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  • Thread Starter tspnyc


    I found the css and header.php

    I had to be logged in as SuperAdmin.

    And then I have to go to Theme/Editor.

    But I use multisite and I have a different header image on each site. This implies I have a different header on each site, but I can only find the header.php under the main site.

    Not sure why no one will share this information, the forums are full of people asking the same questions and getting answers to questions they didn’t ask.

    I found one on

    Same issue “trying to add Google Web Master meta tags. The instructions I’ve read are to go to Appearance/Themes/Header. Once I’m there, I can only make changes to the header image, header text and text colour – no access to code”

    The “answer” was: You don’t need to go in the header. And he is told to follow these instructions for putting putting in the Google verification tag.

    “To verify your site for Google Webmaster, paste the code in Tools -> Available Tools. You don’t need to paste it in the header.

    See here:”

    Unfortunately, I do not have anything under Available Tools remotely like webmaster-tools.

    And one on here asked: The same question, how do you get to the header.php to edit it.

    The Answer was “its in appearances->editor”. Only he didn’t have appearance->editor and neither do I. So he was then told “well you can’t edit your themes then.”


    Thread Starter tspnyc


    Thank you!

    I understand about the Child Themes, but I have asked for weeks how to get to CSS of the theme and no one will tell me. It is getting extremely frustrating when you ask how to do something and people just give you instructions on how to do something else.

    The instructions you provided on child themes say

    Create a directory by using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides. Put a properly formatted style.css file in it, and you have a child theme!

    What is a properly formatted style.css? How do you make one?

    Again, as with 100% of every instruction I have seen in the WP codex, they assume I know what things mean. They assume I already know how to get to the css. They assume I know how to go on a blank Edit CSS and type code that will do something. When I do not know any of that.

    Did that instruction mean I copy the theme’s style.css and paste it into this ftp directory? If so WHERE IS IT???????

    Or does it mean I create a blank one?

    I certainly do not know how to create one with code it, i do not know how to make code.

    Everything I read on WP and Google and everyplace else keeps saying edit your stylesheet and add tags to the <head> nothing said anything about it not being in the CSS.

    But I still cannot FIND the CSS anywhere anyway!

    When you search for “where to find CSS”, “how to find CSS”, you find codex pages that tell you how to find code IN your CSS, but they never say WHERE you go to find the CSS in the first place or how to open it to search in it.

    I have been a corporate software trainer for 25 years (but never dealt with code before) and I have never seen such poorly written instructions or help documents. They are like someone asking how to treat their painful ailment and the answer starts with “after you graduate from medical school and pass your boards…”

    I have never seen such a thing before. So much of the WordPress world and similar places is full of people who start their instructions on about step five, assuming the reader already knows how to open, enter and navigate places like the CSS.

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    Sorry, I got the WordPress SEO by Yost and it is currently worthless to me.

    Not only do I not understand how it is supposed to allow me to add tags to individual pages and posts…

    I cannot use it at all until I sign up for Google Webmaster.

    I cannot sign up for that until I verify my site with Google.

    I cannot verify my site until I can get into the <head> section of my home page and place an html tag for Google to verify.

    I cannot do that because Edit CSS is a BLANK PAGE now that I have activated Custom CSS.

    So, I am back to my original query. HOW can I get into the <head> section to place tags in individual pages, when a page doesn’t show anything but the main content?

    How am I supposed to know when I am in the head section if Custom CSS says just type your code in this blank page and we will add it to the template CSS????

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    Thanks. That sounds much easier.

    I see there are a billion SEO plug-ins, I will start looking at reviews.

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    I have advanced settings but it looked like I could only add space to both sides. I did not realize that, while the horizontal space box would add equal space on both sides of the image, I could simply delete the left margin space in the Style bar!

    Thanks very much!

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    Lor’ bless you for a sain’, Govuhnuh!

    My network admin dashboard showed Jetpack was activated for my “network” and “deactivate network” was my only option.

    I was unaware that I had to go to WordPress for each individual site and register it. But your response made me go look at that, and now the sub-sites are registered. Thank you very much!

    By inaccurate, I meant that, while they accurately showed the stats for the main domain, I had many more comments and hits on the sub-sites and their own blogs and articles that were not being reflected in the stats, so it gave a false impression of what traffic I have received thus far.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    Still looking for an answer.

    I need to change the font in a theme, that is my only change I need to make to the theme. I am not reinventing it. This default font does not display correctly in Windows 7.

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    Great, Thanks all very much. I will try this out soon!

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    thanks sorry, I found the css (I am using multi-site and forgot I had to go to the Admin dashboard to find the style sheets)

    my real issue was changing the main font of the theme.

    And I do not have Custom CSS or a Child Theme. Just the theme.

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    I see! When I heard there was a drag and drop feature for the menus, I was trying to drag directly from the Page box to the menu box.

    I did not understand that I had to first ADD all the menus to the menu box via the check boxes. After that, I drag them from one spot to another, to make them submenus of other menus.


    Thread Starter tspnyc


    Hmm. Does not matter what theme I use.

    My site, still under construction can be seen at (one of a few multi-sites I am creating under

    I have “pages”, and then I have “child pages” that list pages as their parents.

    I then make a custom menu, add just the “pages” I want. The child pages that listed those pages as parents do not show up under the menu.

    If I delete the custom menu, which returns it to the default menu and all pulldowns work fine.

    Here are screen caps.

    Image of default menu working correctly (note the Articles menu, which children including “Interviews and Profiles”, which has the current grandchildren “Boo Reiners, George Harrison”.)

    Image of the custom menu set up in the menu section of the Dashboard. All I did was add the pages I wanted in the order want them. There is nowhere to tell this utility to include lower levels.

    Image of the custom menu with the order I want, but NOT working after it appears. (Note the Articles menu has been selected but does not show lower levels).

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    Excellent. Thanks so much for your help.

    Am going with something called Max-Magazine for right now and will see how that works out.

    tsp, nyc

    Thread Starter tspnyc


    Thanks! I forgot about things like bad code and malware!

    I noticed that from my WordPress Dashboard, I can actually search for themes, and it brings up a variety of themes I have not been able to find on the theme pages you (WPyogi) linked to above. And apparently I can install them at a push of a button.

    Are the themes I am finding under the Dashboard Search feature supported? If it depends on the theme, is there anyway for me to know which ones are supported?

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