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  • Thread Starter Trebly



    Thank you, this will be very useful.
    During this short time, I have gone on in searching in plugins and compare several operations on html source.

    I found the problem, but I have no immediate solution.

    I go on using tinyMce with the plugin WP-edit-pro better than Gutemberg (Could not find time to test and get the habit of using Gutenberg on my site).

    I just discovered it was a parameter problem in tinymce :
    In my configuration all the text content (remaining when tags are ignored) are treated as if they were enclosed into a whole >pre< tag then all chars normally ignored in html (treated as html editor formatting data) are converted to html encoding by the use of “htmlspecialchars” or “htmlentities”.

    Then what happens is that when you import by copy-paste html into an article in text mode of the editor, your content is treated (for the content: excluding tags) as >pre< element. Then an x0D0A (used to display the tags) to get a readable html code will be converted to tag “<br />” and so on…

    I am searching for the tinymce parameters which can manage “copy-paste” as copy of “html” content and not “>pre<…” block of text…

    I am sure that I will find what is to be defined into the init parameters block of tinyMce.

    What is not normal is that the “text” mode of the editor displays what seems to be html code while it is not by default.

    Since I began to write this answer I have gone to read tinyMce documentation (outside of WP refs). I found in this subject ” default paste filters” defined into the tinyMce init, but the question is that this concept “default paste filters” has no content because searching into the tinymce site and searching google you cannot find the list of these default filters…

    So, I lost two days because there are (the authors) unable to communicate. One of my criteria is that when a concept (semantic group) is used as “default paste filters” the concept must be found into a glossary or using web search motors or a general language dictionary, if not the concept is an auto-reference to a internal concept used by a group of persons (generally the conceptors of the product) with no meaning to the others, the common users… Then the sentence using the concept has no meaning, out of sense for whom is not inside the conceptors team…

    For now I still do not have access to the detailed meaning of “default paste filters”, what are these “default paste filters” ?, where are they described ? need to read the source code of tinyMce ?

    Best regards, thanks again because I will use your code for other purposes .



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Trebly.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Trebly.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Trebly.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Trebly.
    Thread Starter Trebly



    I wrote the previous message a little quickly, and there are some complements here.
    There are several id duplicated if you use loginwithajax widget several times:

    • The id of the widget : “loginwithajaxwidget-(n)” (where “(n)” is the number associated uniquely with the widget – (doesn’t necessarily starts from 1 for a defined “post”). The solution is to not use several time shortcodes with the same lwa widget id.
    • The 3 ids : “lwa_wp-submit” ; “user_email” ; “user_login” of the form of class=”lwa-form” in any lwa widget which creates duplicated ids

    To be in conformity (see note) with html specifications the “name” identify the data to get query while fields ids must be unique. So the ids should be, as for loginwithajax main div “lwa_wp-submit-(n)”, “user_email-(n)” ; “user_login-(n)”

      Best regards


      note : these specification can be found for chromuim at :
      The text is :
      Follow HTML guidelines
      Web browsers are designed with the HTML specification in mind, and going against it can lead to unexpected issues with your web page. This means:

      Element id attributes should be unique: no two elements should have the same id.

    Thread Starter Trebly



    I have used a particular solution which is near ajax.

    The action=register runs a php which displays a page which contains a form for the choice of registering procedure.

    When the form is submitted a new action is launched. The php for this action has the role to launch the corresponding form (there four different forms) without displaying anything visible (except if an error occurs which stops the process).

    This php will launch the final page(s) by using an intermediate “pseudo page” which using a short js script loads immediately the wished final page.
    The intermediate page is generated simply with these four echo (note : $registering_page is the url chosen for registering) :

    echo('<meta name="referrer" content="origin">');
    	echo ("<html><head><script> reg= function() 
    	echo ('<body onload="reg()">');

    Best regards


    note : Markus, you can, after reading, mark this thread as solved

    Thread Starter Trebly



    Because, things are always somewhere, I have looked at the database and naturally the table usermeta.
    I would have been able to find the values for users which are written by registrationmagic but there is no information to link a meta_key to registrationmagic plugin which have created it. I would get the solution.

    While WP uses “wp_” to identifiy the WP metakeys , wp edit pro uses aaa_wp_edit_pro, most of plugin indicates into meta_key which meta_key they are managing. This is not the case for registrationmagic.

    In another way we can imagine that some common metakeys can be share between several plugins and there is a db rule which forces them to be unique. I have not seen how registrationmagic manages this constraint.

    Finally, as most of already registered users had not the metakeys filled I do not know if registrationmagic have or not created the meta_key instances with empty values when registrationmagic form have been created (seems impossible without editing user profile because there are several types of users with different meta_keys).
    The consequence is that to check and fill data (declared necessary for some users) appears currently something quite impossible without new pieces of code.
    The problem come from the fact that the site has already users before the beginning of the use of registrationmagic and data must be verified and upgraded.

    I tried to produce “valid” lists of users (easy to check with type of fields, easy to edit). For now I have not found how to perform this.

    Can you give me some urls which will give information of how to use the XML forms descriptions. It seems that this is the unique place where it is possible to get a description of forms. Even the forms are listed into database the fields seems not to be (I have sought into rm_ tables).

    Best regards


    Thread Starter Trebly



    After verification the text seems to come from one of my forms (I was not remembering first), this because I could not find any part of the sentence into the plugin, and I do not took time to search into database, because after, I was sure to find it there.

    So the problem is that if the text is inserted into a js script it must be accurate to escape it in the suitable manner depending of the context.

    Best regards


    Thread Starter Trebly



    Sorry for the length of my answer to a subject which should be without any other object than a joke to disturb mind.

    I have three sources of mails coming from “wordpress forum” with the unique sender “” :
    1- Answers to question that I have issued or subjects to what I participate, this about various plugins (near twenty)
    2- Interesting questions for which I had no other solution than check “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” (fifty may be during last three years)
    3- Subscriptions to several plugins (may be thirty)

    For each source the reported threads have simple titles to be identified into the plugins.

    Currently for the three cases the identification of the mail is :
    [Wordpress Forum] <the title of the thread>
    Alll of these with the unique sender “” (the unique “from address” for anything)

    I say that this leads to an impossibility to manage exchanges because of a lack of information to identify for each mails the origin and the cause.

    I receive each day a package of one to two hundred useful mails from [forum wordpress] that I cannot sort (that I should sort to make of them something useful).
    So I would need to sort or filter these messages :
    1- by plugin
    2- by request type :
    – Notify me of follow-up replies via email
    – Subscribed to any message on the forum of “the plugin”

    But this is currently impossible.

    You tell “The messages are what they are” this suppose that nothing can change, it is sure that this is the common issue in our current world.

    You confirm that

    • There is no information to attach the object and text of a thread to the plugin.
    • There is no information to know the reason of the message.

    It is exactly like for a post service of a town to receive all the letters to distribute (10 millions per day with only the name of the recipient without address and have to deliver to destination as in a little village). Try to post a letter from New York with a name and without address.

    So you tell that’s impossible to get anymore information that the sender “”, the fact that’s from the whole forum, and the subject name (no id).

    So the natural consequence is that I, who receive the mail, must imagine a software to get all the subjects of all forums about plugins, all the message that I have send, all the messages that I have read, all the messages for which I am waiting an answer and generate an index and with the help of all these informations that I could have stored (how ? with a pencil) when I had sent a message, checked a send me what it is told about, or everything done about these plugins. And, after running this index system and the attached software that I could create and use, to get finally the messages received sorted into separate boxes by plugin, boxes for urgent answers to the answers to my questions or various subjects followed individually could become usable. I have 30.000 messages are you ready…

    I can too created an employment of secretary to print, sort, scan, convert and finally to encoded the text of printed mails and finally create clear titles (note that the mails subjects cannot be changed inside the mailers) which will have as subject the content :

    [Wordpress forum N°9999] – [answer about followed thread | message on subscription] N° 9999 (as for many forum and development threads management : stackoverflow, mozilla etc.) – subject

    That’s all.

    You explain in fact to me that my question has no meaning and is impossible to solve for the wordpress modern informatics and that we need to apply the best solution which is to go back to manual treatment of information.

    This current result is something perfectly mind boggling.

    Thanks for your answer.

    Best regards


    Thread Starter Trebly



    This is a little complement :

    On the list of fields :

    There is no identification of the name of the current form.

    In this case because I use what I can, I cannot display into the document.title the name of the form.
    As I was searching for, I discover that it was not existing at all. No it exist only in options which allows to load any other list and the number is at the end of the query of page.
    Get this title to add it to the rmtitle (which content is “list of items”) can be done but become a little more complicated but if I patch this it will disappear after an upgrade…
    More easy for the authors.

    Best regards


    Thread Starter Trebly


    My search gave result some hours later.

    I have searched in concurrent treatments of “click” event (or focusin) on the “a” tag.
    I found one which by default when case was not trapped was launching the default treatment…
    The “fancybox” treatment, which was after, were then not filtered, they are now because of an added filter into the JQ function of the “a” click treatment :
    if ( the_elemt.hasClass('fancybox') == true){ return true;}

    So everything is OK now.

    Case is closed;


    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Trebly.
    Thread Starter Trebly



    I answer to your questions and recommendations here.
    But I will try to explain in another way what I want to do and what I mean.

    I have a site page (with colorbox which shows partialy several iframe which can be reduced and/or truncated or miniaturized. So I want to bring the same iframe, each one separately, into a light box well sized with easy FancyBox.

    This is possible, even it is a facebook item, the html instruction which function has
    the following code which is first generated by js of Easy Fancybox and slighly manually modified (with debugger) is :

    <div id="fancybox-wrap" style="width: 500px;height: auto;top: 1652px;left: 241px;display: block;">
      <div id="fancybox-outer">
        <div class="fancybox-bg" id="fancybox-bg-n"></div>
        <div id="fancybox-content" style="border-width: 1px;width: 500px;height: 744px;">
          <THE IFRAME ..... >

    note : I just change the width of divs and the src of the iframe from the nearest result obtained

    My question is how to generate original html content to display the result which is able to display the same content than the iframe into a light box well sized.

    There are two syntax to get the nearest result from the target :

    • Simple link with class fancybox-
      <a href="" class="fancybox-iframe">
      Open here the item facebook (this text is added because the iframe is not clickable)<br>
      <iframe src="" width="500" height="707" style="border:none;overflow:hidden " scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media">
    • Quite the same give the same result by close A tag before the iframe, the difference is for analyse by js,

    I explain :

    • Open a new tab on the facebook item in the current user context of facebook (logged in)
    • Open a light box into the previous tab from which we have started. But this fancybox is empty

    So regardless the purpose there to errors :

    • Empty Fancybox
    • the facebook item is opened into a new tab while we are waiting a fancybox popup on the current tab. Long complex, bad ergonomy and no interest

    Why the fancybox is empty ?
    Because the link used is not the link of the item as it is into the iframe, it is cleaned and compressed.
    Into the iframe generated by Easy Fancybox to populate the box we need to use the extended src, as defined upwards, for the iframe.

    I checked this, by a manual change into the code generated by using debogger, and it function perfectly. We have just to be full perfect to adjust the width of the container at the with of the query of the url.

    Note that if you send from console the command :
    `“extend full url with width of your choice”) you get a new tab with the right content.

    So for Facebook and may be many other sites there are little adaptations to perform into the script for iframes.
    The fact that the soft ignores the iframe into the first syntax can be useful for the analyse to get the full url and the width parameter which can be adapted at the available width.

    Must I go to js code to do this ?

    Best regards


    Thread Starter Trebly


    they remain some important problems.

    The syntax is

    <a href="" class="fancybox-iframe">
    Link to iframe source
    <iframe src="" width="500" height="707" style="border:none;overflow:hidden " scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></a>

    This produces :

    • If I don’t add the text “Link to iframe source” there is no clickable zone into the iframe
    • The click opens the link into a new tab, and when you switch to the previous current tab
    • You get an empty lightbox

    Important, I meet another problem with images, the image is too opened into a new tab but the image is displayed into the fancybox.

    The iframe and images are displayed into boxes of “colorbox” plugin.
    I would intend to develop a way to display the boxes into fancybox or elements of their content (the purpose of this message). for now

    What can I check ?
    Note : I have no problem with js,html,css development and debug mode (chrome).
    Note: I used a while to check the content of the light box (fancybox-wrap) and I think that I found a major cause of the problem : EasyFancy rebuilds the iframe using the main href of alink and facebook seems to refuse and send nothing while with the upward syntax of the link colorbox receives a good code. I am going to perform some complementary test

    Best regards


    Thread Starter Trebly



    I am waiting for an answer. Alex, do I speak completely alone into a desert ?

    I can confirm another case of the problem of the inheritance from categories (again the “and” or “or”) :

    1. I have created a category which must not be seen by anybody else than author
    2. I have created several articles which are attached to this category
    3. These articles have no UAM-groups which are not inherited from the categories
    4. The UAM-groups inherited are “author” and “reviewer” but these articles are visible by visitors (not subscribed). This is a true anomaly

    This confirm that a “or” is performed : Because the articles are not directly attached to a defined UAM-group (direct check list) but only indirectly attached to inherited groups the limitations inherited form category UAM-groups are ignored.

    Consequence :

    1. it is impossible to restrict visibility of articles attached to a particular category with limited access rights
    2. it is only possible to add access rights inherited from category
    3. restrict the access to article using UAM become quite impossible if category groups are defined : if an article is attached to a category which is visible by anybody the article will be visible by anybody…

    I think that a “and” must be assumed between inherited rights from categories UAM-groups and UAM groups defined directly for an article.

    Do you agree ?

    • If yes I must organize in one way to manage the rights (find a temporarily solution)
    • If not, this is a problem of understanding about what I mean, because I am sure that I am right. But I need to wait may be a long time to get a software solution, then I need to forget the use of the category UAM-groups of the categories (Use a more complex way for managing the rights).

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter Trebly



    Thanks for the quick answer.

    I understand well the principle :

    • For printing the whole article, must be outside the text into the sub-theme or theme code, if not it will be displayed above the first header under the title of the document.
    • in other places allow to print only some elements of the document which can be very useful

    Best regards


    Thread Starter Trebly


    Thanks for the quick answer.

    it is a little confusing about “title” because we have three concepts :

    • The title of the document
    • The Title as parameter of pom which set the content of a textual link to launch the print and at same time sets (but not sanitized to be displayed with quotes if they are : as text is is writng as written but as title the quote must be escaped… that’s is little bug) the title attribute or the icon
    • the “alt” option of the shortcode (do_shortcode to set into theme or sub-theme) which is used to define the attribute “title”of the icon if no title is defined (not very useful : even to display the work “print” in special css after the icon for mobiles…)

    But it is solved for me but I need to create a wide comments into the code to explain this to others who would had to write after me.

    Best regards


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Trebly.
    Thread Starter Trebly


    Thanks for this so complete and quick answer.

    I would add some elements now (I describe what I am going to implement with the detailed knowledge that I got with your answer)

    A- Data transmission from php theme to js :

    • Using elements and attribute “data-<attr>”. The elements are hidden and you get data from element with js. As It is done using normalized <attr> names. this is an easy way to communicate directly. This need data conversion depending of the type of values received for the various known<attr>
    • Using a script into the html code (used fro print-o-matic), script defining directly a var (an array). This has the inconvenient thats vars are not into the same block of js code, with we get, in my opinion a less clear and more difficult encapsulation and debugging

    B – Encoding the “Print Page Top HTML” and “Print Page Bottom HTML” :

    • the parameters give the shape for all printed pages for the html top and bottom, but they use of “shortcodes-like” inside (list to elaborate by each user-developer of theme or sub-theme).
    • a treatment into “printomat.js” decode the shortcodes found and uses the “.data()” array received as replacement. This need just one little new function into printomat.js. A more elaborated solution is an object which can contain both data acquisition and treatment. The result is fully independent of the content : the developer uses his syntax into his php code elements and use them to give instruction to the object decoder.

    C – Configuration of print : into printomat.js : :
    a user defined function set by a script written from php and called (standard name) just before var w ='', 'printomatic print page',... displays an intermediate window to get the needed data and or show-hide elements to display for the context (note : different from the print-o-matic parameters, this script can be written by the different *.php used to display each type of document – so containing different classes (or id, names… any valid selector of content elements). The script then ask for execution detail of hide-show or changes of content of elements to perform the array created contains needed data to perform changes to manage cloning).

    D – Set complements of css for “@media print” blocks for formatting header and footer of print pages (Copyright, date, etc..)

    Best regards


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Trebly.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Trebly.
    Thread Starter Trebly



    Note : the English to French auto translation Google give me exactly what I mean in French and in Spanish and Italian so I have not another way than use more details.

    Create a custom versus default form for printing, I mean :

    • Top of each page
    • bottom of each page

    For this there are the custom fields “Print Page Top HTML” or “Print Page Bottom HTML” but :

    • The doc tell about “added” code, but to what ?
    • These fields if there are without js script code cannot contain any variable data

    In fact custom format can mean : replace the default content (which seems defined into the code, I am checking)
    The default format gives for:

    • the top of print-page

      Date + Title

      (if too long truncated)

    • At bottom :

      Page number

    We don’t know which css are used for : top – content – bottom

    A custom top or bottom should contain a block of generated html from fixed element and variable elements as the title of the document or others elements hidden in normal display but usable for printing. More it should access and use pagination.

    This is what I meant.

    Best regards

    note : for what I have seen the variable custom elements are the css.
    I don’t know how to defien into top or bottom

    • the date (with suitable format) or any js standard function result
    • current page number / total page number
    • any element (hidden or not) of the document

    I will probably add elements to print generated as display:none element by content.php (or other content generator to be printed into to or bottom and containing images

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Trebly.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 172 total)