fatal errorHi, are you hosting or wordpress?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Menu – Shadow/Size/Logo/Background @customizerI was able to figure out everything you are doing by reading through the snippets: just a quick suggestion
https://www.themesandco.com/?s=menuForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Left Sidebar ProblemI know this most likely the section in the js.mini file to edit but what would I edit, because nothing is working for me. Sadly.
. on("load",function(){function b(){767>e&&(i&&j?a(f).insertBefore(g):i?a(f).insertBefore(g):a(f).insertBefore(h))}function c(){767>e?a("#main-wrapper .container .span3.tc-sidebar").insertAfter(f):i&&j?a(f).insertBefore(h):i?a(f).insertAfter(g):a(f).insertBefore(h)}var d=a(window),e=d.width(),f=a("#main-wrapper .container .article-container"),g=a("#main-wrapper .container .span3.left.tc-sidebar"),h=a("#main-wrapper .container .span3.right.tc-sidebar"),i=!1,j=!1;g.length>0&&(i=!0),h.length>0&&(j=!0);var k=new Date(1,1,2e3,12,0,0),l=!1,m=200;a(window).resize(function(){k=new Date,l===!1&&(l=!0,setTimeout(c,m))}),b(),a(".widget-front, article").hover(function(){a(this).addClass("hover")},function(){a(this).removeClass("hover")}),a(".widget li").hover(function(){a(this).addClass("on")},function(){a(this).removeClass("on")}),a("article.attachment img").delay(500).animate({opacity:1},700,function(){})})}(window.jQuery)});
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Left Sidebar ProblemHey d4z, your help is priceless around here, and thank you for everything!
I studied b0th of the links you gave me created two child themes for both js scripts.
but I can’t figure out what to modify because I tried change the
instertBefore to instertAfter.no luck and I’m just not sure what to modify, hey d4, could you point me in the right direction on what exactly to modify?
Thank you so much!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Left Sidebar showing at bottom of pageHey Manu and d4, I’ve studied this link and tried every thing,
went to the link provided by awesome d4z and I can’t get it to work,hey manu or d4, what did you change exactly to get this to work?
I’m having the same issue and I really need a solution.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Left Sidebar ProblemHey, wow, I searched forever and could not find a post, you saved me, I’m going to try the solutions right now. Thanks d4z!
You are so helpful!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] button under feature imaged4z is the Man, this guy is awesome and really helps!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] add "circles" to other pagesNow here is the final version of the code just paste into your text editor and edit the images and links at will
<div class="container marketing"> <div class="row widget-area" role="complementary"><div class="span4 fp-one1"> <div class="widget-front"> <div class="thumb-wrapper "><a class="round-div" href="https://demo.themesandco.com/style-your-website-live/" title="Style your website live!"></a><img width="270" height="250" src="https://eebfa6e5d2c5429094d6-4131c45348359b05377a52f08bbf10dc.r88.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/wand1.png" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="wand" /></div><h2>Style your website live!</h2><p class="fp-text-one"> </p><a class="btn btn-primary fp-button" href="https://demo.themesandco.com/style-your-website-live/" title="Style your website live!">Learn more ?</a> </div><!-- /.widget-front --> </div><div class="span4 fp-two"> <div class="widget-front"> <div class="thumb-wrapper "><a class="round-div" href="https://demo.themesandco.com/add-sliders-to-any-pagepost/" title="Add sliders to any post"></a><img width="270" height="250" src="https://eebfa6e5d2c5429094d6-4131c45348359b05377a52f08bbf10dc.r88.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/plus1.png" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="plus" /></div><h2>Add sliders to any post</h2><p class="fp-text-two"> </p><a class="btn btn-primary fp-button" href="https://demo.themesandco.com/add-sliders-to-any-pagepost/" title="Add sliders to any post">Learn more ?</a> </div><!-- /.widget-front --> </div><div class="span4 fp-three"> <div class="widget-front"> <div class="thumb-wrapper "><a class="round-div" href="https://demo.themesandco.com/full-html5css3/" title="Full HTML5/CSS3"></a><img width="270" height="250" src="https://eebfa6e5d2c5429094d6-4131c45348359b05377a52f08bbf10dc.r88.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/html52.png" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="html5" /></div><h2>Full HTML5/CSS3</h2><p class="fp-text-three"> </p><a class="btn btn-primary fp-button" href="https://demo.themesandco.com/full-html5css3/" title="Full HTML5/CSS3">Learn more ?</a> </div><!-- /.widget-front --> </div></div> </div><!-- .container -->
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] add "circles" to other pagesThe above codes with the formula I just gave works perfectly I justed tested it so let me know how it goes
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] add "circles" to other pagesokay I just got!
to keep all the bubbles from expanding at the same time just look at this line:<div class=”row widget-area” role=”complementary”><div class=”span4 fp-one”>
NOW add the number 1 in from of the word one like so
<div class=”row widget-area” role=”complementary”><div class=”span4 fp-one1″>
and there you have it! baby boom and elvis has left the building!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] add "circles" to other pageshere is a start: but you will have to tweak the code a take it a step further, you will also have to edit the details in the code like the image url and labels, paste this into your page text editor and see if you can get it working correctly.
change and cusomize the css and add a new css to like ‘container marketing1’
`<div class=”container marketing”>
<div class=”row widget-area” role=”complementary”><div class=”span4 fp-one”>
<div class=”widget-front”>
<div class=”thumb-wrapper “><a class=”round-div” href=”https://demo.themesandco.com/style-your-website-live/” title=”Style your website live!”></a><img width=”270″ height=”250″ src=”https://eebfa6e5d2c5429094d6-4131c45348359b05377a52f08bbf10dc.r88.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/wand1.png” class=”attachment-medium wp-post-image” alt=”wand” /></div><h2>Style your website live!</h2><p class=”fp-text-one”> </p><a class=”btn btn-primary fp-button” href=”https://demo.themesandco.com/style-your-website-live/” title=”Style your website live!”>Learn more ?</a>
</div><!– /.widget-front –></div><div class=”span4 fp-two”>
<div class=”widget-front”>
<div class=”thumb-wrapper “><a class=”round-div” href=”https://demo.themesandco.com/add-sliders-to-any-pagepost/” title=”Add sliders to any post”></a><img width=”270″ height=”250″ src=”https://eebfa6e5d2c5429094d6-4131c45348359b05377a52f08bbf10dc.r88.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/plus1.png” class=”attachment-medium wp-post-image” alt=”plus” /></div><h2>Add sliders to any post</h2><p class=”fp-text-two”> </p><a class=”btn btn-primary fp-button” href=”https://demo.themesandco.com/add-sliders-to-any-pagepost/” title=”Add sliders to any post”>Learn more ?</a>
</div><!– /.widget-front –></div><div class=”span4 fp-three”>
<div class=”widget-front”>
<div class=”thumb-wrapper “><a class=”round-div” href=”https://demo.themesandco.com/full-html5css3/” title=”Full HTML5/CSS3″></a><img width=”270″ height=”250″ src=”https://eebfa6e5d2c5429094d6-4131c45348359b05377a52f08bbf10dc.r88.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/html52.png” class=”attachment-medium wp-post-image” alt=”html5″ /></div><h2>Full HTML5/CSS3</h2><p class=”fp-text-three”></p><a class=”btn btn-primary fp-button” href=”https://demo.themesandco.com/full-html5css3/” title=”Full HTML5/CSS3″>Learn more ?</a>
</div><!– /.widget-front –></div></div>
</div><!– .container –>`Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] add "circles" to other pagesLet me think about this
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Show page content on blog pageyes, it is, you can use a plugin to display your posts on any page.
try this plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/single-latest-posts-lite/Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Site crushed downIf someone can figure this out, that would be awesome, best of luck.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] button under feature imagetry this if that does not work, this right here should do it!
.fp-button-one {
.fp-button-two {
.fp-button-three {