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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Dropdown multisite selector] Dropdown not working in 5.4.1 (Solution)Thanks it works great now – also in DIVI without further changes. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for enabeling also
//show all sites from the WMN function showAll() { $out = ''; $sites_arguments = array( 'public' => 1, 'archive' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'spam' => 0, 'orderby' => array( 'path' ), ); apply_filters('dms_sites_arguments', $sites_arguments);
Is there a way to choose actually those settings which woudl be great if you have (archived sites or even deleted ones – especially when many are inside such a multisite.
If it would be possible to choose also a site category it would help to build easily dropdowns for only selected categories.
Thanks a lot for that plugin which is a really great help anyway!
Just realized that even the plugin had been updated to 0.7 and the working version of 5.4.1 it still shows the banner that the plugin does not get maintained which is simply wrong as it gets well maintained (immediately I woudl even say) after a bug was posted.“This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Favorite Dropdown multisite selector”This is simply WRONG and NOT TRUE! I hope Team will fix that!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Just a crap@rerique your review don’t seem to be fair – sorry. And as the plugin is 100% GNU GPL you can use it on as many sites as you like, you can copy and modify it too so that it fits your needs to integrate more than one language and when you even publish your development on a public git account I am sure many woudl even join to help to improve and fix some really major flaws.
The usability of that plugin is really the best you can get but unfortunately you might loose ll your translations which have been done by automatic translation when you end i.e. yor google subscription – as meanwhile Google Translation like their Google Map usage can eat up your Google credits pretty fast and then you have no translation – well the translation gets stored in the database but somehow there seems to be a major problem to connect those translations from the internal translation memory again to the records and all that record connecting stuff causes on bigger sites a huge speed issue.
It is so sad that the translations do not get stored together with the record itself like it should be done if done professionally. Check out how TYPO3 is doing it. or check out Processwire how they store all the records. Something like that (i.e. the Processwire way) would completely avoid that speed issue and the loss of translations as the translations would be in the same record as the record itself.
This said – Until now I don’t rate that plugin but I would give it a ZERO for security of your translations and 5 for the usability as that is the best in class with only a minor problem. It would be great to have a button right the way beside field to translate which would enable you to translate automatically the content with a translation service i.e. google, bing and there are many more. I hope you will have a look to Processwire and try to implement their way in storing records as that would finally end up then for sure in THE number 1 plugin with a 5 for data security and storage and a 5 with usability. But until then I can only recommend to avoid that plugin and instead use a free alternative i.e. which seems to have lots of parallels with your plugin.
Expecting a WordPress plugin to be unconditionally FREE even when used for a potential revenue creating website, is just hurting the WordPress ecosystem (which you are also part of).
You are part of that ECO System too and a FREE plugin can create much more REVENUE for great developers (which you hopefully are) than any other commercial plugin (mostly commercialized by NON Developers with no or limited coding experience) – this is how the ECO system you describe looks like. The GNU GPL ECO system is INSPIRE TO SHARE!!!
What would be the benefits of making your plugin in full publicly available?
1. Immediately many more people would use and switch to that plugin
2. Many more BUGS would get discovered
3. Many more people would help to fix all those bugs
4. Many more useful features would get integrated, more translation services, perhaps even an open source translation memory integration ??
5. The storage problem would get solved immediately as people would rely on the 100% functionality as all other alternatives with great Usability would be pretty expensive to use.
6. Ethically you are reselling Open Source Code NOT programmed and written by you too so don’t blame others by doing the same with your code if they do to improve the data flaws and making a FREE translation plugin available for all here in WordPress
7. YOU as the developers would get a 5 star reputation as the ones who brought a FREE 100% translation plugin to WordPress with Great usability + WooCommerce and SEO compatibility + automatic translations. This reputation woudl bring you tons of projects which you can work on (well but as mentioned above – that would probably only work if your team is not a mostly “marketer team relying on other developers” but rather a developer team itself. You would get invited to talks, conferences as one of the really inspiring people of WP who bring back the original GNU GPL sense of “Inspire to share” back to WordPress leaving that commercial ECO system far behind. All other translation plugin developers would need to revise their ECO system policies too if you go 100% public with your repositories and encouraging a community approach or perhaps eve an official integration to WordPress Core (check out how Babel was storing their records in WordPress – unfortunately that project seems to be dead) YOU could revive that!!!@renrique Fork the plugin and give it a try to build up a community version if they are not doing it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End Users] Emails and Users not protected from spammers!IMHO email addresses should always be secured and the major problem in using the plugin no matter if people log into the site or not is that people have to agree!!! according to GDPR that their data get shared or not but here we have no option.
Take as example a community plugin like “youzer” which is an addition to buddypress but here the user can choose if he wants to share his data in a very specific way (can define what data can be shared. The same process had been introduced to most social media platforms i.e. Facebook. It is not OK accoring to GDPR that i.e. email addresses get shared by default – no matter where – for logged in or even logged out users. Besides that all emails get listed in an unecrypted way which means anybody can simply copy and paste all data (i.e. after he has logged in it would be visible for him (all data without any option to filter out those who don’t allow that their email or usernames get seen by others) GDPR is a major problem here in EU and all sites visible in the EU have to be compliant!!!
The plugin has huge benefits but not being compliant to GDPR is a no go for any website which is not restricted to be seen in EU, most Asian States which meanwhile followed the EU, South Africa which had the EU restrictions applied even before the EU did so, and now even the US which introduced even more restrictions i.e. COPPA, ADA etc.
emails and usernames are a major target for both – hackers and law enforcers!
This means a 100% GDPR, COPPA, ADA compliance is a must for any website no matter where it is hosted or where it will show up in the world unless you run it on your private intranet or solely on your local server.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End Users] Emails and Users not protected from spammers!all those mails are visible on THEIR site! of those emails seem to be fake but a most seem to be even real email addresses as it looks like.
When you give in i.e. “gmail” it lists you all gmail addresses if you try the search with 12 a whole lot more pops up or try a simple “a” and you get a full list with usernames – IMHO a clear GDPR Problem!
GDPR is not matched also when it says to export all user submitted data. The users which have registered with this plugin can’t get this data out again as it is NOT connected to the Core Users Feature, which is great i.e. in Multisites but terrible when the plugin does not provide a way to fulfill the GDPR requirements.
I wished it would be possible that this plugin could be GDPR compliant as then it woudl be very useful in a Multisite surrounding where the users should NOT get stored in the general main Users database – especially NOT with their real name and Data (that could be a hint how to actually connect to the Main Users – by using encrypted User Names here, which again would make WP it self much more secure)
This plugin provides its own tables which is great and they are much easier to read then the original User Table. Another plus is that this plugin does NOT register a WordPress Backend User !!! which could enter into the Backend as a Subscriber or any other i.e. Author, Contributer etc.
Another Plus is that this plugin helps to keep the Frontend people solely on the frontend while having the maintainer and i.e. blog authors , shop-managers working in the backend.
BUT – how do plugins handle this Frontend Only Plugin? Is Woocommerce still registering a backend user in the Core user table – which means in Multisites in Table 1 and it could be read by the Site 1 owner even he would not be allowed to see the rest of the data on another site (if he is not the superadmin of the network)
If that would be possible – especially in Multisites the Frontend data woudl stay solely and clearly separated on the SiteID Tables which shoudl be different that site 1!!! – Unfortunately as far as I coudl test the core Users still get created and used by other plugins which need Frontend Users.
Just 3 Major examples:
WooCommerce – User registers and all data needs to get stored in the Frontend User Tables but NOT in the Core Tables – possible or not?BuddyPress – a lot of sites are using BuddyPress and bbPress for social media like communities and LMS plugins – they really could benefit from such a plugin but again the question is in how to get that working that the users are stored solely in the Frontend User tables and not in the CORE Tables of site 1 (Multisite), If we would need both for the Frontend Users anyway than the question would be why this plugin actually exists!
General Multisite has always a SiteAdmin which is registered in the Multisite Core Network and Site 1 Main Users Table. Perhaps also a ShopManager and Author who need backend access is registered there, but all subscribers and Frontend Only Users, who visit the Blog, read restricted articles on the site, order in the shop and join a social community would not need to be registered in the CORE Table – How to avoid that both tables get filled up.
Thumbs up for the developers and I hope they get this plugin fully GDPR compliant i.e. by integrating probably even the GDPR request features inside the plugin as that would be where they belong too anyway and that some of the davs can explain or list all the plugins which actually woudl work together with this plugin so no double data entries will happen.
As the USERNAME is NOT registered as a WP CORE User it shoudl also easily be possible to actually HIDE all those User names and the Emails and instead present only the Real names (which hopefully differ from the login user Name and Email) or Nicknames (which also should differ from the User names.
In combination with Any other plugin it would be a real need to have also a USER Page, where i.e. LMS results, Orders, Bought Products, and other personal Data would get stored. All those USER PROFILE Pages could and should have a “slug” which does NOT match the email or username – perhaps even could be chosen. That also wodl solve a problem most social media community plugins have which are based on Buddypress as here always the username gets presented in the URL and only of the username contains i.e. a @ those parts would not show up and then the slug would NOT match the Username. Perhaps inserting #signs (haven’t tested other signs) into a username could help to make it more difficult to guess the correct username.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [DSGVO All in one for WP] Tolles Plugin, Pro-Version lohnt sichHi Michael
Unfortunately, you haven’t asked the most important question:
Are both plugins GPL 2+, GPL 3+ because if that would be NOT the case it would NOT be possible to integrate it into a WP site and sell it to i.e. customer as a complete work while the customer could integrate it afterward by himself or additional costs by us of course, As both plugins actually rely on the WordPress core functionality both would need to be (a must) GNU GPL 2+/3+ according to the WordPress GNU GPL License.We tested the plugin already in its free version, but as we build 100% on WordPress GNU GPL 2+ License for our customers we also guarantee them that the work itself is GNU GPL 2+/ GNU GPL 3+ which would not be the case when we integrate code which has not a GNU GPL or compliant license.
You are right that the plugin offers lots of features. The pro version even more additional codes from external vendors like Google etc. and some additional texts to the licenses which are actually part of public spaces too. So really new is the integration which follows the examples which have been given in the free version. The code is working, even it is not as easy to read as better other structured plugins, functionality is important in that case and that is given. That is also the reason we posted that in a reply to a 5-star review. We will write our own review if we have all questions answered.
I did post the question twice as it did NOT appear at the review of @mischaef and we had to assume that censorship took place. Unfortunately, pretty common our days in the review business. And unfortunately, we can’t test the pro version with the map integration, so we rely entirely on the demo on your site.
2 points we need a clearer view right now – summarised:
1. What license is the Pro-Version – is it GNU GPL 2+/GNU GPL 3+ like the Free version you have on the WordPress repository and do we need to install a new plugin with new plugin name and new namespace or will it be only entering a license number?
2. We saw the google map and open street view as well as other integrations that show only a black placeholder instead of an image i.e. a screenshot of the map or the “online resource” which should load after excepting the specific resource. The idea is great but the look with a black space is terrible. Until now we replace that space with an image (i.e. of the static map) and sometimes even with 2 switchable images of the actual map and the satellite image and when people click to verify to use the online service they can click a link to accept and get directed to the actual online map view. This also helps us to reduce the usage of Google Maps API which on high traffic sites can cause lots of costs (i.e. if you run a directory where always a map view gets loaded, only to display the site. Since we do that replacement we have about 60% reduction of costs to Google because most visitors are actually happy with the static map view and don’t require to use the Google API. So our question would also be if it is possible to limit the use of the map only on a specific page – as each new page would be another API call to Google. This sums up pretty fast in directories. If now the user has to accept to see a specific map live on each page it would be just fine and reducing costs tremendously, while when you accept one time their cookie it would always be accepted on all directory entries would cost a huge rise of costs.
Thanks!Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [DSGVO All in one for WP] Tolles Plugin, Pro-Version lohnt sich@mischaef und @mlfactory und @bilepad832
I have to agree with the fact that something seems to be not really like it should be. We are in the process of looking for a plugin that works in Germany but are pretty confused by the ratings giving here. Even they are 5 stars they complain about the plugin and it looks like Mrs. Wirth (you call her like that) has already written in a 1-star rating might be right with her opinion.
There is no chance to test actually the pro version before buying so we are in doubt if it would be a good investment or if we might get caught by a scam. Do you have some independent testimonies or examples of how everything is working i.e. on a live site beside your own that has all those pro features installed so we can test its functionality? Perhaps that one of the good review could post a link to his sites with the pro plugin.
@mischaef I had a look to the page you mentioned – seems to be the free version only
All services which are actually not essential are enabled here by default but that’s actually against the GDPR/DSGVO because already when you call the site the first time it is sending out its data to Facebook, Twitter etc. – I would definitely change that. So my question is if it is even possible to have all those services set to NOT active by default and having only essential services enabled by default.
The Github of mlfactory shows that they are located in Austria while you reside in Germany Alsdorf so @bilepad832 I don’t think he has developed as the main developer that plugin even its another Michael and he has studied Informatics before. But the fact that their website isn’t working either is pretty suspicious too.
The plugin description looks like the ideal match but the critics, reviews (even those 5 stars) and the support forum leaves actually lots of open questions. The website of @mischaef’s agency isn’t working either. Are both plugins GPL 2+ because if that would be the case it would not be possible to integrate it into a WP site and sell it to i.e. customer as a complete work.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [All-in-One WP Migration and Backup] Free Version is useless now!
We had same problem and now switched to wpvivid and got all and even more than wp-migrate has for 100% free
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [All-in-One WP Migration and Backup] Free version sucks!!!!why you need to pay $69???
simply overwrite the settings with your own plugin – done.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FundPress - WordPress Donation Plugin] Recurring donation support.I have the same question. Does this plugin support recurring donations similar to Patreon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [iPages Flipbook For WordPress] Password protection and google searchIt is marked resolved – does it mean now you have password protection on those PDF – Password protection has actually nothing to do if it is found on Google Search or not as also other Search engines might feature it in their searches. Password protection rather should be implemented so that content is no more visible when the file got called directly, via a link. Unfortunately most so-called “restricted content – plugins” don’t protect the actual file so that it can’t be read when called directly via a direct link. Protecting a specific file envolves usually much more than only protecting it when called from within WordPress!
Perhaps you can explain how you resolved that problem here! Thanks – The plugin itself looks pretty good! Congratulations!Is there actually a difference to the pro version which hasn’t been updated since 1/2 year now?
Version 1.1.5 01/12/2018
– New: added mouseDragNavigation & mousePageClickNavigation parameters- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by toremo.
Terrible it is sending messages in seconds out and flooding the database and slowing down the site.
Yo are NOT alone as we have the same problem and waiting for a proper solution.
that you don’t need to suggest and the problem is probably related to the one others have here too with uploading as the Gallery simply stops working
to decrease the images to be uploaded doesn’t bring anything as it was already set to 10 in the last update.
Do you get the nice browser ICON in a grey screen saying that your domain is not loading – if that is the case then check your HEADERS – you might have mixed headers here defined – SAMEORIGIN and DENY – that can happen when you updated – do a grep check if you have those defined in apache2 config.php security.ini and mods-available headers.load and set both to sameorigin.
That helped here in some sites to get at least the ADD IMAGES showing again the xframe with the external upload script which is capable to manage all images – uploads etc externally but not from within WP since the last update.
BUT even that worked no images could be inserted since as the INSERT FROM MEDIA Gallery is still not working. So we still wait for a complete solution too.
But Your Problem is I guess more related to the fact that you serve the images via HTTP instead of HTTPS which is a MUST in your case – check the console. Install a plugin to get SSL up and running and do a search and replace for all left over https://yourdomain and change them to https://yourdomain
Mixed Content: The page at ‘’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] Upload FilesHave you tried to upload another format. or write jpg, jpeg, png, JPG, JPEG, – can you upload any other format? Linux can differentiate between big and small letters ?? –
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] Upload Files
that you don’t need to suggest and the problem is probably related to the one others have here too with uploading as the Gallery simply stops working
Sorry but it feels like a joke what you suggest here as the limit is already set to 10