Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] Problem: Cannot modify header informationI just wrote, what I saw, basing on my own experience. I too followed Otto’s example, copied “domain_mapping.php” to “mu_plugins” and got exactly the same error message. Removing “domain_mapping.php” from “mu_plugins” solved the problem.
If you think, that above mentioned error has different source than placing “domain_mapping.php” in “mu_plugins”, then maybe this is some kind of coincidence.
Damn, forgot to mark as resolved.
Ah, I see. OK thanks for the explanation.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] Problem: Cannot modify header informationIt seems, that you have read Otto’s outdated instruction. It is 2,5 year old and written for an old version of this plugin. You’re using newest one.
Read ‘Instruction’ for this plugin again. It says in one chapter: “Illustrated installation instructions can be found here but you can ignore the instructions to place domain_mapping.php in mu-plugins”.
Solution to your problem should be deleting “domain_mapping.php” from “mu_plugins” folder or remove whole this folder. Newest version of this pluging doesn’t require it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] It doesn't work!!!!!Well… I don’t know if Otto himself or someone else did delete my post. But, whoever did it, must strongly misunderstood reasons for which he got moderator or adminstrator rights. As far as I know these rights are not for deleting perfectly correct answer, just because someone got a bad day.
Any reasonable person understands that two and a half year old post must be outdated. That’s quite a long time in IT area. There was a 3.0 release candidate version of WordPress at a time, Otto wrote his guide. Now, we have 3.4.2. Of course it is much easier to delete someone’s post than to update own blog. The funny thing is, that I haven’t wrote much criticism aganist his post. Actually I was more critic to people, who follows his guide, not seeing that it is a bit outdated.
Anyway, if you still have problems with WordPress and wasn’t unable to read my reply, contact me privately via PM and I’ll send you copy of my resolution. Cheers.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] It doesn't work!!!!!Anyone got any idea, why my long, detalied answer to this question has been deleted by someone? I spent over a half hour explaining everything to the asker and now it is lost! ??
I have a copy of this, but won’t put it here again, if there is someone who don’t like it and is willing to delete my perfectly legitime answer.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Domain-based Blog NetworkJust one important notice for others.
Otto’s guide is TWO AND A HALF YEAR OLD. It is now nearly completely out-dated. Plugin has evolved by that time and has been updated many times. That is, why you see some many differences between those screenshots and messages there and real plugin. For me, instructions at installation tab of plugin itself:
was enough for me. I was able to setup all the things and get it all working.
If, after clicking activate (either network-wide or site-alone one), you see a message about fatal error about redeclaration of some functions, then this 99,99% because I have read (and did) whole OUTDATED Otto’s blog and copied a file into mu-plugins directory. This is DEPRECATED, you don’t have to do this anymore. Keep yourself with installation guide on plugin page and forget about all this mu-plugins stuff!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] Completely lost on domain mappingOK. Let me try to help you in points:
1. Otto’s guide is TWO AND A HALF YEAR OLD. It is now nearly completely out-dated. Plugin has evolved by that time and has been updated many times. That is, why you see some many differences between those screenshots and messages there and real plugin. For me, instructions at installation tab of plugin itself:
was enough for me. I was able to setup all the things and get it all working.
2. Image, you’re reffering to is Domain Mapping section, where you add actual domain, you want to map to your blog site. You can access it via Tools > Domain Mapping. But it is available there only for all your network-created sites. That is: only for those blogs that were created after you finished setting up your blog network. This option is not available for Network Admin and not for blog (site) you had installed as first one, before creating a network.
3. Maybe most important. Due to (probably) some bug in this plugin, section Tools > Domain Mapping is not avaiilable (visible), if you network activate this plugin — i.e. make it active for all your sites. Deactivate it (click on Network Deactivate in Network Admin > Plugins) and instead go to each of your sites (except: as above) and manually activate this plugin for each of your sites / blogs. Only then this option become available and you’ll be able to access screen, you’re showing on screen-shot.
4. If, after clicking activate (either network-wide or site-alone one), you see a message about fatal error about redeclaration of some functions, then this 99,99% because I have read (and did) whole OUTDATED Otto’s blog and copied a file into mu-plugins directory. This is DEPRECATED, you don’t have to do this anymore. Keep yourself with installation guide on plugin page and forget about all this mu-plugins stuff!
5. I used IP address instead of CNAME in plugin configuration and it seems to be working for me just fine. That is all for plugin. As for your domain (DNS) configuration: you probably should use both CNAME and IP address in domain config to be able to access both and I wrote “problably”, because I haven’t tested this out. It works just fine for me, no matter if I use my domain with or without https://www., so I haven’t even checked, what do I have configured in my domains. If you don’t need https://www., then you can forget about all this CNAME stuff.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] Works for Dashboard, but not for Front PageTry (with backslash) to see the results.
If you’re getting cPanel page instead of blog, then 99,99% you have some errors in domain / hosting configuration that do not relate in any way to this plugin.
For example, I’m seeing exactly the same page (cPanel ones), when I enter IP Address instead of domain name. But, when I enter domain name, all is fine and plugin seems to be working. Maybe this will lead you to where to start looking for a possible source of your problems?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Domain-based Blog NetworkThank you so much! I thought, I can handle this myself, by reconfiguring add-ons domains in my cPanel configuration for my host. But it turned out to be in-effective. So, blog entry, you mentioned and plugin, it refers to seesm to be the only option. Thanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Showing list of subpages on pagesscotchegg78,
The solution you’ve provided works perfectly except for the fact that it only displays subpages titles as link to them. How to modify above code to have actually displayed title and lead (part of each page before pressing “Insert read more tag) – text that in post is displayed before “Read more” link?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Testdrive version or two WPs using the same databaseOh, Mother of sweet Jesus! ?? You’re right! ?? How stupid I’m not to see such easy solution! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Testdrive version or two WPs using the same databasesabinou, I don’t see to much danger in this situation as in my test-drive blog I will only change php files related to theme and don’t even touch DB! It’s just easy for me to see the same posts in both version.
But if you suggest that this could put blog on risk and that probably it would be technically hard to achieve then I think i listen to you and use two differenet sets of tables! ?? Thanks!
TrejderForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Testdrive version or two WPs using the same databaseNope! This is standard solution and I’ve used it before. What I was meaning is to have TWO installations using the same SET OF TABLES. So the testdrive version and public one would have the same posts, comments and pages.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Adding menu buttons in LightwordHi,
Go to Themes settings and select LightWord Settings from there. You’ll find most option for what you need (disable RSS, top logo) there as this is very customisable theme!
If you wish to add more pages on front many you DON’T HAVE TO dig through PHP files! Simply, in your WordPress, add some PAGES (NOT post) and see in above mentioned LightWord configuration, if you have set to show pages instead of categories on front menu (this is default setting so there should be any problems with that).
You can even have submenu of front menu. Simply, while adding page select under which page current page will be placed.
You are welcome to catch me via e-mail (which would be my nick – that is trejder – in domain, as I read this forum not to often. I will be happy to help you, if I only be able to and find some time for that! ??