I did make a hard coded change into the core of WordPress, but obviously that won’t retain as newer versions come up.
inside /wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php, below this function:
function post_author_meta_box($post) { }
I changed
wp_dropdown_users( array(
'who' => 'authors',
'name' => 'post_author_override',
'selected' => empty($post->ID) ? $user_ID : $post->post_author,
'include_selected' => true
) );
wp_dropdown_users( array(
'who' => 'authors',
'name' => 'post_author_override',
'selected' => empty($post->ID) ? $user_ID : $post->post_author,
'show' => 'user_login',
'include_selected' => true
) );
Can anyone think of a way to define this outside of the core, perhaps in functions.php?