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    After using it for a bit, I think the following features would be great if technically possible:

    • LQ image placeholders (at the moment the place where the image loads is white when it hasn’t loaded yet and I think it would be great if there was an option for placeholders)
    • Cache status for posts




    Did you find a solution to this?

    I have the same problem with Woocommerce and Stripe cookies even though both plugins have been deleted. I cleared all cookies and caches before scanning the site with the Complianz add-on. Some of these cookies are supposedly only valid one day or for the duration of the visit. So I don’t understand why they are still there.

    Thread Starter touto


    Edit: I created a custom pattern with the blocks I want. However, WordPress freezes every time I try to add it to a post. This is happening in on a local environment (using Local WP) and using a clean install of WP, i.e. no plugins installed. Tried on Safari and Chrome.

    So I still don’t know if this is how it works. Adding other patterns is working and for some reason, the new added pattern appears as part of my custom pattern when I want to add it to my post, which doesn’t seem logical to me. My blocks still don’t appear.

    Thread Starter touto


    Thank you for your helpful comment!

    Thread Starter touto



    yes – so this was resolved now by renaming the attribute slug.

    Thread Starter touto



    I am using the latest version All my plugins are up to date.

    I believe I have figured out the problem:
    The artist pages use the following link structure: websitename/artist/artist-name (artist is the parent page, artist pages are its children)
    The attribute has the following name: artist
    Using the same name seems to be creating the problem.

    I tried this on a new, local WordPress installation with the theme twenty twenty-one:

    • I created the parent artist page (websitename/artist) and a few children with some random names (websitename/artist/john-doe).
    • Then I installed Woocommerce, added the attribute artist and added a few products for some of the artists using the attribute (e.g for John Doe I added the attribute artist: John Doe).
    • Now I installed WOOF and activated the filter Product Artist.
    • As soon as I saved this setting, the problem appeared: artist pages of artists with a product in the shop show the products. If the artist does not have a product, the artist page shows 404.

    Renaming either the permalink of the parent artist page or the attribute solves the problem. So that appears to be the problem – I don’t know whose “responsibility” this is but I’m glad I solved it without having destroyed my site!

    Thread Starter touto


    To elaborate a bit: when I look at the page of an artist, the custom page template is no longer used. Instead, it is showing the archive-product.php page but filtered for the artist name. If the artist does not appear in the shop, it simply shows the 404 page.

    I also use Polylang and as I didn’t translate the products to English yet, the artist pages in English are not affected. For one artist, I deleted their only product and so now the artist page is showing the message that no matching products could be found. So unfortunately deleting the products doesn’t help.

    Finally, I did something that helped though! I renamed the attribute “artist” to something else. That completely restored all of the pages immediately. That makes sense I guess as that’s the attribute the filter was using (Product artist).

    The strange thing is that this problem persisted even when I uninstalled and removed the WOOF plugin. I don’t know how that is possible.

    Thread Starter touto



    thanks for your reply. I agree that it makes no sense but it happened after activating the filter for Product artist. And just to confirm this, I just repeated it again on a local backup: first I checked that all the artist pages were working; then I installed the plugin and activated the filter; reloaded the pages and now I am seeing the Woocommerce products instead of the artist pages.

    On the local version I also tried disabling all plugins except Woocommerce but the artist pages were still showing the products. When I deactivate Woocommerce, I also have to re-save the permalink settings in order for the artist pages to be restored (otherwise they redirect to the homepage). Once I activate Woocommerce again, the problem returns.

    I don’t understand how it is happening but clearly there is a conflict somewhere – perhaps with another plugin or because I have created custom pages.

    Do you have a suggestion on how I can identify the cause?

    Thread Starter touto


    Many thanks – from a first look, it seems to work (I put in the checks before printing alt/URL)!

    Thread Starter touto



    I re-tested this and it appears that a custom theme is at fault. I am sorry for taking your time on this and thanks a lot for your help! With disabling the MLA enhancements it works, so I will continue like this.

    Thread Starter touto


    Thanks for your reply! I’m not running the plugin on a live site at the moment, just a local server. I have done this on a new install of WordPress with just ACF and SEOPress installed (and using a standard theme, Twenty Twenty-One).

    I just added a WYSIWYG field to posts and inserted a gallery via Add Media -> Create Gallery in this field.

    I was testing different SEO plugins and yours works the best for me – the only thing that doesn’t seem to work is indexing the custom field galleries.

    Are you able to test this on your end or do I need to install it on a live site? Thanks

    Thread Starter touto


    Regarding the structure of the sitemap for the custom fields galleries, I have adapted the code:

    add_filter('seopress_sitemaps_single_img','sp_sitemaps_single_img', 10, 2);
    function sp_sitemaps_single_img($imgs, $post_id){
    	//Example with Advanced Custom Fields plugin
    	//Replace get_field('test_img',$post_id) with your own custom field name
    	if (function_exists('get_field') && get_field('image', $post_id) !='') {
                //get each id from the gallery
    		$images = get_post_meta($post_id, 'image', true);
    		preg_match('/\[gallery.*ids=.(.*).\]/', $images, $ids);
    		$images_id = explode(",", $ids[1]);
                //loop through each id
    		foreach ($images_id as $image) {
    		$original = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, $size = 'full', $icon = false);
    		$alt   = get_post_meta($image, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
    		$html .= '<image:image>';
    		$html .= "\n";
    		$html .= '<image:loc>';
    		$html .= '<![CDATA['.$original[0].']]>';
    		$html .= '</image:loc>';
    		$html .= "\n";
    		$html .= '<image:caption>';
    		$html .= '<![CDATA['.$alt.']]>';
    		$html .= '</image:caption>';
    		$html .= "\n";
    		$html .= '</image:image>';
    		$html .= "\n";
    		return $imgs.$html;
    		else {
    			return $imgs;

    Each gallery image is now shown like this in the sitemap:


    This looks better to me, although as mentioned in my original post, I’m not sure if it’s needed like this.

    The problem that I need to add an image/gallery to the standard WP block still persists though. So unless there is an image in the standard WP block, it doesn’t recognize the images in the ACF field.

    Thread Starter touto


    Thanks for your reply, I have created a bug report!

    Thread Starter touto


    Thanks for your reply, I used a custom solution!

    Thread Starter touto



    disabling the MLA enhancements worked, I can see the previews for existing galleries now – thank you!

    I also did the logging (with the enhancements enabled) in case it is still of use – is this what you are looking for? I can see no difference between the posts where the preview works (new posts) and the ones that where it doesn’t work (old posts).

    [01-Jan-2021 12:13:10 UTC] 37 MLA_Ajax::initialize( true ) $_REQUEST = array (
      'pll_ajax_backend' => '1',
      'pll_post_id' => '927',
      'action' => 'query-attachments',
      'post_id' => '927',
      'query' => 
      array (
        'orderby' => 'post__in',
        'order' => 'ASC',
        'post_mime_type' => 'image',
        'posts_per_page' => '-1',
        'post__in' => 
        array (
          0 => '4643',
          1 => '4644',
          2 => '4645',
          3 => '4646',
          4 => '4647',
        's' => 
        array (
          'mla_filter_month' => '0',
          'mla_filter_term' => '0',
          'mla_search_clicks' => '0',
          'mla_search_value' => '',
          'mla_search_fields' => 
          array (
            0 => 'title',
            1 => 'excerpt',
            2 => 'content',
            3 => 'file',
          'mla_search_connector' => 'AND',
    [01-Jan-2021 12:13:12 UTC] 640 MLACore::mla_plugins_loaded_action() MLA 2.93 () mla_debug_level 0x3F
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