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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A lot of images reported as being unattachedFirst of all, I treat this entire “problem” more like research task, not a real problem, so we can end this discussion anytime, without any firm conlusions.
I have everything up-to-date, as I update everything to the latest version 3-5 days after update is published at most.
I don’t blog too often recently and I have images shown (in some of my blogs) as unattached even for these files / images that I have uploaded 6-12 months ago. So this is a persisting problem.
I have just uploaded an image to my new blog post, exactly the way you told me to do (i.e. directly during post edit, not through Media) and that image become correctly attached / assigned to a post. Which is OK and expected, if I am getting you right.
Here is this post:
Neither images uploaded to this post nor any images in the blog are marked as unattached.
But then, again, I’ve been doing this for many, many times previously (actually all my edits in past 6 months, in all 12 blogs) and I still have a lot of images shown as unattached.
The thing is that for past 6-12 months I’ve been uploading images only directly then editing post (the correct way, as you said) and never through Media first (the incorrect way, as you said). And I have been uploading images the same way to all my blogs. Yet, some of the blogs (including above mentioned have 0 unattached images, while others have dozens of them.
To summarise — method is the same for past a year and for all blogs, but results differs. So I think that there’s some deeper logic behind this problem, not just the method of how images are added to post. And I feel that we will never truly be able to find out what is going in here.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A lot of images reported as being unattachedYou should only insert images into posts through the post edit screen and always insert images from new uploads and not reuse existing images
It seems that I have misunderstood your first post (or actually understood it exactly opposite). I thought (mistakenly) that I should always first upload images to Media and only then go to post editing and attach it to post. Upon reading your first answer again I see my mistake. I should do exactly opposite — always upload images directly to post.
The thing is that reality in my case is as my first (incorrect?) understanding. From what I can see, nearly 99% of “orphan” (not attached) images are those that I have attached directly to post (via Featured Image > Set Featured Image > Upload New). And nearly 99% of images correctly attached to post were first uploaded to Media and then resused from there.
The reality observations are quite exactly opposite to what you have written.
Which makes me really puzzled.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A lot of images reported as being unattachedSeems like you have just solved my mystery!
uploading images through Media -> Add New always show as unattached
Does this mean that I should avoid this feature and rather switch back to the two step process of: (1) uploading image via Media and (2) adding only already previously uploaded images to the post?
even when they are subsequently inserted into a post
On the other hand, if I do exactly what is in your quote then the question is why after subsequently inserting image into a post it is not getting the relation to that post? Isn’t that some kind of bug? From how you have said this I am getting (maybe wrong) impression that you’re sounding like it would be a wanted feature.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What can I read or get from a request to xmlrpc.php?Thank you! This brings me closer, but still doesn’t answer my question.
Both documentation and examples for both APIs that are in my scope, i.e:
REST: only how to access particular API and how to retrieve some data from other programming language, script, plugin etc.
While I am asking on how can I access WordPress data (from my blogs) for testing and reporting purposes. I.e. how can I get some data (i.e. posts count for a good start) directly in browser, in some testing tools (i.e. SoapUI) or in some business intelligence tools.
Is this possible? Is this somewhere documented? Either I am blind or doesn’t have much information and examples on that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cannot enable XML-RPC; mentioned configuration options are not thereDoes this mean that since WordPress 3.5 there is no checkbox mentioned in my question (and the linked guide is seriously out-dated)? And that this is OK that I don’t see corresponding option in Settings > Writing?
This seems to be hard to believe. We have WordPress 5.3 and the option is gone since 3.5 and they haven’t updated the guide at so far?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] Deprecated WP methodsThank you, but still:
Step 1: Create a Multisite install
I need a solution that I can apply over existing multisite installation.
Maybe, if you notice a large statements on nearly every page that this forum is not monitored and you should use author’s email or GitHub issues to report your question on problem — then you’ll understand, why you can’t get any answer here?
“This forum is unmonitored” means “don’t ask here, don’t expect answers here”. It is as simple as that. Cheers.
Clean and easy solution, thank! ??
Hi Julie,
actually — no. I like this plugin quite well, so I decided to use it and incorporate some kind of “More info” page to my blog. I did not search for anything else.
T.Hi Julie,
I don’t know about legislation, but I do seen a lot of cookie consents, which were minified to just a statement. Something like “This site is using cookies. If you continue to use it, you agree to this fact. You can change your cookie settings in your browser settings”. And that’s all. No “More info” button, no nothing.
I based my feature request on this assumption.
TrejderForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Markdown QuickTags] Right Alt z still redefinedI have, of course, fixed this myself, be commenting out everything around
case 90
in all files and puttingreturn true; break;
instead of commented-out code. But, that is my personal workaround and would be nice to have this fix in official release.You may also consider setting any Google Fonts (Duru Sans?) as default, becaue other fails on non-Latin characters (ugly font substitution goes).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Markdown QuickTags] Right Alt z still redefinedAny idea, when we can expect to have this fixed?
Without Right Alt+Z functional (not re-defined) I can’t edit any Polish text and must disable your plugin. Which is very pity for me, because I find it extremely useful!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Markdown QuickTags] Toolbar hidden after recent update (0.9.5)I think, I have found, what is causing metioned problem. It has nothing to do with TablePress as I don’t use this plugin.
Your plugin is uses following HTML element to render buttons:
<div id="ed_toolbar" style="">
. This element contains all the buttons, that your plugin adds.“Something” is adding the very same element below, with the same ID (strange), with
class and some styling, i.e.:<div id="ed_toolbar" class="quicktags-toolbar" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 1399px;"></div>
. This element contains no buttons and no other elements, but since it is positioned on-top of “your” element, then it hides it completely.I don’t know, what is that “something”, that adds this element, because browsing through entire code (all files) of your plugin reveals, that there is not even a tiny line, that would contain
string (class of additional element). So, my only guessing is that something is adding this element dynamically. It is supported, by the fact, that if you observe editing area on slow computer and slow connection, you may see, that buttons appears as normal initially and are covered by additional toolbar only after “spinner” ends spinning.I don’t know what is causing this and how to fix this in professional manner, but an ugly workaround, that I found was to add
.quicktags-toolbar {display: none;}
styling to the end ofmdqt_style.css
file and upload it to FTP.That’s another good idea. However, this cuts me of from master theme updates, right? On the other hand, such simple theme shouldn’t be updated too often.
I like both Edda and its master Saga for their simplicty and I agree with you that certain themes should not need extra sidebar. In this particular case I was rather thinking about adding a small sidebar at the bottom to put my social links, blogroll (links to sister blogs) and (in future) maybe some ads. I agree, that adding big sidebars may ruin perfect, simple themes, but then again, blogs that are part of certain blog network, that does not have links to their sister blogs or socials aren’t that good enough. In case of Edda and Saga, the only alternative next to adding own siderbar, that I see, is to add a sticky post containing these links. I think, you agree, that this is far more worse option than adding own sidebar at the bottom of theme, right? :>