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I’ve increased the limit to 72mb in wp-config.php, but it doesn’t work too… My provider is 1and1 and normally it allow 90mb
Hello Max,
I have a new problem:
Out of memory (allocated 20185088) (tried to allocate 43522 bytes) in /homepages/41/d323367702/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/astickypostorderer/croer-functions.php on line 162
What can I do??
yes, it works!!! I have add &aspo=vanilla and it’s the date order which is displayed
Thanks a lot, it has make me mad…
But where is the documentation of the plugin?In fact, I have two categories of news in my website. The first category is the important news, which is the main content of my website. It’s typically a loop of many posts that I control with astickypostorder. But in my sidebar, I have a second category of news ‘the short news’ (called with the tag immo in my code).
<?php query_posts('tag=immo&showposts=4');while (have_posts()) : the_post() ; ?>
This code aimed to display the short news in the date of their creation. Until now, these short news could be ranked in the two categories (sidebar + main content) when I decided it was a short but important news. Until the 3.1 update, the main content order was controlled by astickypostorder, and the ‘short news content’ was displayed in the order of the creation of the post.
But when I have updated WordPress to 3.1, AstickyPostOrder has bugged (there was no post proposed for ranking). First, I decided to reinstall 0.3 version of the plugin and delete the wp_croer table and wp_croer_meta in my sql table. It has worked for the main content, but in my short news category displayed in sidebar, all the news tagged immo and ranked too in the main content were displayed first.
I add a orderby=date in my code
<?php query_posts('orderby=date&tag=immo&showposts=4');while (have_posts()) : the_post() ; ?>
But it doesn’t worked too… In the same time, when I go in the tag ‘immo’ in the Astickypostorder menu, there are no content ranked at all in this section.
It doesn’t fix my bug. I can’t display correctly the other loops of my homepages. In any tag or any category i want to display, it display only the posts i have selected in my homepage.
For example, when i want to display the entire content of my tag “immo” in the date order, it display the only posts which are ranked in homepage, not all the post of tag “immo”.
<?php query_posts(‘orderby=date&tag=immo&showposts=4’);while (have_posts()) : the_post() ; ?>
Is it a common bug?