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Efectivamente ese es el problema.
Tengo un plugin personalizado desarrollado por un programador, se le ocurre cual podría ser el conflicto?.Para traspasar el caso al programador.
Gracias por su ayuda.
De acuerdo, gracias.
Por favor, ?alguien puede ayudarme?.
Ok, gracias. Expondré el tema allí.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Error con Stripe, mensaje de error vacíoSi, así es.. es problema solo sucede con Stripe.
Estuve hablando con soporte de Stripe y ellos me guiaron a este foro para ver si podíais ayudarme más rápido, su mensaje fue este.———
I was checking this on my side and I really know that you want to solve this as soon as possible. As you are using woocommerce platform for accepting Stripe Payment, which means that they are the best ones to help as they are the ones who handled this situation, the error may have something to do with loading your server with Stripe Library and the page could have been with the redirect. I kindly suggest you to contact them through the following link:
Thank you very much, there was the problem.
Issue solved.
Very good attention and very fast. Thanks again.Ok, so I will explain the case in question that is giving the problem.
I attach all the captures, from the configuration of the product to the configuration of the transport method of Andorra and Europe, which is the one that appears in the place of Andorra.https://prntscr.com/snz3ld
https://prntscr.com/snz7dnHe is right, I am going to shop and tell him. Thank you
Well, in this case I will not take into account the weight, if not the dimensions, the weight does not affect the carrier’s price.
Yes, you just added it to this article, I send you screenshots of your configuration
https://www.pruebas.tuwebaunclick.com/producto/werwert/I have tried on 2 different websites to see if it was a configuration issue, but on the 2 websites only Andorra fails
Yeah right.
If in general with the rest of the countries it works well, but it only fails with Andorra, because it defaults to the price of the pesos of Europe.Of course, I have attached screenshots.
https://www.pruebas.tuwebaunclick.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Captura-de-pantalla-2020-05-25-a-las-11.25.16.pngThank you