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  • Thread Starter Truefire


    Yeah, thanks…I see! “No-Go” here. I was not receiving any help over there reference this issue. I’ll go knock again I guess. When monies are pooling yet I’m not pocketing, I was reaching out anyway I knew how trying to resolve this major issue.




    Yeah I can totally understand where you are coming from with that understanding, years ago I thought the same thing initially. I had for years purchased software to install on my computers so that I could build template based websites. So when I initially heard about wordpress I was of the same thought process…just download on my computer right?

    Over at Godaddy ( a hosting service provider) they have a one click install for the wordpress platform that might meet your needs. You could consider godaddy for your hosting and in doing so their wordpress ‘one click’ function would be available to you. It is so straightforward and simple using their ‘one click’ installation feature.

    Not sure how much meat you have in the game at the moment but I would highly suggest you give it a look, especially if you aren’t well versed in all of the ‘server this, server that yadda yadda’..

    I’m not 100% certain and wish that I could direct you in the right direction. Im certain you may have thought of this but have you tried contacting your hosting personnel?

    I’m not certain how far in the game you are at the moment and whether or not you are bound to your hosting service but godaddy offers a ‘one-click’ install for the wordpress platform. Good thing about that is, if you run into a slight kink as I have, you can call godaddy and they’ll get you out of it.

    For what its worth. I really wish I could help you more…trust me….I KNOW!!! how frustrating it can be to need a life ring and no one is to be found.

    Thread Starter Truefire


    Jason, I checked into that tidbit a little bit further but unable to definitively locate a sector inside godaddy’s ‘remote mail exchanger’ for which to activate said function and to enter the port #25. I looked in every nook and cranny associated with my account, searched out help, etc;. Just not successful in locating.

    I could have called godaddy but I’d rather not even go that route. Seemingly such a disservice to many of their tech reps when callin in.

    I was wondering about that plugin. Curious to know how it would benefit me with the contact form in my wordpress, if my wordpress is actually associated with godaddy anyway. How would it benefit me if godaddy is actually searching for a ” —name—@domain name” anyway..Looking for domain name registered with them apparently.

    Well how would that plugin in benefit me? I’m just trying to determine how it would.

    Thanks for anything.


    Thread Starter Truefire


    Thanks Jason, very helpful sounding info. Will check into. THanks a million.

    Thread Starter Truefire


    If you have found yourself here looking for an answer to

      ‘Removing related products from the bottom of your single product pages’

    in Woocommerce, the following link will most def help you

    Thread Starter Truefire


    If you will look at any page on my site, the ‘title’ or ‘header’ for a lack of better words, at the top of that page just beneath my logo banner is a color very close to the color of the banner. I want the color of that set to white.

    Now, if you will notice, all the pages in the left margin. The word ‘Pages’ above those page links is blacked out and cannot be read. If you will look very closely you can see it. I want that to be set to white also.

    If these two facets are possible?

    Thanks so much.

    Thread Starter Truefire


    OMG!!!!! That’s got it Lorro. Thanks a million. Do you have a site or blog by chance with donate buttons integrated so that I can donate a cup of coffee to you?

    I had failed to add that <?php to the snippet in the earlier file upload. That adjustment was exactly what was needed. Worked like a charm…You are the man Lorro!! I truly mean that. I appreciate it so very much from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for your help.

    For anyone else following: The snippet below is the code needed to remove ‘related products’ from the bottom of your ‘single product’ pages in woocommerce.

    remove_action( ‘woocommerce_after_single_product_summary’, ‘woocommerce_output_related_products’, 20 );

    However, in order for it to work you would need to add <?php to the string of code, such that it looks like the code below, and create a new file using Notepad on your computer.

    <?php remove_action( ‘woocommerce_after_single_product_summary’, ‘woocommerce_output_related_products’, 20 );

    Just add the above snippet of code into that blank text area of Notepad and save as functions.php

    Then by using your hosting service’s file manager, upload that file (functions.php) into the following folder location:


    Use F5 to totally refresh your site page and the changes should have occurred

    Thread Starter Truefire


    Kenny, I really appreciate you taking a look into my issue and sending help my way. I had used your provided code and it worked well in allowing the banner to become transparent and for my black to shine through.

    One slight issue, it also got rid of my facebook and email icon on the banner.

    After talking with my wife, I think I might just leave that banner the color that it is. She stated, she thinks it looks well and adds to the site. So, I think I just go with the way it is for now.

    You wouldn’t by chance know how to change the ‘Pages’ and ‘Home’ to white would you? They were white on every page before I switched over to the child theme and its not a function of the text color palette that I can see. I still have the same colors chosen in the settings as before the changeover to the child theme from parent.

    Something in that transition changed some code somewhere.

    Thread Starter Truefire


    I’m not clear on what you are saying reference the <?php Are you saying that I must add that or to look for it and plug that code in somewhere behind it?

    Thread Starter Truefire


    Well YIPPEE!! Its working Lorro.. Man I owe you. The F5 forced reload returned just what I had been needing to see. I had cleared all cache earlier but apparently that was when I was attempting to load the snippet via another means.

    At anyrate, it is indeed working correctly.

    Now on to attempting to remove the ‘similar products’ on the ‘single product pages’. We shall see how that works. Some of our earlier converse should take care of that issue. Thanks

    I am assuming that I can just place the remove_action snippet right in there with the other on the custom.css page??

    Thread Starter Truefire


    I took you up on that advise and downloaded that plugin….recreated the child theme using the child theme creator and chose black skin with no image in background – black.

    Copied and placed this string of css into the new plugin custom css page provided: Insert custom string here

    body {background-image:none}

    same stuff…nothing is happening, the skin will load very quickly revealing black but will then go to the default color that it has always been for some weird reason.

    I appreciate everything, but I think I will just not worry about trying to change the site. I guess I will live with it -in all of its preposterousness. I really wanted to activate the child theme so I could alter and make my site look more like a bona-fide website as opposed to a blogging platform. Needed to remove similar product on all of my product pages and remove all of the extras.

    I needed the child theme to do that…but after all of this, I’m almost to the point of ‘forget about it’

    Thread Starter Truefire


    I went through that process as I just mentioned in post 21 above. Followed that to the letter and received this after I uploaded it into the appropriate child theme folder there at godaddy.

    This is what I received:

    body {background-image:none}
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/46/11448746/html/WordPress/wp-content/themes/gdvintage-child-01/functions.php:1) in /home/content/46/11448746/html/WordPress/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1178

    Can anyone advise?

    Thread Starter Truefire


    Lorro, I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate your helping me…sticking around throughout…Thank YOU!

    Thread Starter Truefire


    Thanks so much..makes perfect sense. So use my notepad software and upload the following snippet

    body {background-image:none}

    into a blank page, save it as functions.php

    Next, upload the file to:
    wp-content/themes/my-child-theme-name/functions.php using FTP or your host’s file manager software.

    –and I am good to go????

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