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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Restricting Category AssignmentHere is one plugin that offers that functionality –
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Form submission and page update in Custom PageYou have two issues – You need a place to put your code. The two best places are in a plugin you create or in the functions.php file of your theme.
There is an excellent new book “Professional WordPress Plugin Development” that will quickly walk you through process.
Then you need to write a PHP function to process the form submission. If you take a look at /wp-admin/admin-post.php – that is the best place to hook a post from a form into WordPress. You can setup a custom input called “action” and use add_action based on that action to your code which can catch the values in your POST.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to hostWhy not setup WordPress MultiSite – every one shares the same copy of WordPress but can have their own theme and content. With domain mapping they can also have their own domains once your server knows how to map the domain to the IP address.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate sub-category slugs in WordPressIt seems that this is “baked-in” to WordPress. The most common solution, I have seen is to create a custom post type (e.g. products) perhaps as a hierarchical type.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: return meta data as plain textPerhaps if you post your snippet of code (or use pastebin if more than 10 lines), we can offer some insight. It is a little odd that the text is getting encoded. The quote marks should be escaped but that is easily undone on output.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Not receiving emails from Grunion Contact FormYou may want to post in the section of forum to get input from others using the same plugin –
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate sub-category slugs in WordPressTry adding category to your url – e.g. etc.That will let WordPress differentiate these urls from page or posts.
There are plugins that allow you to remove category from the url and still have it resolve as expected.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP won't create the pages it claims were createdBased on your descriptions, this is a hosting issue rather than a WordPress issue. It is possible that there are hidden files in your document root that is confusing the installer. Your hosting company is likely a better source for a solution.
You might try copying the WordPress source files to your document_root rather than depending on the installer but you will then have to hand-edit the wp-config.php file with the correct database settings.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Uploading site for the first time?Your hosting company is likely a better source of support. They can speak specifically to the issues. The error you are describing is likely coming from the MySQL server.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts to e mail is just one of many plugins.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove Posted by in postsYou will have to edit your theme file(s). Likely the index.php file but it could vary.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress on own dedicated xampp windows serverThat is likely a DNS issue. Basically your server is not resolving to the right location. Not unusual under XAMPP.
You may have to tell your computer in the hosts file – where to find my-campus/my-domain
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using tags to make posts appear on different pages?Using the new menu system in WordPress 3.1 – this is relatively easy. You can add a category to the menu. The url would then be (once you setup your permalinks)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can't go to other pages in any of my categoriesThere is extensive discussion of the The Loop in the Codex. You also can look at TwentyTen for quality examples.
If your budget permits, you also may be able to find help at sites like and
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to fix "Failed to write file to disk" in word pressUse the control panel from your web host to confirm/set the permissions of the wp-content/uploads directory are set to 755.