Yet the admin bar only shows when you’re logged in. My original post was saying that the plugin does not work for users are NOT logged in.
I’ll break it down for you:
Original Code:
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $loggedin = ‘.pace .pace-progress {margin-top: 32px}’; }else{ $loggedin = ‘NOTICE THERE IS NOTHING HERE FOR USERS WHO ARENT LOGGED IN‘; }
Ammended Code:
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $loggedin = ‘.pace .pace-progress {margin-top: 32px}’; }else if ( !is_user_logged_in() ){ $loggedin = ‘.pace .pace-progress {margin-top: 32px}’; }
Notice that there is now styling for those who aren’t logged in, meaning that the bar will show for them too.