Hi WP , I just cant seem to get this wordpress stable . My website is Keadyopals.com my host is Crazydomains.com . The site every 10 days or so just drops off to “There has been a critical error on your website.”I go in, if I can get in, it says oh.. a plugin is dangerous or the like ,I dissable it and all seems well, then a few days later …it goes down again…fortunately,I can see the dashboard this time .and will go update anything thats sus… ok all plugs are updated, just updating wordpress to 6.5.4 then Ill check again,Im starting to think its being manipulated by either All in one SEO or Real simple SSL or even CrazyDomains.com, who keep trying to sell me onto some $$$ service I cant afford .. Im not sure ..Ive dissabled Q translate that was dangerous( site is has japanese option ).. can someone like Ms Jarno help me a little please ? ..Im reluctant to use WP it if it keeps falling over ..Ive many websites and have used Everweb for simplicity lately cause its solid,simple and site will be there next time I look …but Im just stumped why this keeps dissapearing … many many thanks if you can fix me up I will be more than grateful. cheers RodK