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  • Theme Author tubegtld


    Try adding this to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS, assuming you’re hoping to hide this on the Home page…

    body.home .page-content > h3,
    body.home .page-content > hr {
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by tubegtld.
    Theme Author tubegtld


    Sorry, but the screengrab doesn’t really give enough info.

    Can you please either post a link to the page or post the entire <body> tag from the page?


    Theme Author tubegtld


    Hey there, thanks for the kind words about the theme.

    I’d always recommend against hacking the theme directly.

    You’re almost always better off creating a child theme or plugin.

    To that end, please revert any changes to the theme as we won’t need them here.

    Also, the $next_post_btn code isn’t really used and should be removed. Sorry for the false lead.

    If you were to dig around in class-tube-pagination.php, you’d find that (unfortunately) the theme doesn’t use (or expose for filtering) the in_same_term, excluded_terms, or taxonomy arguments for get_next_post_link and get_previous_post_link.

    This would be a lot easier if it did.

    Since it doesn’t, the best approach would be to create a simple plugin.

    I’ve put one together below that you can drop into your plugins folder.

    It’s nothing glamorous, but based on my quick testing it should do exactly what you need.

    Drop a reply with any questions.


    Plugin Name: .TUBE Prev / Next Post in Term
    Author: .TUBE gTLD
    Author URI:
    Version: 1.0.0
    Text Domain: tube-prev-next-in-term
    License: GPLv3 or later -
    class TUBE_PrevNext_In_Term {
      public static $instance;
      public static function init() {
        if ( is_null( self::$instance ) )
            self::$instance = new TUBE_PrevNext_In_Term();
        return self::$instance;
      // Constructor  
      function __construct() {
        add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'setup_custom_pagination' ));
      function setup_custom_pagination() {
        global $tube_theme;
        // remove action to show the previous / next posts links after the content
        remove_action('tube_after_post_content', array( $tube_theme::$tube_pagination, 'prevnext_post_links' ), 100 );
        remove_action('tube_before_post_content', array( $tube_theme::$tube_pagination, 'prevnext_post_links' ), 100 );
        // add action to show the custom previous / next posts links after the content
        add_action('tube_after_post_content', array( $this, 'prevnext_post_links_in_term' ), 100 );
        add_action('tube_before_post_content', array( $this, 'prevnext_post_links_in_term' ), 100 );
      // output the custom prevnext_post_links
      function prevnext_post_links_in_term() {
        $prevnext_post_links = $this -> get_prevnext_post_links_in_term();
        echo wp_kses_post( $prevnext_post_links ); 
      // get the prevnext_post_links
      function get_prevnext_post_links_in_term() {
        // get the current post object
        $the_post = get_queried_object(); 
        // get the current post's post type
        $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object( $the_post -> post_type );
        // get the singular name of the post type
        $post_type_name = $post_type_obj->labels->singular_name;
        $prev_label_text = sprintf(
          '%1$s %2$s', 
          _x('Previous', 'Pagination: prev / next post links (used on single post page)', 'tube-prev-next-in-term'), 
          esc_html( $post_type_name )
        $next_label_text = sprintf(
          '%1$s %2$s', 
          _x('Next', 'Pagination: prev / next post links (used on single post page)', 'tube-prev-next-in-term'), 
          esc_html( $post_type_name )
        // get the next post link
        $next_post_link = get_next_post_link('%link', '<span class="btn-text">' . $next_label_text . '</span> <span class="btn-icon"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-right"></i></span></span>', true);
        // get the previous post link
        $prev_post_link = get_previous_post_link('%link', '<span class="btn-icon"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-left"></i></span> <span class="btn-text">' . $prev_label_text . '</span>', true);   
        // if neither previous nor next, do nothing
        if ( ! $next_post_link && ! $prev_post_link ):
        // generate the prev / next post links HTML
        <div class="pagination-wrap pagination-prevnext clearfix"> 
          if ( $prev_post_link ):
            echo $prev_post_link;
          if ( $next_post_link ):
            echo $next_post_link;
        // grab the output and return
        $output = ob_get_clean();
        return $output;    
    Theme Author tubegtld


    1) Can you please clarify what you are hoping to do? (Maybe even post a little sketch.)

    In the original post, it seemed you were only looking to hide the excerpt. Now it seems you are looking to hide the entire page masthead.

    2) If you are willing, please post a link to the page you are working on.


    Theme Author tubegtld


    What’s shown in the page masthead is actually the page “excerpt” using the_excerpt().

    This is intended for using the actual post_excerpt value as a summary of the page content.

    There are (at least) three approaches here. You could:

    1) Add a short custom excerpt for the page in admin that summarizes the content and will appear in the header. This is the “suggested” approach for cosmetic and usability purposes.

    2) Use CSS to hide that area of the page…

    .page-masthead .excerpt {
        display: none;

    NOTE: You can scope this using body tag classes, etc.

    3) Add a filter to the excerpt to return false…

    add_filter('the_excerpt', '__return_false');

    NOTE: This may have collateral damage to other parts of the page (e.g. meta descriptions) so please scope accordingly.

    Theme Author tubegtld


    I want to remove the category title

    I assume you are talking about the little “archive label” that appears above the title on category/tag/taxonomy archives.

    The best way to hide that would be to add some “Additional CSS” in the theme customizer.

    To specifically target category archives, you could use this…

    .archive.category .page-masthead .label {
        display: none;

    if I post a page and write a few words , It goes also to the header ,and I want to remove it

    What’s shown in the header is actually the page “excerpt” using the_excerpt(), which is useful when you want to use the actual post_excerpt value as a summary.

    There are (at least) three approaches here. You could:

    1) Add a custom excerpt for the page to serve as a summary to appear in the header.

    2) Use CSS to hide that area of the page…

    .page-masthead .excerpt {
        display: none;

    3) Add a filter to the excerpt to return false…

    add_filter('the_excerpt', '__return_false');

    NOTE: This may have collateral damage to other parts of the page (e.g. meta descriptions) so please scope accordingly.

    Plugin Author tubegtld



    Sorry to hear you’re having issues with the image uploads.

    We’re not experiencing any issues with our local or public installs, so I’m hoping you can please answer these questions to start troubleshooting…

    1) Are you still having this issue?

    If not, great! Please mark this ticket as resolved.

    If it’s still an issue, please read on.

    2) Are you using the latest version of the plugin? It’s 1.1.4 as of right now.

    3) Is this happening during “manual” or “auto” imports?

    4) Are you able to successfully upload images via the media library and/or when you “attach” an image or add a featured image to a post?

    5) Are there any errors reported in your server error logs?

    6) What is the max upload size for your server? (And has it changed recently?)

    7) Is there sufficient disk space on your server to add new images?

    That’s all for now.

    P.S. Worst case we can set up a screen share to troubleshoot, but hoping these questions/answers will help to get this resolved.

    Plugin Author tubegtld


    Hi, Yaniv –

    Sorry you’re seeing these errors.

    I’ve tried those URLs directly in the browser locally using my API key and did receive a response on both…

     "kind": "youtube#searchListResponse",
     "etag": "\"gMxXHe-zinKdE9lTnzKu8vjcmDI/PBz52qP-lQ6f9NZvTQ6hpYesUZ0\"",
     "regionCode": "US",
     "pageInfo": {
      "totalResults": 0,
      "resultsPerPage": 10
     "items": []

     "kind": "youtube#channelListResponse",
     "etag": "\"gMxXHe-zinKdE9lTnzKu8vjcmDI/zJL80hJ0IwMo5wddECFapC8I6Q4\"",
     "pageInfo": {
      "totalResults": 0,
      "resultsPerPage": 5
     "items": []

    As you can see however, there are no results for this query.

    With that, I tried accessing the channel / user you seem to be searching for, but it appears it doesn’t exist…

    Can you please confirm that you’re searching for the correct channel name, channel id, or username?


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by tubegtld.
    Plugin Author tubegtld


    It’s working on our end, with both ID and URL…



    Tested with WP 4.7 with plugin version 1.1.4.

    Note that it does expect playlists to be prefixed with “PL” as seen in YouTube URLs.

    Might make sense to have that clarified in the interface (or better yet allowed for) so can certainly work on that.

    Please drop a reply if perhaps that solves it for you.

    Else, is there any sort of error message on screen or in your logs?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by tubegtld.
    Plugin Author tubegtld


    Hi, butterwater –

    There was an issue with the .zip file for v1.1.3.

    Please give it a whirl with v1.1.4, available now.

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by tubegtld.
    Plugin Author tubegtld


    Hi, bigbluesquid –

    Thank you for taking the time to try the plugin.

    I’m sorry you had such a bad experience.

    Let’s try to address your issues and feedback…

    Google API (youtube) returns errors for all searches.

    Could you please provide a little more detail about these errors and/or paste the exact error message into a reply?

    We have many installations of our own running (like Surfing.TUBE and Hoops.TUBE) and all of them are pretty stable in that regard.

    Likewise, no other users have reported Google API errors.

    No filters on the [YouTube] video search. VIMEO worked but with no filters, a basic keyword search is insufficient for curation.

    What filters were you hoping to see?

    Happy to consider any ideas, to the degree that the APIs make them possible.

    Vimeo is pretty limited.

    The API instructions for Twitch are out of date so couldn’t connect to it either

    It’s a bit of an uphill battle to keep up with the ever-changing screens and processes for these sites.

    You can find updated Twitch instructions in version 1.1.3 of the plugin, which is now available.

    TL/DR: Thanks for trying the plugin, sorry it didn’t work as expected. Hopefully, we can get you squared away on the Google API issues and Twitch keys so you can give it a more proper assessment. And, your feedback on the filters would be very welcome.

    Todd from .TUBE

    P.S. In the future, when you encounter errors, I hope you’ll consider a support thread before leaving a 1-star review. Most plugin developers are happy to help resolve issues, especially if it means avoiding bad press like this.

Viewing 11 replies - 211 through 221 (of 221 total)