Forum Replies Created
Great, thanks for the update.
Nice one, Russ. Glad you’ve been able to get to the bottom of it. I look forward to seeing the new version soon.
Conrad.Hi Russ,
Yes I have that plugin installed. The complete list is:
– AddThis Follow Buttons
– AdRotate
– Akismet
– All-in-One Event Calendar by
– All-in-One Event Calendar Extended Views by
– Posterboard and Stream views for’s All-in-One Event Calendar – – All-in-One Event Calendar Super Widget by
– A Super widget extension for All-in-One Event Calendar
– All-in-One Event Calendar Twitter Integration by
– Twitter integration for All-in-One Event Calendar
– All-in-One Event Calendar Venues by
– CyberChimps Pro Features
– Display Widgets
– Google AdSense by BestWebSoft
– MapPress Easy Google Maps
– Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget & shortcode)
– Share Buttons by AddThis
– Site Offline or Coming Soon
– tibit
– Twiget Twitter Widget
– WP-Memory-Usage
– Wpdevart Facebook commentsCheers,
Conrad.Hi Russ,
Thanks for getting back to me. I should’ve added that I have had a couple of pay outs and the issue remains.
Here is my balance at biteasy. But the plugin still shows the error message.
Conrad.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Venues Add-on not workingI also have this problem. I just paid again for Core+ thinking it could be because more than 12 months have elapsed since I first purchased it ?? But that hasn’t made any difference (in fact the Venues plugin appears to be exactly the same version as the first time I bought it).
I also get the same message when trying to manage my venues:
“You are not allowed to manage these items.”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Fatal error: Out of memory with v2.3.5Thanks, Benjamin. I will get in touch with them and resolve the PHP memory limit before raising any similar issues if any remain. Closing this now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Fatal error: Out of memory with v2.3.5Thanks for the heads up. I am running a later version of PHP but I’ve taken that new version (2.3.6) anyway. Initially I got the same out of memory error but it seems to have settled down now (without me doing anything). I have a few other issues with the plugin though (unable to add media to an existing event, clicking save options takes me to a completely blank page) but I’ll raise these separately.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Fatal error: Out of memory with v2.3.5Okay I’ve done both suggestions and no change so I guess now is the time to get in touch with hosting support. I’ll report back here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Fatal error: Out of memory with v2.3.5Hi Benjamin,
Thanks for this. I’ve copied those lines in to the top of wp-config.php but I still get the same error. Time to move back to 2.3.4?
Conrad.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Fatal error: Out of memory with v2.3.5Thanks for your suggestion. My site is completely unreachable though, either the main site or wp-admin. The only thing that it is possible to see is the error: