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  • Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    I switched the theme to Twenty Twenty-One and problem still occurs. There are no other plugins active. The Firefox browser console shows:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: __webpack_require__ is not defined
        <anonymous> index.js:1
        eval themes.php:59
        js index.js:250   *** this is in your plugin ***
        __webpack_require__ index.js:80
        checkDeferredModules index.js:46
        <anonymous> index.js:153
        <anonymous> index.js:156
        <anonymous> index.js:1
        eval themes.php:59
        js index.js:250
        __webpack_require__ index.js:80
        checkDeferredModules index.js:46
        <anonymous> index.js:153
        <anonymous> index.js:156
    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    Looks good, thanks!

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    I don’t see the point in testing software you’re about to replace with a completely different implementation. I’ll wait for your new version.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    Yes, I have used the correct location ID. Even if it were incorrect, I’m not sure how that would cause a browser security violation. I also don’t know how that would affect the fact that you’re using an API that’s about to become defunct.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    I’m on Campaigns screen. One campaign is showing:
    I click “No, it’s ok!” This is the result:
    The browser console shows these messages:

    This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”. admin.php
    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2 jquery-migrate.min.js:2:709
    Loading failed for the <script> with source “”. admin.php:205:1
    Uncaught ReferenceError: __webpack_require__ is not defined
        <anonymous> webpack:///./lite/admin/js/main.js?:1

    I return to the Campaigns screen and click “Create Post Notification”. Result is the same as above — same screen appearance, same console error message.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    Fix confirmed. Thank you.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    As far as I’m concerned the issue is still open. Thank you for acting on it. Since the version containing the fix is not yet available for me to test, I can’t confirm the fix, so there’s nothing for me to add until then.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    I gave you a demo website. Why don’t you look at the page source and you tell me if the theme has removed something. I’m not the expert on what the output is supposed to be.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    I just published a plugin to correct this problem. I still think it should be allowed by the theme. But you do as you see fit.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    Trying it in a fresh install with no other plugins still didn’t find the word in the PDF file, though it did find both occurrences of a word in the post title. Reached out privately as you suggested.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    This corrected the error. Thank you.

    We have purchased the Pro version, but I’ll wait to install it until you confirm the problem has also been fixed there.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    You have not really addressed any of the reasons I brought up for saying “Twenty Twenty-Two is a bad choice for default theme”. You just contradicted me and said it was a good default theme. That’s not engaging with my points.

    I don’t “have an issue with Full Site Editing being not ready for primetime and officially in beta.” I’m fine with it being in beta. It can be in beta as long as it needs to be to assure quality. My issue is that it was made the default while still in beta.

    I don’t know what you mean when you say I have an “axe to grind.” This suggests some ulterior motive, and I don’t know what you imagine that is, but I resent your implication. If I have an axe, it’s the axe of making WordPress accessible to more people, of lowering the barriers of technical expertise required to use it.

    You blithely wave away the millions of people who “won’t like using or testing a new feature”. This isn’t just any old new feature. It’s not a new built-in block or an added styling option. It’s a whole new paradigm.

    The WordPress developer community signed up for taking their machete and hacking away at the unexplored wilderness of how to apply new features and reporting the bugs they run across. The WordPress user community, which is hugely larger, did not.

    This is my last response on the subject. I don’t feel I’ve been listened to and my points considered. Your arrogant attitude and refusal to engage with constructive feedback is really making me question whether there’s any point in my doing any more WordPress development. If you don’t listen when people are telling you you made a wrong turn, you’ll just drive deeper and deeper into the weeds. I don’t insist on you agreeing with me, but I don’t feel I’ve been heard.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    Do y’all agree it’s a bad idea to expose the typical site admin to 2022 just yet?
    No, not at all. Why would anyone agree to that?
    I’m a little disappointed that you asked rather than responding to the points I already made, but I’ll elaborate.

    I’ve been a professional software developer for over thirty years. Never in all that time did we roll out beta code to customers as the default installation. Beta code is by definition not ready for the big time. It’s the province of people who have chosen to put their lives in their hands, figuratively speaking, and play around with stuff that has a high probability of not working correctly. These are people who stand to gain some advantage by understanding new features early and helping to make sure they are actually usable when the product is delivered for real, or who just love the product so much that they’re willing to donate time to improving it. People like us.

    The vast majority of users are not in that mindset. They just need the code to freakin’ work. They aren’t particularly technically inclined, they just need a website and are bumbling along getting it together the best they can. They could do with some hand-holding, so if something is not brand new and there are a lot of articles and tutorials about it online, that’s great.

    So: Full Site Editing still has BETA stamped on it in red. I myself have reported a few bugs. It’s still evolving a lot. It hasn’t been around long enough for there to be tutorials and helpful blog posts and plugins to take advantage of its features. Even if it worked perfectly today, it’s a huge departure from what people have gotten used to and totally different from what beginners are expecting from reading articles in wpbeginner, for instance. Folks who try this are on their own.

    I think it’s too easy for software developers to lose sight of the fact that we are the 1% of users who are completely comfortable with just trying out undocumented stuff, coming up with workarounds, adding bits of code because the basic product doesn’t do what we need. Developers can’t develop for developers. They have to develop for the below average users who put their faith in us and hope we don’t hurt them.

    That’s why.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    Damn. I guess you’d best report it in the Gutenberg bug reporting system, since based on replies above, reporting it here doesn’t do anything.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [The Paste] DOES NOT WORK

    (not the developer) Just been using it, works fine for me. Perhaps there’s another plugin interfering with it?

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