TrustedShops Support
Forum Replies Created
Dear customer,
we have already replied to you from our own ticket system.
Support Team
Trusted Shops AGForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Trusted Shops Easy Integration for WooCommerce] Bug with new versionDear @thismatters ,
Can you share some details about the issue and the WordPress / WooCommerce versions you are using? I understand the issue appeared with the latest Trusted Shops Easy Integration version (2.0.3)?
Many thanks for any hint as I could not find any issues on mobile in my test instance.
Best regards
Product Support Team
Trusted Shops AGHi,
Could you please contact us through [email protected] ? Then we can look into your issue more specific.
Thank you!
Best regards,
Jonathan (Trusted Shops)
You can fetch the reviews via an API, sure. Please find the documentation here:
Hi Christoph,
You can export the Reviews from WooCommerce and we import them to our system that way they are combined if you then deactivate the Woo reviews.
Feel free to send us a mail using the subject line “Case Number: 01206451” to [email protected] so we can answer directly using our regular ticketing system.
Best wishes,
Tim Scholz
Product Support Trusted Shops
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Trusted Shops Easy Integration for WooCommerce] Customize Widget via CSSHi,
Our widgets are making use of the Shadow DOM and that is why you cannot apply CSS to them. In case you want to have customized widgets, you could consider the usage of our APIs to create personalized widgets. Please have a look at our API documentation: eTrusted Developer Docs
I hope I’ve answered your questions!
Technical Support Trusted Shops
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Trusted Shops Easy Integration for WooCommerce] Combine channelsHi,
Unfortunately this isn’t possible. It is only allowed to show the reviews on the domain where they were collected.
I hope I’ve answered your questions!
Technical Support Trusted Shops
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Trusted Shops Easy Integration for WooCommerce] Version 2.0 ?Good morning,
Thank you for contacting us.
You can find this new feature in our help center:
Please refer to the section Optimised sending of review invites.
Thank you.
Trusted shop integration support team.
Good morning,
Thank you for contacting us.
The tab “widgets” cannot be removed, however when you select for a specific widget the location -> “Select a location” it will not be active since no location is chosen.
Hopefully that will answer your question.
Trusted shops Product integration team.
Good morning,
Thank you for contacting us.
Would you mind using this email address?
[email protected] to send you request? Our technical integration support team will answer to you as soon as possible.Do not forget to specify, the website impacted and the company name.
Thanking you in advance for your kind understanding.
Trusted shops Product integration team.
Dear Tatof,
Could you please email to the following email address with the issue:
Then we will offer you support through that way.
Best regards,
Technical Support Trusted Shops
Hi @tatof,
thanks for your message. We are working on a fix right now on our data layer. A workaround would be to refresh the plugin multiple times. After that you should see the plugin configuration for setting it up. Since it is configured the integration should work. You can also create your SSO Clients in the control center under:
Settings >SSO Clients Managment
If you have more technical questions feel free to reach out directly to: [email protected]
Thank you!
Your Trusted Shops Team
Cze?? @pynio,
przygotowa?em dla Ciebie zmodyfikowan? wersj? kodu, Trustbadge powinien wy?wietla? si? teraz po prawej stronie tylko dla podstrony
Zamień, prosz?, kod, który masz obecnie, na ten poni?ej i od?wie? pami?? podr?czn?. Przetestowa?em kod u siebie i powinien dzia?a? z tym adresem, który poda?e?, ale w razie czego mo?esz sprawdzi? go najpierw w ?rodowisku testowym (wtedy URL b?dzie oczywi?cie inny). Nie zapomnij zapisa? starego kodu, gdyby? potrzebowa? do niego wróci?.
Zwró? uwag? na trzeci? linijk? od do?u. W miejscu [TUTAJ WPISZ SWOJE TSID], wpisz swoje TSID (bez kwadratowych nawiasów).
<script type="text/javascript" id="ts-easy-integration-trustbadge-main-js" group="1" async="" charset="UTF-8"> var TBscript = document.createElement("script") let dataDestopPosition = window.location.href === '' ? 'right' : 'left' TBscript.setAttribute('data-desktop-y-offset', '10') TBscript.setAttribute('data-mobile-y-offset', '10') TBscript.setAttribute('data-desktop-disable-reviews', 'false') TBscript.setAttribute('data-desktop-enable-custom', 'false') TBscript.setAttribute('data-desktop-position', dataDestopPosition) TBscript.setAttribute('data-desktop-custom-width', '156') TBscript.setAttribute('data-desktop-enable-fadeout', 'false') TBscript.setAttribute('data-disable-mobile', 'false') TBscript.setAttribute('data-disable-trustbadge', 'false') TBscript.setAttribute('data-mobile-custom-width', '156') TBscript.setAttribute('data-mobile-disable-reviews', 'false') TBscript.setAttribute('data-mobile-enable-custom', 'false') TBscript.setAttribute('data-mobile-position', 'left') TBscript.src = '//[TUTAJ WPISZ SWOJE TSID].js?ver=1.0.6' document.head.appendChild(TBscript) </script>
W razie jakichkolwiek pytań nie wahaj si? napisa? tutaj, lub bezpo?rednio na productintegration[ma?pka]
Kacper Ku?
1st Level Technical Support
Technical SuccessHi Marco,
thanks for your request. If the position of the widget in the plugin is not available or doesn’t fit, you have the possibility to add it manually like it’s explained in the help center article as follows:
Your Trusted Shops Team
Ciesz? si?, ?e uda?o si? rozwi?za? problem.
W razie jakichkolwiek pytań — zapraszam do kontaktu!Pozdrawiam,
Krystian Slowik
2nd Level Technical Support
Technical Success