TrustedShops Support
Forum Replies Created
Nie jestem w stanie zlokalizowa? na twojej stronie kodu CSS, który Ci dostarczy?em.
Jeste? pewny, ?e wszystko si? poprawnie zapisa?o?
Cze?? @pynio
Z której wersji wtyczki korzystasz? Zmiana ustawienia na “z lewej” powinno by? brane pod uwag? we wszystkich podstronach. Sprawdzi?em i rzeczywi?cie nie jest poprawnie wy?wietlany.
Spróbuj zaktualizowa? wtyczk? do najnowszej wersji (jak aktualizacja jest dost?pna).
W momencie, jakby to nie zadzia?a?o podrzucam ci jeszcze “CSS hack” na zmuszenie Trustbadge do wy?wietlania z lewej strony.
#minimized-trustbadge-98e3dadd90eb493088abdc5597a70810 { left: 20px!important; right: unset!important; } #minimized-trustbadge-98e3dadd90eb493088abdc5597a70810:hover { left: 19px!important; right: unset!important; } #minimized-trustbadge-98e3dadd90eb493088abdc5597a70810 .outsideAlerter-98e3dadd90eb493088abdc5597a70810 > div:first-child { left: 0!important; right: auto!important; } #maximized-trustbadge-98e3dadd90eb493088abdc5597a70810 { left: 20px!important; right: unset!important; } #trustcard-98e3dadd90eb493088abdc5597a70810 { left: 20px!important; right: unset!important; } ._1gwv20v div:first-child { right: unset!important; } ._xo5f1 ._csg9f9 { left: 0px !important; right: auto !important; } ._t53mel ._fwiprs { left: 0px !important; right: auto !important; }
Wystarczy, ?e umie?cisz go w Wygl?d → Dostosuj → Dodatkowy CSS.
Jak masz jakiekolwiek pytania — zapraszam do kontaktu w tym po?cie albo bezpo?rednio do nas, na adres mailowy productintegraiton[ma?pka]
KrystianHi @pynio
my name is Jan and I am part of the Trusted Shops’ technical support team.
You can use shortcodes to embed a specific widget:
[ts_widget id=”{widget_id}” sales_channel=”{sales_channel}” product_identifier=”{identifier}”]
Please keep in mind that embedding product-specific widgets by passing an identifier (e.g. sku, gtin, mpn) will only work on product-specific pages.
For example:[ts_widget id=”wdg-d6dc1e38-d43b-46aa-123e-xxxxxx” product_identifier=”SKU”]
This can be either inserted via page-builder apps like Elementor with an available shortcode element or via the themes product template files with use of do_shortcode function.Hope this helps you.
Best regards
Jan Mika
Trusted Shops GmbHHi,
unfortunately, I can not add screenshots here, but for me both Trustbadges appear as they should. It seems the problem has already been solved. Please confirm.
Trustful greetings,
Trusted Shops Support Team
first of all, sorry for the delayed response.
Another customer with the same issue granted us access to his backend, but our developer was not able to find any reason related to the Trusted Shops plugin. Unfortunately, in this case there were a lot of other errors which could potentially lead to the problem with Jetpack Search.
May I ask if it would be possible to grant us access to your shop, too? If it is “cleaner” and without dozens of other error messages, the chances for our support team and/or developer to find the solution are much better.
Please DO NOT send any credentials here. Please contact us directly via “[email protected]”. Please ask for a direct forwarding to the support team. All further steps will then be discussed.Trustful greetings,
Trusted Shops Support Team