Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: SidePosts Widget] Remove [Archive for] and RSS iconIt works in current version.
You have not just to put the file on WP-Content, you have to set it up as any other ini file.[sideposts] disable-archives-link = On
Tested on all my sites and works with any problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: current_user_can() in the __construct?You cannot run this on the plugin load. I think you are instantiating the class as soon as the plugin loads.
wp_get_current_user() is a pluggable function. This means that can be replaced by plugins. Because of that, this functions library is only available after plugins are loaded.
Try calling it on the ‘plugins_loaded’ action hook:
class myPlugin { public function __construct () { add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'pluginInit'); } public function pluginInit () { if(current_user_can('manage_options')) add_action("publish_post",array(&$this,'save_post_form')); } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Capability Manager] Doesn’t work on WP 2.9.2This is not from Capability Manager, as the plugin does not use the deprecated function and makes no calls to get_settings(). Can be from some other plugin or from the core which makes some calls to this function.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Alkivia Open Community] 0.10.3 Blank Activity Wall?I’m following this, but a b it busy this week and have no much time to text, find and fix. Hope I’ll found some time soon to follow that.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Code appearing in browser titleFrom the front end editor plugin description:
Title attributes errors
In some themes, links get weird title atributes. If this messes up your theme, just disable the “Post title” field.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Alkivia Open Community] 0.10.3 Blank Activity Wall?xberserker… many thanks for the donation! It’s really welcome.
I just released 0.10.4 which should fix this issue. Install the new release and look if the table gets created. It should be created just installing the new release.
If just updating does not create the table. Give another try deactivating and reactivating the activity wall component (Not the plugin, just the component).
Hope this solves this issue.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Code appearing in browser titleThe theme just displays the title returned by WordPress functions. Probably you have a plugin that changes this. As shown in your output, seems to have a plugin that filters and changes the bloginfo() return values.
This is the title meta on the header file:
<title><?php // Blog name displays last for SEO. if ( is_home() ) { bloginfo('description'); echo ' - '; } else { wp_title('-', true, 'right'); } bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Alkivia Open Community] 0.10.3 Blank Activity Wall?Table is created at component activation. Look for a table ending ‘aoc_activity’.
Will check if component fails to create the table in some circumstances.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Capability Manager] WordPress Mu?There is no “Add Blogs” capability. Adding blogs is a site wide function not managed by capabilities.
As Capability Manager only manages capabilities (at blog level) this possibility is not available.
Don’t know why your grep search failed, but only have to comment or remove this line (around line 90-95) on init.php located at the framework folder. (Also you can remove the complete preceding function):
add_action('wp_head', '_ak_framework_meta_tags');
Just want to tell my point of view:
1. Donations are always voluntary, it’s up to you want to donate or not, no obligation. I do the plugins because I want to do them, donations are welcome, but not expected. You have not to donate to remove credits.
2. I think that if someone is running a commercial site, it’s a good idea to share some of the earnings with the software developers, specially with WordPress core developers to help them to continue developing great software.
3. Authors have not to ask what the plugin shows, it’s up to the author to create the plugin and show the credits any way they want.
3. The license allows you to remove the printed credits if you don’t like them, but don’t ask authors to change it. Credit is the only thing developers receive for this work. A credit that is not directly shown to end users is not as disturbing as setting them on your page footer.
4. The only license does not allow you to remove are the copyright and license notices inside the code comments.
5. You can have almost an unlimited number of meta in the HTML code and that will not make the site to have any special bad behavior except some extra download bytes.
As User-Photo plugin and Open Community do both the same thing (replaces the default avatar function) is not recommended to use both on the same install, as there are collisions.
The plugin that loads first defines how avatars are managed, and being this already defined, the second plugin omits it. Not omitting the avatar replacement would give you a system crash.
In other words: User Photo and the gallery component of Open community are not compatible as both try to replace the avatar system.
About Author latest posts, this is the author login for the user that created the posts. Is this author on the users list ?
You can change any content on the templates by creating your own template and filling it by using the WordPress API functions. You need to create a template and get all comments for the user and display the comment content the best way that suits your needs. When having some time will check for the function you need to do so.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Alkivia Open Community] Error using WP InstallDevelopers have no control how and when the ZIP file is created. It is created on the WordPress site. The problem arises when the system is too busy.
Normally testing this on other time frame or downloading and installing it manually will work. The ZIP file is the same for manual and auto installs, so downloaded it, checked and it is OK. Some times is caused by busy servers or busy connections between servers.
When you have this issue many times, manual update or install is recommended. No need to get the tarball, just download the file regular and upload it to your server vy FTP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Alkivia Open Community] 0.10.3 Blank Activity Wall?Activity is only recorded from when the component Activity has been activated. I understand that you have this plugin active and it does not show any activity taken place since then.
Check on General settings that you have activity wall active… If not, the wall template, shows nothing.
If the component is active, check your database has a table named wp_aoc_activity.
Tell me about to try to isolate the problem, as I cannot reproduce it on any of my sites. (Perhaps I’m not finding where the problem is and are obfuscated missing some test.)
So easy: this is free software, if you don’t like it, don’t use it or modify it to work as you want.I thing you forgot the free software and open source concepts. Download the software, test it and if use if you want, there is no obligation, you have not to pay any cent to use it, but don’t complain about authoring credits that you’re able to remove.
Really do you think is a hidden behavior? Anyone can see it, so it’s not hidden. Do you thing WordPress is too bad because it adds the meta generator to headers?
And of course, if you have a business site, perhaps you can share some earnings with developers.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: SidePosts Widget] SidePosts and DatePost a link to your site, as styles are theme dependent. Normally, span.sideposts_date {display:none} on the style.css file will work.
Or better: look at the style.css file and locate this line:
#sidebar span.sideposts_date
Just bellow, add a new line with this:
It should look like this:
#sidebar span.sideposts_date { display:none;