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  • Thread Starter townman


    Hi Ben,

    Thank you for your reply, though I’m looking for some solutions please or I’ll need to find different technology.

    1. Yes documentation often trails development, but I suggest here, it could loos market adoption.

    2. I did not delete and re-add as I was trying to understand what is happening against documented functionality. The preserve previous content was not enabled. There is only one copy of the imported data. If I change the categories, they change on a refresh. If I remove the categories, existing events retain their previous import category “in the face of” documentation stating that import is DELETE and re-insert.

    3. The calendar is from – I do not know how to look inside it. You now make me suspect that there might be a content issue with the embedded hyperlink, but that appears to be OK on other platforms.

    4. I am not clear what those instructions mean – as I reported, I found no key combination would remove those pre-selections. Is it intended that the pre-selections are the same as the categories last specified on an import? If yes, what happens if there are multiple imports with different categories?

    Are you able to offer an indication of when these items might be resolved please?


    And that Ben,

    Belies the difference between an import process and a synchronisation process as noted elsewhere.

    Import (certainly conventionally) is a one-shot addition to what is already there. Synchronisation (one or bi-directional) has inherently got some cognisance of matching up what is coming with what is already here.

    Ai1EC offers inbound synchronisation.


    I suspect that this is not unrelated to a post elsewhere about error events from other plug-ins being hijacked by Ai1EC.

    I am evaluation a number of event manager plug-ins specifically this one and ECWD. I have seen Ai1EC giving 404 errors when clicking individual events. The path is…

    I observe that ECWD is using the same URL structure. Having encountered this issue, deactivating the ECWD plug-in results in the home page being displayed instead of a 404 error.

    Whilst @benjamin’s comment about being unable to assist with other product conflicts is pragmatic, what is not understandable is why THIS product has not been made defensive against the predilections of other products. Making the URL path unique to THIS product would make THIS product self-defensive of damage from other products. For example – use…

    Having now got this broken (again) my only recourse is to wait for an update and to install it with the other product deactivated, far sadly this product does not have a “repair me” and (in the technology stack) I am not techie enough to work out how to do it.

    Sadly starting to feel that this is a great product with a number of nasty sharp edges! Needs a bastard file in it! (No that’s not swearing, but the proper name for a semi-rough file!)


    I’m new around here and I’ve read that on this forum piggy-backing on other’s threads is frowned upon. However, I came looking for an answer to this exact question. Therefore it would seem daft to not add my thoughts and experiences here for the benefit of others in search of the same answer.

    I am in the process of evaluating a number of event / calendar plug-ins and was close to ‘rejecting’ All In One as (for me) its significant win against others is the import option, whilst having a couple of other not quite so good points. [More on those elsewhere]

    Superficially from both documentation and the user interface it would appear that the import functionality (in the free plug-in) is a single shot process – it looked as though a refresh required manual intervention – which does not fulfil my needs. It was only by accident did I observe that (whilst rebuilding the source calendar) all of the events (which I had just deleted manually from Ai1) suddenly reappeared with no manual intervention. WOW! GREAT! Just what I really need but did not realise that the plug-in delivered this. It is s decision changer!

    From one test undertaken yesterday, it looks as though there is a 2 hour update interval – it is not a quick as synch processes, but it would fulfil my needs.

    I have read in the trouble shooting topics of a configurable item for the update interval – this is not actually present in (the free version of) the plug-in. Consequently there is no hint within the UI / the plug-in that it is any more than a single shot one time copy of an external calendar.

    May I suggest that providing more (clearer) ‘up-front’ information on the regular refresh functionality of the ‘import’ process would significantly ‘elevate’ the benefits of this plug-in. Though I still have some issues to address, Ai1 is now top of the 4 tools I have been considering, rather than the bottom one.

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