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  • Thread Starter trinzia


    Resolved. In comments.php, instead of do_action, used:

    echo $safe_report_comments->get_flagging_link( $comment_id, '', 'Report comment' );
    Thread Starter trinzia


    Related issue:

    The select box used for adding images to a gallery is not alphabetical.

    Since it is by your ID#, to add a new image, I must manually scan the select box drop-down for 1/1000 gallery names which are not alphabetized.

    I also do not see a way to add an image when I am in the ‘Manage Gallery’ page for that gallery, so there’s no ‘workaround’ either.

    The UI needs work to be friendly for use in a large site.


    Not working on custom fields inside custom post types. Which is 99% of my site. Would be glad for a fix for that.

    Thread Starter trinzia


    Update: Ran a batch on my images using Digital Confidence’s ‘BatchPurifier’ to remove all meta-tags from images. Thumbnail conversion seems to be working without fail, now.

    Anyone having issues with Nextgen thumbs / thumbnails, try that.

    If there’s a fix that the plugin author can do, that would be super, since clients won’t understand this issue. Could be complicated, I know.

    Thread Starter trinzia


    Oh PS – It would be nifty if I could ‘use words’ but have code blocks only display half as many words, because when i use words, the posts with code blocks get super long.

    Thread Starter trinzia


    I don’t understand how the hash mark should fix accessibility? Can you explain? Thanks.

    Thread Starter trinzia


    Hi Luca,
    For clarity, I am designing themes for which I am not the end-user/admin. Therefore I do not know which plugins will be installed. Since I am providing only the theme, I do not include plugins or CSS files in the plugin directories.

    While you are correct that I could easily fix it on a case by case basis, there isn’t any way to fix it only within the construct of my theme. So as a theme author, rather than a publisher, I find it inconvenient.

    If the CSS is difficult, perhaps you could include a line where it is clear how to de-queue your stylesheet in my functions.php.

    Thanks for your consideration.

    Thread Starter trinzia


    Ah I’m an idiot, I just found the comment code where you say the templates can just be copied to theme.

    But specifically I want control of the placement of the error messages, for reasons of accessibility.

    I want to place each error message immediately below the form element which failed. This allows a blind user who’s using the arrow-down key to catch the error message before proceeding.

    Also, I want, in the case that the page must reload, such as failed login, to set focus to the error message:

    <div class="error">
        <a href="#" class="assistive-text foci">Error</a>
    	Your login failed. Please try again.
    	jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    I could probably fix most of  it with a form validation script?

    And if I delete ‘template->the_errors();’ from each page?

    But it would appear that the entire page reloads when there’s an error? Is it so? This would make a blind user unhappy, especially if a client stuck the login in the wrong place on the sidebar (bottom).

    Which brings me back to the beginning, which is, can I just include the whole thing in my theme, so that I can disable that widget and write the login form directly into the theme? Making it a widget makes it possible for the admin to do something stupid like put it at the bottom.

    This might be overkill, but I keep hitting on these unanswered questions as I’m trying to finish up my options, so here’s a page I’m using to document the solution as I work on it. I have the Farbtastic colorpicker working, and have managed to use the HSL values to generate some nifty auto-colored swatches.
    Note that my solution isn’t completely done yet, but it probably has some of the elements you need to get started.

    You might want these functions that msaari helped me write. I placed them in functions.php. Note that it would be better to use something like get_post_custom_keys, than to manually enter the field names, as I did. I haven’t gotten around to that part yet.

     * RELEVANSSI function, to display custom fields in search results.
    add_filter('relevanssi_excerpt_content', 'excerpt_function', 10, 3);
    function excerpt_function($content, $post, $query) {
    	$fields = array('meta_results', 'meta_inputs', 'meta_purpose', 'meta_special', 'meta_references');
    	$field_title = array('Results', 'Inputs', 'Purpose/Function', 'Special Characteristics', 'References');
    	foreach($fields as $key => $field){
    		$field_value = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field, TRUE);
    		$content .= $field_title[$key] . ": " . ( is_array($field_value) ? implode('<br/>', $field_value) : $field_value ) . " | " ;
    	return $content;
     *  Relevanssi function for advanced search form.  Names must be "s" and "e" for search and exclusion inputs.
    add_filter('query_vars', 'new_qvs');
    function new_qvs($qv) {
    $qv[] = 'e';
    return $qv;
    add_filter('relevanssi_modify_wp_query', 'exclusion_terms');
    function exclusion_terms($wp_query) {
         if (isset($wp_query->query_vars['e'])) {
             $negation = "";
             $e = explode(' ', $wp_query->query_vars['e']);
             foreach ($e as $exclusion_term) {
    			if (substr($exclusion_term, 0, 1) == '-') {
                     $negation .= ' ' . $exclusion_term;
                 else {
                     $negation .= ' -' . $exclusion_term;
             if ($negation != ' -') $wp_query->query_vars['s'] .= $negation;
         return $wp_query;

    About caching, it helps also to hold Shift while reloading in Firefox. To see my styles, I had the best luck when doing that shift-reload once on Dashboard, and sometimes again in page. And using Firebug to see if the styles were there or not, because sometimes it is my CSS targets that are wrong.

    You could also try going to your Adv MCE settings page in Admin, and redrag the selectbox onto the bar, because it worked fine for me yesterday when I installed, once I figured out to go to that Settings page. ??

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Checkboxes
    Thread Starter trinzia


    Thanks, I will find that function useful.

    Thread Starter trinzia



    Go into the template file and add in the comments:
    * Template Name: My Page Name

    Then when you create a page in the WordPress Admin panel, you can use your own php file from your theme.

    To redirect to it, check which plugins have the redirect. In my particular case, redirect comes via S2Member, but Theme My Login also has the option to add it.

    You’re right, S2Member has a setting for this too, so I’d better look there first since it seems to be the active setting.

    Could you please explain the solution?

    What did you put as your form action and where do you put relevanssi_do_query()?


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