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  • Plugin Author TV productions


    This bug is fixed by the release of v1.2

    For the tech guys who want to know what the problem was
    The plugin used an array for the names of the input fields, like:


    This, and some other fields are with 237 images more than 1000 input fields,witch is the default valude of the php.ini setting max_input_vars. Now javascript builds the data and adds it as one field.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    I have found the problem!

    You have to edit again single-easy-photo-album.php. Search for the line

    <section class="section" role="main">

    and replace it with

    <section class="section-wide" role="main">

    Save the file and now it should work.

    An explanation
    The file single-easy-photo-album.php was used by the theme, but only removing the sidebar wasn’t enough. You have also to change the class of the section tag from section to section-wide.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    What you’ve done should work. According to the WordPress theme documentation, the file single-easy-photo-album.php should be used instead of single.php.

    Your theme is a pro theme so why don’t you ask the theme developer what you have to do?

    I hope you will solve this problem.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    I don’t know exact what files your theme has, but look in your theme directory for the file single.php.
    Open it in a text editor and save it as single-easy-photo-album.php (in the same directory as the original file).

    Look in single-easy-photo-album.php for a line of code like this:


    Remove that line and if I’m right, you will see the sidebar on normal post pages but not on the album pages.

    NOTE: it could be that the file you’ve just created will be deleted by an update of your theme, so check if it still exists after an update.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    You can’t find the albums on the left to insert in your menu?
    Have you’ve checked the Photo Albums checkbox in the screen settings tab (right above) on the appearance > menu page?
    This should able you to add albums to your menu.


    The menu items disappeared after update to 3.7.1?
    If that is the case, try to add the menu items again. Please report if that works or if they disappear again.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    You are the second person who reported this bug. I haven’t solved it yet. The problem is that the bug is in the Lightbox code, so I have to report it to the developer of the lightbox or fix it myself. This gonna take a while, because I’m not shure yet what exactly couses the bug.

    You can help by reporting all the plugins you have currently activated. That would be great!

    Thanx in advance

    I’ve created a ticket (#2014).

    Plugin Author TV productions


    The title should be short, so is the text box. But as you can see in a reply in your other question, the title field isn’t the correct field. That will be solved in the next release.

    For now, I’ve fixed this bug in the development version. WARNING: the development version isn’t always stable!

    Plugin Author TV productions


    I’ve made a ticket for it #2011

    Plugin Author TV productions


    From display perspective of the photo albums: There is actually one field that will be displayed in by the album: the title field.

    This is because the lightbox doesn’t handle long titles (descriptions). And for the overview of an album is it probably also not a good idea.

    But there is more

    For your question I did some research on the fields of an attachment and found out I’m using the wrong fields. That will be fixed in the next version. (the caption field will be used instead of the title field). But only one field will be shown at the frond-end.

    I hope I’m clear enough. If you’ve any questions, reply here.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    Glad you’ve got a solution!

    Tip: there is now a French translation for the plugin (translated by Dan). Download epa-fr_Fr.po and and store them in wp-content\easy-photo-album\lang\.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    Okay, after more than an hour debugging, I actually don’t have a solution to this problem. It seems that the lightbox itself has a bug. Strange is that it occurred to me only 70% of the time I open an image in the lightbox. Maybe in the next release of the lightbox is the bug fixed.

    I think it could help to upload less big images (not 2550 x 3580 or something, but 1080 x 1920 for example). This speeds up the loading time in the lightbox and maybe solves the problem (just a thought!)

    I’m sorry I cannot solve your problem.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    Can you enable for me the lightbox? I’ll try to find out what is cousing the scale.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    This new release contains the option. Update now via your dashboard or download version 1.1.7 now.

    You should look for the option Scale images in the lighbox on the Settings > Media page.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    The point is that the Lightbox re-sizes so that the image fit’s on the screen. That makes those images hard to read because they are very big.

    In the next update of Easy Photo Album there will be an option to disable the re-sizing of the Lightbox. Until then you can link your images to the attachment page or to the image file, instead of the Lighbox.

    Plugin Author TV productions


    It seems that an other plugin adds an old version of jQuery to the webpage (version 1.4.4), while Easy Photo Albums uses version 1.10.2. jQuery 1.10.2 is included on the right page, but that plugin overrides it.

    A part of the head of your url:

    <!-- Portfolio Slideshow-->
    <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /></noscript><script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */var psTimeout = new Array();  var psAutoplay = new Array();  var psFluid = new Array(); var psTrans = new Array(); var psSpeed = new Array(); var psLoop = new Array();/* ]]> */</script>
    <!--//Portfolio Slideshow-->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    var $j2 = jQuery.noConflict();

    The problem is: <script src=""></script>. I don’t know which plugin adds this code, so you have to find out by yourself. The best solution would be to remove or update that plugin (it uses not the right functions to insert the jQuery code).

    An other solution
    Open the file EPA_PostType.php (probably in wp-content/plugins/easy-photo-album/.
    Search for the next lines of code (starting at line 486):

    wp_enqueue_script ( 'lightbox2-js', plugins_url ( 'js/lightbox.js', __FILE__ ), array (
    	                                ), '2.6', true );

    and replace it with:

    wp_enqueue_script ( 'lightbox2-js', plugins_url ( 'js/lightbox.js', __FILE__ ), array (
    	                                ), '2.6', false );

    Save the file to your server.
    I don’t know for sure if this works, but you can try.
    WARNING: you have do this again after every update of Easy Photo Album!

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