Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Feedwordpress Fatal Error with WP3Have you tried deactivating other plugins to see if there is a conflict? I’m running WP 3.0 and FeedWordPress 2010.0623, and it works for me.
My mistake, I hadn’t properly called my custom comments function. Works great.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: After upgrade to 2.7 – very slowFor those experiencing a slow dashboard in 2.7, try deleting all your spam comments. This causes the “Recent Comments” box to load much more quickly.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Slow dashboard 2.7 helpI was having this same problem. I had several hundred spam comments, which caused the “Recent Comments” box to perform multiple queries over hundreds of rows in the comments table before it came up with five legitimate ones to display.
To solve the problem I simply deleted all my spam comments. The dashboard loads much faster now. Hope this works for you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Captioning Doesn’t WorkI just realized the problem is the wp-typogrify plugin. After disabling it, caption shortcode works as expected.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Captioning Doesn’t WorkI’m having this same problem (using WP 2.6). The shortcode is there in the HTML editor, the caption is visible in the visual editor, but the captions don’t even show up in the page source when viewing the post (none of those dl, dt, or dd tags at all).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Drafts not showing up in “Manage” pageI am actually still experiencing this problem (WP 2.3.2).
If I write a post, and click Save or Save and Continue Editing, the post does not show up in the Manage page, even when I filter by Drafts.
If I then manually type the post ID into the edit post url, I am presented with the draft; if I then click Save or Save and Continue Editing a second time, the draft now does appear in the Manage page when filtering by Drafts.
I’m sure I’ve lost several drafts this way, but I don’t want to iterate through a bunch of post IDs to find them.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Search results not showing the correct numberThe crucial line here is
<?php $results++; ?>
This just increments a PHP variable for every post displayed on the current page (which you apparently have set to a limit of 2). It can’t count the posts on other pages.
I think in order to display the number of search results accurately, you need to install a plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using comments as shoutbox?I’d like to add a request for some help with this. What I’ve done is create a page called “Arbitrary Comments,” whose ID is 120. All I had to do then was add this code to my sidebar:
<?php query_posts('page_id=120'); ?>
<?php comments_template(); ?>And the comments and reply box appeared.
However, I’d like the comments to be in descending order of recentness. Is there a way I can do this without altering the WordPress source? I tried pasting the contents of comments.php into the sidebar instead of using the comments_template function, but it seems there is more to that function than meets the eye, as this produced errors.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to customize “paged archives”I believe I may have solved this myself; paged archives use the main index template, so I added this code to it:
<?php if ( is_paged() ) { ?>
<? } else { ?>
<? } ?>
It’s just a conditional that does one thing if it’s a paged archive, and another if it’s not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Using loops and query_postsIs there any way to do this while only showing one post? In other words, I want to show only the most recent post that doesn’t have a particular post-ID.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No categories foundnevermind…i removed the code from the sidebar, so that it ONLY appears in the menubar, and now it’s working.
i guess you can’t call the list_cats tag twice.