Forum Replies Created
Robert, kui endiselt vaja, siis LHV j?relmaksu liidese leiad ka siit . See siis Codelight poolt arendatud.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Estonian Banklinks for WooCommerce] Maksekeskus korraldas makseviisid ümberRisto, see oli küll v?ga kiire tagasiside ??
Tore kuulda, et on lootust j?relmaks toimima saada ja t?nud, et viitsid Eesti e-kaubanduse arengusse selle liidesega panustada.
Soovin edu ja j??me ootama!
ToomasHi Joan
Thanks for reply! I prefer not to post my website address here publicly but as you can see from Imn40227 and lizeipe websites, problem occurs in every website. Unfortunately at the monent plugin is not usable, I have online shop and several customers are complaining that they can’t post product comments on Chrome and product comments are very important for me.
It would be nice if you could check this issue and it would be wounderful if you will find solution because overall it is good plugin and I really don’t want to unistall it.
Best regards
ToomasHi Joan
Thanks for reply!
I’m using latest version of Chrome, it doesn’t seem to be related with Chrome version.
For example Contact Form 7 plugin and reCAPTCHA are working fine together on Chrome, so I’m not sure it’s related Google javascript engine either.
But thanks again, I’ll try to find another solution.
Thanks for quick reply! Works fine, thanks!
Best regards
ToomasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Estonian Banklinks for WooCommerce] Luminori pangalingi makse ei toimiTere Risto
Hetkel tundub küll, et probleem leidis lahenduse.
Ma esimese asjana v?tsin k?tte ja proovisin Luminori testkeskkonnas makseid teha ja seal küll mingit veateadet ei saanud. Igal maksel on ju unikaalne ID tellimuse numbri n?ol olemas, seega ei tohiks selles probleemi justkui olla.
Ja LIVE keskkonnas hakkasid ka asjad m?ned p?evad hiljem t??le.
Arvan, et tegemist oli ikka pangapoolse probleemiga kuna enne pangalink toimis ja nüüd paistab ka toimivat.
ToomasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Overwriting plugin files in child-theme not workingThanks Chris! Everything is OK now!