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  • i’m having this same issue. i’ve tried logging out and authenticating again to see if the new property shows up. it doesn’t. i’ve also tried logging out and putting the G-########## tracking code manually in, but nothing happens.

    Thread Starter tracy apps


    nope. i’m importing the .ICS file from my live site (as stated in my first post)

    i also tried loading in from the feed ( ) but get “imported 0 events” (which is not true, there’s several years of events on that feed)

    i’m having a similar issue with the map not loading.

    example issue page here:

    any idea of what is going wrong?

    ok. nevermind. it seems like the problem resolved itself for me after downgrading, and re-upgrading again… strange.

    alright. i re-updated my plugin, now that it’s the middle of the night. the template that seems to be “choking” is the “default” template. (code pasted below) i didn’t change this template at all, so it should still all be the same as what came with the plugin originally.

    <div class="wpfilebase-attachment">
     <div class="wpfilebase-fileicon"><a href="%file_url%" title="Download %file_display_name%"><img align="middle" src="%file_icon_url%" alt="%file_display_name%" /></a></div>
     <div class="wpfilebase-rightcol">
      <div class="wpfilebase-filetitle">
       <a href="%file_url%" title="Download %file_display_name%">%file_display_name%</a><br />
       %file_name%<br />
       <!-- IF %file_version% -->%'Version:'% %file_version%<br /><!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- IF %file_post_id% AND %post_id% != %file_post_id% --><a href="%file_post_url%" class="wpfilebase-postlink">%'View post'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->
      <div class="wpfilebase-filedetails" id="wpfilebase-filedetails%uid%" style="display: none;">
      <table border="0">
       <!-- IF %file_languages% --><tr><td><strong>%'Languages'%:</strong></td><td>%file_languages%</td></tr><!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- IF %file_author% --><tr><td><strong>%'Author'%:</strong></td><td>%file_author%</td></tr><!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- IF %file_platforms% --><tr><td><strong>%'Platforms'%:</strong></td><td>%file_platforms%</td></tr><!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- IF %file_requirements% --><tr><td><strong>%'Requirements'%:</strong></td><td>%file_requirements%</td></tr><!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- IF %file_category% --><tr><td><strong>%'Category:'%</strong></td><td>%file_category%</td></tr><!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- IF %file_license% --><tr><td><strong>%'License'%:</strong></td><td>%file_license%</td></tr><!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- <tr><td><strong>%'MD5 Hash'%:</strong></td><td><small>%file_hash%</small></td></tr> -->
     <div class="wpfilebase-fileinfo">
      %file_size%<br />
      %file_hits% %'Downloads'%<br />
      <a href="#" onclick="return wpfilebase_filedetails(%uid%);">%'Details'%...</a>
     <div style="clear: both;"></div>
    Thread Starter tracy apps


    just to clarify, what i want is the page to display like this:

    Traditional Pizzas

    • Italian Sausage Pizza…
    • Cheese Pizza…

    Specialty Pizzas

    • Stacy’s Special…


    • Bruschetta Tradizionale
    • Cheese Plate
    Thread Starter tracy apps


    with further troubleshooting, i found that the code i was using wasn’t even responding to any sorting. so i replaced it with the following code, and i’m still getting the same issue. the PARENT taxonomy is showing the posts within all their CHILDREN taxonomy.

    new code:

    <?php $categories = get_terms('menucategory', 'orderby=custom_sort&order=ASC&hide_empty=true&hierarchical=true');
    foreach( $categories as $category ):
    	<h2 class="menuCategoryTitle"><?php echo $category->name; ?></h2>
    		$posts = get_posts(array(
    			'post_type' => 'menu',
    			'taxonomy' => $category->taxonomy,
    			'term' => $category->slug,
    			'nopaging' => true,
    			foreach($posts as $post):
    			setup_postdata($post); ?>
    			<div class="menuItem">
    				<h3><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
    				<?php the_content(); ?>
    	<?php endforeach; ?>
      <?php endforeach; ?>

    what i need is for the page to display all the posts (CPT: “menu”), grouped by taxonomy (“menucategory”), BUT when the taxonomy has a parent, the parent should just display the title, then the child taxonomies listed below (still with the CPT posts grouped within each)

    is this even possible? i really have a hard time believing this should be this difficult!

    since the site is live, i just rolled back to the previous version to fix the formatting. but the even more strange thing about the error was that when i viewed the source code for the page, the error was not found and all the code was in tact, all the way to the bottom.

    not sure if that helps at all. if you’d like, i can set up a dev site and try to replicate the error.

    one other note is that this is on a WordPress multisite setup. not sure if that makes any difference.

    interesting. i’m having the same issue. took the same steps and that worked as well.

    i also noticed (when i was being all stubborn and trying to troubleshoot it a bit so i didn’t have to downgrade) that the page choked on the first file attachment in my default format… but not when using the simple format of a link.

    also i noticed this new error across the top of the main WP-Filebase admin screen:
    “File Browser post or page not set! Some features like search will not work. Click here to set the File Browser Post ID.”

    and the “Post ID of the file browser” setting wouldn’t allow me to leave the space blank (it would auto populate with a 0 after save), and then gave me an error message:
    “Warning: The Filebrowser page has at least one subpage Contact us. This will cause unexpected behavior, since all requests to the subpages are redirected to the File Browser Page. Please choose a Page that does not have any subpages for File Browser.”

    so.. not sure if that was causing this error or not… or is related at all.

    Thread Starter tracy apps


    i think “$mergedcrap” should be my band name… ??

    Thread Starter tracy apps


    alright. i figured it out with some PHP goodness (and by “i” i mean “the smart PHP minds in the office”) so here’s what we ended up doing for future searchers of this issue.

    we created TWO queries. one for the custom post type, one for the posts, then merged the two arrays, then set up a “foreach” loop in php. here’s the simplified code:

    $query1 =
    		'post_type'=> 'post',
    		'category_name' => 'Homepage Slideshow',
    		'showposts' => 5
    $query2 =
    	array (
    		'post_type' => 'tribe_events',
    		'eventDisplay' => 'upcoming',
    		'tribe_events_cat' => 'featured-event',
    		'showposts' => 5
    $postGroup1 = get_posts( $query1);
    $postGroup2= get_posts( $query2);
    $mergedcrap = array_merge($postGroup1, $postGroup2);
    foreach ( $mergedcrap as $post )
      echo the_title();
    Thread Starter tracy apps


    no. it’s pulling one or the other. whatever array (post type, cat/tax) is declared first. the latter is ignored completely.

    and while i was able to do something like this

    $query =
    	array (
    		'post_type' => array(

    which pulled ALL “post” and “tribe_events” entries… as soon as i try to filter out the post category and custom post taxonomy, of course, no entries are returned. (since there is no post that meets the custom tax AND post category)

    Thread Starter tracy apps


    well.. i think we’re getting close. i had to tweak the featured events query a bit. (i was over thinking it… like i usually do) now both pieces of this query work. but only the first array shows up in the query.

    here’s the code i’m working with:

    $query =
    		'post_type'=> 'post',
    		'category_name' => 'Homepage Slideshow',
    	array (
    		'post_type' => 'tribe_events',
    		'eventDisplay' => 'upcoming',
    		'tribe_events_cat' => 'featured-event',

    so now i’m wondering.. is this a limitation of query posts? maybe this needs to be done with two separate queries? ooh. i just made my brain hurt more…

    Thread Starter tracy apps


    ok. so it turns out that my computer decided it was a good idea to resort back to the old nameservers that i had changed (and resolved) several days ago. it required a DNS flush on my local machine. strange.

    Thread Starter tracy apps


    ok. after more troubleshooting i found an even stranger issue.

    so i went back and re-added all those plugins, AGAIN ( using the admin interface… not through uploading/ftp) and started re-activating and setting all of them up again, and NOW i’m getting:

    “Sorry, Simple Twitter Connect requires PHP 5 or higher. Ask your host how to enable PHP 5 as the default on your servers.”

    so now i have no idea what’s going on. i just installed and activated them 15 minutes ago.. but now that i installed akismet i suddenly don’t have php5?

    edit: looking at my site’s cpanel i have php 5.2.13

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