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  • For the record I was having the same issue using the Twentyfourteen theme. I used what mitchellkarr posted last and it does work! Make sure the ” Write to external CSS file? (Leave unchecked for WP Multisite.)” is checked or it will not suffice. For some reason I kept reading make sure this is unchecked and it threw me off. Running WP 3.9.1 on Chrome v.35.

    Hi Matt,

    Thank you so much as this has been bugging me all evening! Mine was on line 3718

    .primary-navigation li:hover > a,
    	.primary-navigation li.focus > a {
    		background-color: #324885;
    		color: #fff;

    Thanks for your help!


    Thread Starter Tryah85


    Thank You for the help, maybe I was being too specific….

    body.home h1 {
    h1 {
    Did not work. Thank you again!

    Beyond the thread here, double dots means go back on folder(directory)and then cascade up to the key file. One dot means the current directory. Avoid full path names because when moving the files to the server the localhost changes. Pain to update.

    Opps, sorry. See this new thread.

    I would not add <link href=’; rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’> to header.php. Like the moderator said when/if you upgrade the theme the external link to googles CSS file is lost.

    I have been working on a similar project (to help me understand how the wordpress hierarchy works).

    The best way to add the google link to the header of the WordPress DOM is to create a functions.php file in the child theme, and add php code to make it more dynamic.

    function load_google_fonts() {
    		wp_register_style('googleFontsUbuntu',' Ubuntu');
                wp_enqueue_style( 'googleFontsUbuntu');
    add_action('wp_print_styles', 'load_google_fonts');

    So to help me process this in my head, within a separate functions.php in the child theme (not the main theme) a function is written registering the font and then it is enqueued. Finally you add the action to print out the fonts.

    For the record I know there is a Google fonts plugin I could use, but I want to figure this way out for learning purposes…

    Where I am is now I can see the twenty twelve-child css links in the header when I view the source- so I know my google fonts are loaded and ready to be used, but I cannot get the right css properties to override the Open Sans, Helvetica… font-family.

    I have found the main font-family properties in the main theme’s style.css, so I just override them by specifying them within the styles.css in the -child folder:

    @import url(../twentytwelve/style.css);
    body {
    	font-family: Marck+Script, Roboto, Averia+Libre, sans-serif;
    body.custom-font-enabled {
    	font-family: Marck+Script, Roboto, Averia+Libre, sans-serif;
    .entry-content code,
    .comment-content code {
    	font-family: Marck+Script, Roboto, Averia+Libre, sans-serif;
    .entry-content pre,
    .comment-content pre {
    	font-family: Marck+Script, Roboto, Averia+Libre, sans-serif;
    .page-title span,
    .pingback a.url {
    	font-family: Marck+Script, Roboto, Averia+Libre, sans-serif;

    Nothing changes. I am lost, anybody have a suggestion? Thank you ??

    Great thread, thank you.

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