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  • That is how my beekeeping club uses it as well. We DO make use of the “skip payment processing for $0 amounts” so people can pay their dues with Venmo & Zelle (avoiding the service charges PayPal uses).

    Each page / form does not have to list all of the items. You can list as many – or as few – items as you wish. Including down to a single item.

    The “Contact Form 7 – PayPal & Stripe Add-on Pro” addon will do it. Basically you setup the same products but tell PayPal the price is $0. In the settings you have PayPal bypass any order with a $0 amount and the form gets emailed like any other form.

    Thread Starter TxFig


    Yes, that is what I was expecting. But as I said, the way it actually works is perfectly acceptable. I consider this “solved”. ??

    Thread Starter TxFig


    That is not what I was expecting, but it works good ‘nough for me. I have verified that it is doing what you describe. Thanks

    Thread Starter TxFig


    Thank you for the reply.

    Not to be pushy, but are the plans to add a manual checkout option something on the near-term horizon, or “way down the line”?

    Thread Starter TxFig


    Never mind – I see someone else asked essentially the same question in the thread with the title “Google Maps integration”.

    I’ll just wait for the new addon. ??

    Thread Starter TxFig


    Actually that pretty much solved my problem. To be honest, I wasn’t certain if I really wanted the list of members to be displayed before filtering or not… so I am ok with having it there prior to hitting the search button (I may just re-word it so the visitors understand they are narrowing down the list instead).

    I do have 1, sort of related question:
    What custom CSS do I use to change the size of the boxes, font, etc for the multi_category_search shortcode? For that matter, I would really love to have those 2 boxes side by side (in columns?). With a much smaller search button.

    Thread Starter TxFig


    Re: I suggested this method because you have already invested the training time in the spreadsheet, and it process others follow with success. And you should be able to use that same CSV file to import into your email list app (Mailchimp, etc.)

    IF the spreadsheet could do the other things (such as automatically add people to MailChimp, google groups email list, etc), then the purge/import might be ok. But I was kind of hoping to get away from using the spreadsheet.
    Even google groups & google contacts can’t be auto-populated from a google sheets – google doesn’t integrate amongst themselves. But that’s a rabbit-hole trail of its own that doesn’t involve Connections…

    Re: Have you thought about using a membership plugin such as Restrict Content Pro (RCP) to manage your memberships?

    Yes, but all of the plugins like that I’ve seen seem to be geared towards a monetized website. Which is not what we are trying to do. Plus, paying for a plugin ONCE is understandable. RCP charges a seemingly lot of money annually. For a non-profit, small town social club, it’s simply not feasible. Or is the free version of RCP all I need? Specifically, how would it handle the 30%-40% of our members who join (or renew) by handing the secretary/treasurer a check manually? And I don’t understand the 2% Stripe fee (but that’s a question for the RCP folks, isn’t it)?

    Re: I am assuming the Connections Directory when referring to the “membership list”; correct? What are the pain points of using the Add and Edit Entry pages for you?

    Mostly has to do with the fact that they do stuff through the WordPress dashboard. I showed my wife (who has been sec/treas in the past and married to an IT guy for 40 years) – she was totally lost. We would want the person who updates/maintains the membership list to ONLY have access to the membership list; not to the entire website itself. Heck, I wouldn’t want them to be able to change the structure or settings within Connections.

    Thread Starter TxFig


    You really only answered the one question I already knew the answer to (the existence of a “spreadsheet” template). But more directly to the question: how hard would it be to make one?

    The questions that I don’t think you addressed is more looking the description of how we are doing things now (3 different places for membership info) and our goals, I’m kind of looking for a recommendation on HOW to do things better / easier. Specifically:

    • How can we integrate a new member joining the club with getting them subscribed to the email list (mailchimp and/or a google group list)?
    • Is there a way for an AVERAGE PERSON, one who is not a website maintainer, to manage the membership list? Quite honestly, *I* can do it just fine. But I have been in IT professional for 40 years. But it is beyond the abilities of the “Average Club Secretary volunteer”.
    Thread Starter TxFig


    Stupid quick follow up question to the cn_multi_category_search:

    Can I make the results randomly sorted? I do not want them sorted by last name (or any other way)…

    Thread Starter TxFig


    Replying to my own before seeing a reply from Steven.. <grin>

    I think I got it!!!! There was a problem with putting quotes in the shortcode where they didn’t belong (and using the word “category” again).

    This is the shortcode I ended up using….
    `[cn_multi_category_search category=’2|This is just a swarm.|Is this a Swarm or a Full Colony?,1|What County (in Texas) are the bees located?’ enable_keyword=false]’

    Now to make it look pretty…

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by TxFig.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by TxFig.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by TxFig.
    Thread Starter TxFig


    Going back to the first (original question) – I have been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to get this work right (I haven’t even worried about getting it to look right yet).

    I am using the cn_multi_category_search addon as suggested – pointing it to a landing page ( Here is the shortcode I’m using:
    `[cn_multi_category_search category=’2|This is just a swarm.|Is this a Swarm or a Full Colony?’]

    [cn_multi_category_search category=’1|What County (in Texas) are the bees located?’]`

    But that isn’t even close to what I’m wanting…

    What I WANT to have happen is for a person to have to choose from both category choices, THEN hit a single search button. Specifically:

    • Tell me if this is a swarm or a full colony
    • Tell me what county they are in

    THEN hit “search”.

    Now it is entirely possible that my problems are in how I set up the categories. I’ve tried numerous ways of configuring them and finally came down to this:

    “Which county in Texas”, ID=1, no parent
    254 child categories, each one is a county name (ID # 4 through 257)

    “I have a Swarm”, ID=2, no parent-
    1 child category of “I have a full Colony”, ID 3

    Everyone who can remove a full colony can also collect a swarm. So if “I have a swarm” is selected, the everyone in the matching county gets listed. But if “I have a full colony” is selected, only people who match ID=3 and are in that county get listed.

    Some examples of how to use this shortcode would really be appreciated.

    Thread Starter TxFig


    Ticket submitted. Thanks

    Thread Starter TxFig


    Never mind – it was in the shortcode. Doh!

    Thanks for all you do!

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