Hi, I’m new to .css editing but here was my solution to making posts wider. Simply increasingt the width of .hentry will work – but will increase width to the right. Then bumping it back to the left will center it. However this could make the posts unresponsive and illegible on small browser windows.
Anyway, the below code, using percentages rather than pixels for width worked, its not totally responsive or perfect, but it is legible on mobiles and widescreens alike.
.single .hentry,
.error404 .hentry,
.page .hentry,
.search-no-results .no-results {
/*margin: 0 0 1.5em; *//* removed - adding width overlapped navigation arrows */
padding: 20px 0px; /* changed from 70px 50px - want bit more compact anyway*/
width: 120%;/* changed from 700px want it to be 960 */
height: auto;
position:relative; /*added*/
left: -10%;
z-index: 10; /* tried move up from 10*/