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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Changing site URL and nothing is working nowBased on your comments so far, it sounds like you want to launch WordPress but have WordPress installed in a sub-directory.
In that case, COPY the index.php from your /wordpress directory into the main directory. Edit the new index.php file to change the line
require(‘./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’);then the values of WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL become
WP_SITEURL: https://kirtigoel.comReset your permalinks once this is working.
That would be a theme issue. It should know to check the setting.
Are you using a custom theme, a pro theme, or a theme in the Extend directory?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Deprecated Errors & No AccessChange the value of WP_DEBUG in your wp-config file to FALSE
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem uploading imagesSounds like a permission issue. If truly nothing has changed in the WordPress setup, then likely a hosting issue.
Try changing the permissions for the uploads/2011/04 folder to 755 via the hosting company control panel.
There is an outside (i.e. not likely) you have exceeded the storage allotment for this hosting account.
esmi is right. Blindly commenting out lines in php files will have unfortunate results – esp. since this is a live site.
To remove the commenting buttons, you might go to Settings -> Discussions and turn off commenting until you work out the issues.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Internal Server Error Due to .htaccess fileThat first line – ddHandler should almost certainly be addHandler
It is a little odd to have two mod_rewrite sections.
To debug, You can use the #(pound) to comment out lines in each section to figure out which section/line is causing the problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to disallow comment in new siteAssuming that you are using the current version, when on the Edit Posts/Edit Pages screen – click on the screen options tab in upper-right hand corner. Be sure that the discussion option is checked on the site where the Comments section is missing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can't go to other pages in any of my categoriesWithout setting up the Loop ( have_posts() ), there won’t be any concept of next/previous post.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP link on other site posts ALL CSS codeThat’s because there is CSS styling in your header.php file that isn’t wrapped in <style> tags.
Nothing is destroyed. If the only thing you change is the theme (Appearance -> themes), it uses the current settings to show the site. When you switch the theme back, it will show things just the way you left them.
Alternately, if this is a live site, perhaps sharing the url would let someone look at the page and diagnose likely problems.
Changing the theme won’t impact anything – other than the presentation. Typically, one changes the theme, verifies if the issue continues to exist, then switch back. Takes two minutes and nothing is modified.
Troubleshooting usually involves removing complexity until you figure out what’s wrong. In WordPress it is fair to assume that a generic configuration works fine (if not, then there is likely a setup or hosting issue). After that, we want to focus in to determine if it is a theme or plugin issue (or a conflict between plugins or a plugin and the theme)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP won't create the pages it claims were createdLooks like one or more required files have been deleted (like the index.php file). I recommend you do a new manual installation. You may want to back up wp-config.php and the wp-content folders before doing so.
Doesn’t look like hacking. More like a screwup when working with FTP. The good news is that is unlikely your site is “lost” just missing the WordPress files.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with original home page.You’ll have to tell WordPress what page to use for the home page. Go to wp-admin -> Settings -> Reading to set the home page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Urgent! help!You will have to access the database to change the value of the siteurl.
Using phpMyAdmin or similar tool, you’ll need to go to the wp_options table, search for “siteurl” in the “meta_key” field. Remove the “about” from the “meta_value” in that record.
Your webhost tech support may be able to help if you are uncomfortable doing this yourself. Alternately, you may be able to get someone to write a quick snippet of code using or to set the value correctly.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress on own dedicated xampp windows serverIt sounds like your site url is wrong – go to wp-admin -> Settings -> General. Based on your note, the value should be
Compare your setup to this article