I updated to version 0.2.2 but still have the same problem with the validation of the required fields inside the hidden group.
The form is using CF7 multi-step -plugin.
[group delivery]
<div class=”flex_column flex_column_div av_one_half first”>
Nimi / Yritys (pakollinen)<br />
[text* delivery-company]
<div class=”flex_column flex_column_div av_one_half”>
Katuosoite (pakollinen)<br />
[text* delivery-street]
<div class=”flex_column flex_column_div av_one_half first”>
Postinumero (pakollinen)<br />
[text* delivery-postalcode]
<div class=”flex_column flex_column_div av_one_half”>
Postitoimipaikka (pakollinen)<br />
[text* delivery-city]