The problem is that even after updating to 5.0.3, the content does not appear in Overview. It does, however, appear if I use the Migrate option from v3 to v4. But this is weird since the tours were already v4. Also, using migrate causes the information under Overview to appear twice: once in the proper place, in the Trip Options section and once above Trip Options, appearing as regular WP blocks. Only the information from Trip Options appears on the site, the one from the blocks does not, so I guess it’s safe to delete (since the content is STILL there, I don’t think it affects SEO even though Yoast is unable to verify the information in Overview under Trip Options).
But my question is: do I really have to do this manually for every site? (Migrate and remove blocks)? Isn’t there a fix, like maybe there’s a communication problem between WP Travel and the database?