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  • Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Theme Diva & Forum Moderator,

    Thank You for your answer.
    I am sorry but to me it’s a little bit complicated to understand the way you explained what I am supposed to do. . . . can’t you elaborate the last 2 point in a little more syple way because I do not know what you mean . . . .I do not know what these words and abbreviations means.
    Please help me (english it’s not my language) I am not really in clear or by anyway an expert on wordpress .

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Mine is called “Core” it isn’t a comercial theme but is for photographers .
    I do not sell photo or any other products through it.

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Yes I have deactiveted all my plugins

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Since I have done the upgrade to the 3.6.1 version I have problem loading photos on the “media” and especially attaching them to a specific gallery.
    1 problem= When I am trying to download photos on the “media” at the end there is no more “confirmation botton” that normally send you to the “media” window.
    2 problem= In case i have managed to dowload the phots to the “media” when I want to link them to a specific “Gallery” and I go over the “ATTACH” this become red and does not work ( it does not open the little window for the search of the location where I want to place the photos) so I can not load photos on a gallery and on a page of my site.
    I have tried to change Theme but did non work really because the one They told me to use did not have gallery in is design and so I could just could attaced the photos to a page but when I came back to my personal Theme the photos where not there
    Can some one help me Please ?

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Hi ,
    I have noticed that when I try to attache photos in media to a gallery when I am goin with the mouse on ” attache” it becomes red and at the same time delete permanently becomes red.
    This can help ? please somebody help me !

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Hi ,
    I have switched of my plugins and changed my theme on the one you suggested me and there I could do it .
    there there was another problem ; when I attached the photos you could attached them just to a page (because in that theme there are no galleries option) anyway when I have switched back to my theme the photo where not there in the page or gallery.
    My problem is still there what can I do ?
    Thank You for any help

    But English it is not my 1st language what do you mean by “start a new thread” ?
    Thank You, T

    Hi there,
    I have just updated my word press softwear to the 3.6.1 version and now when I try to attach photos in my media to a specific Gallery it doesn’t do it anymore.
    With the new version it changed the way you suppose to do it ?
    Can you help me please ?
    Thank You, T

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