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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget Output Cache] It works?Year old problem but inline docs have been updated
A story from real life where he used same code as this plugin to generate key.
So you cant really be sure it works unless you know transient is valid. Might not be.
$cache_key = 'cache-menu-' . md5( serialize( $args ) ) . $version;
can be trouble.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Enabling APC on Page Caching Slows Down SiteI have no clue but stumbled over this when researching Memcached issues:
2. apc.enable_cli=1
BAD BAD BAD, this is for debug only! Every time you run php-cli, it clears the APC cache.
Another quote I forgot link to
So opcode-cache in APC is useless in CLI mode : it will not optimize anything, as PHP will still have to re-compile the source to opcodes each time PHP’s executable is launched.
In link note at the bottom. Apparently
is also a must. OR is it, questions, questions…;Setting this to 0 will give you the best performance, as APC will ;not have to check the IO for changes. However, you must clear ;the APC cache to recompile already cached files. If you are still ;developing, updating your site daily in WP-ADMIN, and running W3TC ;set this to 1 apc.stat=1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget Output Cache] It works?Without going in to database you an see it with Debug Bar Transients Need Debug Bar as well of course. Name will be “cache-menu-XXXX” where Xs are random characters.
Is cached for 12 minutes. Number can be changed via a filter. Because random name it might not be possible to invalidate sooner, like when you update menu.
Can also see it working by checking number of mysql queires, will go down.
Another way to notice is failure of CSS to highlight “current” menu item. Transient is static cache not real time. Is only sacrifice to make with transients vs. menus.
Oops, checked it for real and it does invalidate per changes. Which might lead to a new question
Invalid transient - the transient name was probably truncated. Limit is 64 characters.
seems to pop up because of what it says. Hmm.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Crayon Syntax Highlighter] Load Crayon JS files only in footerDoes that already.
Check options and especially:
“Attempt to load Crayon’s CSS and JavaScript only when needed”
If you pick monospace it will load a tiny CSS file:
.crayon-font-monospace * { font-family: monospace !important; }
is it. Copy that in to own theme file. Is in /uploads/crayon-syntax-highlighter/themes/YOURTHEMENAME folder. Generated by theme builder.
When there is Crayon code you should see 1 CSS file in header and 1 JS in footer. If no code = zero files loaded.
If it works or not might depend on theme, plugins and other code. Why he put in some options for loading stuff.
Forgot. Font file is automatically enqued so remove because you copy CSS in to other file, what ever is already loaded will do. Your own Crayon theme file would be a good choice.
// Crayon fix for tiny monospace.css add_action ( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'disable_crayon_monospace' ); function disable_crayon_monospace() { wp_deregister_style ( 'crayon-font-monospace' ); }
No reason to load 1 CSS file just for font. Handle for monospace is “crayon-font-monospace” – will be different depending on font choice.
Not quite sure this will work out of the box if you enable bbPress and comment support. The front-end stuff. But for basic usage it can work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HTML Mode Locker] A couple of PHP 5.4.x noticesNot sure how valid last fix is but you get notice without…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bulk Plugin Installation] Can't install form Plugin page URLMostly useless info I gave. Fast test not good enough. Does work but with 40 plugins it fails with mentioned error msg. Out of 40 16 installs, errors seems random.
Not just about disk space as someone mentioned.
From ithemes wiki: Codex, fixed in 3.6 apparently old story install: of different cases can give that error it seems.
But this plugin happily go
Successfully installed the plugin .
regardless of error msg. so I guess plugin is out of sync with some changes in how to handle plugin installs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bulk Plugin Installation] Can't install form Plugin page URLURLs work for me on std. Xampp setup. Tested with these
Uploaded one of them to own server and URL method also works there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cachify] Cachify and https-linksHave you seen this ? Is from dev. himself, in docs too More importantly it seems to work.
I have excluded bbPress with something like
add_filter( 'cachify_skip_cache', 'skip_cache' ); function skip_cache() { if ( function_exists ( 'is_bbpress' ) && is_bbpress() ) { return true; } else { return false; } }
so should not work the same?
I think I would check WP Super Cache or W3TC forums for info on https page caching. Should you do it? is it foolproof?
Do not have option to test as I cant get Cachify to work on a Lite Speed server! Rewrite rules crap or something.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MinQueue] Cache failing – and having a hard time to locate the issueOnly real issue I have noticed is this line 162, sort of inline JS like wp_localize_script or something – reading material
Minqueue seemed unprepared for this. I dont really use that plugin and code has been removed in newer versions. If not me messing up, or forgetting what really happened!, similar code should be a problem.
Now he know if he see this.
I think I have had to clear cache a few times, shit happens – also on hds and servers. Data/files can get corrupted. May be other caching stuff mess up? No details calls for no answer ??
Ohhh, nice. I will keep eye on beta, am on no. 2 now. I have not seen any issues coming from the bbPress notice btw., so can just stop looking! – but they build up like crazy and ruin already boring debug experience.
Other posts being bbPress own Trac
Non-urgent. There’s a WordPress ticket that fixes this. Moving to future release until it’s fixed in WordPress core.
yes it “fixes” a lot ?? Not much encouragement to plugin devs. to “fix” if core see no need to. May be wrong to fix. Blah, blah – annoying it is.
Hmm, bbPress dude try his luck on Trac about this “too early” issue. About Theme Customizer but same thing. He believe it is a core issue, not related to bbPress. bbPress just checks! Example – in other posts saying something like “waiting for core to fix” or similar. Someone tried to come up with a hack-around.
But for the moment, status quo prevails.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Update Control] What does "Permit Automatic Plugin Updates" do?Check and further down.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Update Control] Own options pageI thought one of the cool things about plugin was placement ?? Is a “core” plugin in its own little way = make sense to put in general settings.
Hide/Show toggle thingy could be compromise.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Update Control] PHP NoticesYes, all perfect with debug on, PHP 5.4.20 and 5.5.4.