Forum Replies Created
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Naming Pages in Multipage PostBumping this because it was posted over a year ago and I’m looking for a similar solution —
On some pages / posts, I’d like to give each page of multiple posts or pages a name.
Automatic numbering should be the default, but I’d like the option to name each page of a post or page – eg ‘Xxxx’, ‘Yyyy’, ‘Zzzzz’, rather than 1,2,3….
Can’t see any evidence of this on your site, David, but if you did write some code that makes this possible, could you post it?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [1.5] single quotation marks now preceded by a slash /’Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [1.5] single quotation marks now preceded by a slash /’Don’t mean to sound particularly bitchy but why…? That’s 325 posts I have to go through now, and I’m running a commercial site, not a casual blog, so this impacts on the professionalism of my website.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Tags not respecting ‘file’ parameterNo. I didn’t know I needed to, I thought this was just a standard feature of WP (it being listed in the manuals without any comments about mod_rewrite or .htaccess).
Can you point me in the direction of some instructions?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Change ownership of a postCool. How long before we have 1.5?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Change ownership of a postI was just about the make the same suggestion that bsadler has just raised.
Rossz is right but for mainy admins it’s not entirely practical to edit the MySQL table – my hosting is such that I have to gain access via the browser. The usability sucks – it’s fine for occasional changes, but I have to do this regularly.
A little drop-down box on the dashboard (for admin only) would be a wonderful boost to usability, especially for those of us using WordPress as editors of a collaborative site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: ‘File’ parameter in the_content, list_cats, andThat’s possible, as the thread is from April this year and refers to version 1.0.
I systematically re-implemented the changes suggested by the thread. The changes to wp-includes-links.php do not break WordPress but they leave the links pointing to nowhere – ie https://www.mysite.tld/?p=304
The changes to wp-includes-post.php do break the loop; it gives an error ‘unexpected ‘;’ on line 119 – but in my file, the only semi-colons come as part of ‘amp;amp;’
It’s a mystery to me, I hope someone can solve the problem, but I’m surprised its not been highlighted before. This is a fairly fundamental feature of WordPress – at least, it is to me…Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: space between title and teaserHaving read some other messages, and tried a few of their suggestions, it now appears that the blank line preceding the teaser message is mandatory. I cannot determine whether this is a bug or a feature.
It dissapears if you comment a few of the lines in b2vars.php – the ones which deal with line breaks and paragraph breaks – but in my case that led to the dissapearance of all paragraph and line breaks. As I have well over 100 lengthy pages on my site I cannot go through them all through b2-edit and put the line-breaks and paragraph breaks in manually, and I suspect it would be too complex a task to automate, if automation was at all possible.
For me this is a big problem because I am not running a personal blog but a content-based public website – I’m using WordPress as a CMS. I know it’s not designed for that, but then neither was b2, and b2 coped perfectly well. I had hoped that WordPress would to.
Any CMS or blogging tool should give the page designer complete control over everything on the page. Unless there is something that I’ve missed, I do not have complete control.
Worst of all, the upgrade has coincided with one of my site’s traffic peaks. These happen when we post something that lots of people are interested in, and they usually result in a heightened average level of traffic and therefore more advertising revenue and continued growth.
I am almost certain that, due to the depleted navigability of my website – caused by the failure of the next_post and previous_post tags, and the unprofessional appearance (the front-page looks a mess with all those spaces), I have lost current and future revenue.
“More simply, WordPress is what you use when you want to work with your software, not fight it.”
I’m fighting WordPress and losing. It’s a shame because everything else about the software is brilliant, and I looked forward for a long time to putting ‘Powered by WordPress’ on my pages and supporting this otherwise excellent exponent of the open-source software movement.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: space between title and teaserThanks for your help. That worked, for a while, but has now stopped working, and I can’t understand why.
Please help. I’m usually very capable of controlling errant html and css but the beast will not be calmed this time.