thank you so much, that brought the menu back but now the background color of the main top menu is different on the pages vs what the home screen looks like. I have the home screen color the way i want it but the other pages it’s a different color. Not sure why?
Here’s all the code i have
.home .tg-header-container{box-shadow:0 0px 0px; background-color: #b281e2;}#working-hours p{margin:0px 0}.home .tg-site-footer .tg-footer-widget-container{padding:250px 0 25px}@media (max-width:768px){.home .tg-header-container{margin-top:0}}
body:not(.tg-container--separate) #page {
background-color: #b281e2;
.page-title-section .overlay {
background-color: #b281e2 !important;
.site-footer {
background-color: #b281e2 !important;
.x-colophon.bottom input[type="text"], input[type="text"],
.x-colophon.bottom a, a {
.widget {