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Yes – all is fine, except when the lmfwc-files folder are NOT found and keys should be read from the constant in wp-config.
When read from lmfwc-files response = :success=>true
When read from the WP constant response: :code=>”lmfwc_rest_data_error”, :message=>”License Key: T0-TLaKRN7TzEc80F6G9E50yH7m17Tb could not be found.”, :data=>{:status=>404}}
It may be a different issue – not authentication issue at all.
Hmmm Okey – it seems to be a different problem now. Or maybe Im doing something wrong.
When I setup the same conditions, I do not get any PHP errors.When keys are read from lmfwc-files I get this response from server:
{:success=>true, :data=>{:id=>3, :orderId=>3225, :productId=>3212, :userId=>1, :licenseKey=>"T0-TLaKRN7TzEc80F6G9E50yH7m17Tb", :expiresAt=>"2020-09-30 00:00:00", :validFor=>nil, :source=>1, :status=>2, :timesActivated=>2, :timesActivatedMax=>2, :createdAt=>"2020-09-11 11:00:48", :createdBy=>1, :updatedAt=>"2020-09-23 08:56:35", :updatedBy=>1}}
When I rename lmfwc-files to lmfwc-files-old, and I assume keys are read from wp-config.php I get this response:
{:code=>"lmfwc_rest_data_error", :message=>"License Key: T0-TLaKRN7TzEc80F6G9E50yH7m17Tb could not be found.", :data=>{:status=>404}}
Everything is the same.
I can’t remember in which location I found the log with the error, if you can point me in the right direction(ubuntu server).
Its some time ago, but I remember the error is in line 29 of Crypto.php
‘Expecting key’ and I guess what was supplied was a string.
But PHP is not my strong side.No, the keys are correct – checked them many times.
Just a habit i have ?? – trying to keep secret codes secret, even though that aren’t really secret./** Keys for License Manager plugin */
define(‘LMFWC_PLUGIN_SECRET’, ‘289529a54860b13115b2754270a80f95c09a1213b5ef8218d1169522f7d5dd23a’);
define(‘LMFWC_PLUGIN_DEFUSE’, ‘def000006fa01352370b197e61e020b73ed6388e7891680628ce240b1377e44c0d047e6ef045cff48197d0629efa57df9ee8de3a401ecae68e49a97dd7cfbff47326ddd3’);Hi, PHP version is 7.4.10
I am not sure if the constants are actually set, or how to check that.
I have these two lines in wp-config.php:/** Keys for License Manager plugin */
define(‘LMFWC_PLUGIN_SECRET’, ‘kjh6546GSDFG-the-secret-key-54dfga’);
define(‘LMFWC_PLUGIN_DEFUSE’, ‘kjh6546GSDFG-the-long-key-54dfga’);When i rename/remove the /uploads/lmfwc-files, the authentication fails.
It seems to me that a key-format is expected in Crypto.php, but the constant is a ‘string’ when its set in wp-config.php.
Hope this is helpful.
Just let me know if anything else you need.
Hi, thanks for looking at it.
I am using version 2.2.0, I believe that is the latest.I just checked again, and it fails to authenticate the keys are defined in wp-config.php, but works when the keys are stored in the uploads folder.
I had the same issue, and spend lots of time tracking it down.
It turned out the apache2 config file for the site. Check you domain location in the file. Located something like /etc/apache2/sites-available/your-domain.conf
<Directory /var/www/your-site-location>
My site location was wrong, I corrected it, and happy days.
Hope this could help you, when you tried all the other stuff suggested in this thread.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [License Keys for WooCommerce] Fatal error on activationUps correction
That should somthing like this
sudo chown www-data:www-data -R
When you are inside the /limesrocks/wpmvc/ directoryForum: Plugins
In reply to: [License Keys for WooCommerce] Fatal error on activationHi, I had kind of same problem.
Problem seems to be that the cache and log directory are written in the wordpress root directory, which normally is not writeabel.
You properly need to change owner, something like:
sudo chown -r /limesrocks/wpmvc/
if you have terminal access to your server.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [License Keys for WooCommerce] Activation failedThank you for your reply – will adjust my permissions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [License Keys for WooCommerce] Activation failedOK – tracked it down – turns out cache is written to the wordpress installations root directory, which then must have write permissions.
I changed owner to www-data:www-data – but don’t really know if that’s a good idea.Anyway – everything looks really good ??