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  • Thread Starter tosca30


    It seems that the problem comes from using a variable as a parameter in the do_shortcode statement.
    I don’t know how to pass this parameter: tax_query=$my_tax_query; the use of sprintf only returns Array, and that causes the error.

    Thread Starter tosca30


    Thanks a lot for having provided this complete example.
    I have made a few modifications:
    – initialize the $term_links array in the first foreach loop, as each new taxonomy-term of an item was added to the previously computed (1 line for the 1st, line 1 and 2 for the 2nd, etc)
    – add a get_site_url() to the links, as my site is not at the root
    – suppress the comma after each term.

    So, here is the final code I’m going with:

     * Our third example changes taxonomy terms into links to term-specific archive pages.
    if ( 'term gallery' == self::$shortcode_attributes['my_filter'] ) {
    	 * Use the "my_href" parameter to link to a static page,
    	 * passing the taxanomy and term as query arguments.
    	if ( isset( self::$shortcode_attributes['my_href'] ) ) {
    		$my_href = self::$shortcode_attributes['my_href'];
    	} else {
    		$my_href = '';
    	 * Collect non-empty term lists, convert to slugs,
    	 * make into links, replace $item_values
    	foreach ($item_values as $key => $value ) {
    		if ( ( 'terms:' == substr( $key, 0, 6 ) ) && ( ! empty( $value ) ) ) {
    			$taxonomy = substr( $key, 6 );
    			$terms = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $value ) );
    			$term_links = array();
    			foreach( $terms as $term_name ) {
    				$term_object = get_term_by( 'name', $term_name, $taxonomy );
    				if ( empty( $my_href ) ) {
    					$term_links[] = sprintf( '<a href=%1$s/%2$s/%3$s>%4$s</a>', get_site_url(), $taxonomy, $term_object->slug, $term_name );
    				} else {
    					$term_links[] = sprintf( '<a href=%1$s/%2$s?my_taxonomy=%3$s&my_term=%4$s>%5$s</a>', get_site_url(),$my_href, $taxonomy, $term_object->slug, $term_name );
    			$item_values[ $key ] = implode( ' ', $term_links );
    	return $item_values;

    I want to use the same archive page whatever taxonomy is being called, so I’ll probably go for a regular archive.php for the whole site (it’ll also be called from a customized search form) and won’t use the my_href parameter.
    In fact, that is precisely the reason for my other question: Using tax_query parameter in do_shortcode

    Thread Starter tosca30


    I just saw that I’d forgotten to put the relation parameter.
    New tax_query:

    array (
      'relation' => 'AND',
      0 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'lieu',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'nasbinals',
      1 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'cadrage',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'plan-large',
      2 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'traitement',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'couleur',
      3 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'tag_perso',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'golden-hour',
      4 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'attachment_category',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'paysages',
      5 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'attachment_tag',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'aubrac',

    but still the same error message.

    Thread Starter tosca30


    I’ve modified my tax_query, that is now:

    array (
      0 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'lieu',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'nasbinals',
      1 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'cadrage',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'plan-large',
      2 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'traitement',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'couleur',
      3 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'tag_perso',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'golden-hour',
      4 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'attachment_category',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'paysages',
      5 =>
      array (
        'taxonomy' => 'attachment_tag',
        'field' => 'slug',
        'terms' => 'aubrac',

    and am trying to display the gallery with this:
    echo do_shortcode(sprintf('[mla_gallery tax_query="%s" paged=current]', $my_tax_query));
    but I still get the message:

    ERROR: Invalid mla_gallery tax_query = ‘Array’

    I didn’t find any example with a tax_query parameter, so I don’t know what it still wrong.

    Thread Starter tosca30


    In fact, this doesn’t seem so important as I’ll probably write my own code to display a general index for the whole gallery.

    Thread Starter tosca30


    I just sent you a message via your contact form.

    Thread Starter tosca30


    Some problem in the two procedures (upload and “Map IPTC/EXIF Metadata”).

    Here are the IPTC of one of those files (printed from my hardisk, before upload):

    exiv2 -pi 140308-2807.jpg
    Iptc.Application2.Program                    String      7  digiKam
    Iptc.Application2.ProgramVersion             String      5  3.5.0
    Iptc.Application2.DateCreated                Date        8  2014-03-08
    Iptc.Application2.TimeCreated                Time       11  18:05:50+00:00
    Iptc.Application2.Byline                     String     21  Marie-Noelle Augendre
    Iptc.Application2.Copyright                  String     56  Reproduction et utilisation interdites sans autorisation
    Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String     12  Golden hours
    Iptc.Application2.ObjectName                 String     22  Vacheries de Cartayrel
    Iptc.Application2.Caption                    String     51  Au col de la Matte, entre Sainte Urcize et Laguiole
    Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String      7  Couleur
    Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String      5  Hiver
    Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String      8  Montagne
    Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String     11  Golden hour
    Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String     10  Plan large
    Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String     13  Sainte-Urcize
    Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String      6  Aubrac
    Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String     14  Format paysage

    IPTC/EXIF mapping settings are as follow:
    Title : 2#005
    Caption : 2#120
    but the caption remains empty whatever I do, and the description gets the 2#120 field instead.

    I don’t remember having had this problem with the previous pictures I had worked with.

    One thing is different, though. I have this message when uploading, or remapping:

    Warning: exif_read_data(140308-2807.jpg): corrupt EXIF header: maximum directory nesting level reached in /homez.110/marienoe/www/cevennes/wp-content/plugins/media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-data.php on line 4612

    I’ve sometimes seen this message in other programs with some pictures, but it didn’t seem to prevent them from being treated properly.

    I can print the whole EXIF/IPTC data if you like, or send one picture to you.

    Thread Starter tosca30


    Got it!

    Here is my code, in case it could be of some interest for someone else:

    public static function mla_mapping_iptc_value_filter( $iptc_value, $setting_value, $post_id, $category, $attachment_metadata ) {
    		$new_iptc = array();
    		if ( $iptc_value && taxonomy_exists( $setting_value ) ) { 
    			foreach ( $iptc_value as $term) {
    				if ( term_exists( $term, $setting_value ) ) {
    					$new_iptc[] = $term;
    		return $new_iptc;
    	} // mla_mapping_iptc_value_filter

    Thank you very much for the great help.
    I’ll go on with some other customization and will ‘ring’ again for help if I get stuck elsewhere.

    Thread Starter tosca30


    I’m back working on my IPTC mapping.

    As per you suggestion, I intend to use the WP function term_exists() in order to check whether each term exists in a specific taxonomy.
    However, I didn’t succeed in displaying data in your mla_mapping_iptc_value_filterfunction:
    – I cannot find where the error_log function displays the information (I’m using a mutualized hosting service)
    – and PHP var_dump, which I use quite often in frontend, doesn’t seem to work in backend.

    Is there another way to get the data structure and content?
    Thanks for any hint.

    Thread Starter tosca30


    Thank you very much for your answer.
    I won’t have much time to investigate in the few coming days, but will look at your solution before the end of the week and let you know if I need some more advice.

    I’m already amazed by the results I’ve been able to produce with only shortcode parameters and some content template modifications.
    What a great and very well designed plugin!

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