Hi Matt,
I am very pleased about your reply and explanation about the AALB, going to use the ‘onelink’ Amazon program. Lucky your wife to have the ‘in-house’ tech guy ??
Your scope of business sounds very interesting and somehow similar to my consultancy business in the field of industrial automation and renewable energy ( see more at LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/frederick-niemann/ ).
My IM line is developing Amazon store business using WP. I am working with vidizonpro.com and storebuildr.com software which I find quite useful and straight forward. To get good ideas and techings from my Wealthy Affiliate M’ship ( https://siterubix.com?a_aid=a8c6ac7f ), may be your wife likes to check it out?
Thank you again for your quick response and please let me know if I could be of help to you too.
Best regards,