Forum Replies Created
Have you tried with subcategories?
For example, if you have those categories:
PrimatesPrimates can be placed as subcategory of Mammals.
The archive listing of Mammals would include posts under Primates category too, but Primates would show only their very own posts. You need to assign only Primates category to your posts, adding Mammals is optional.
I suspect this is probably best suited and easier for your use case.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Add Image not working. Not plugins or ThemeNo, the wp-config.php is not available through the Plugins & Themes Editor, you must access to it through a plain-text editor, hosting providers usually have one integrated into their file manager, or if you are comfortable with FTP, access through it to your wp-config.php. This is by default located in the same directory where is index.php
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pls Help! Caught in a re-direct loopNice work trickrick!
A fine reference for people using IIS, adding it to my favorites.
FWIW, Apache is available on Windows Servers too. And if your are willing to play, you could try with the DB class for using SQL Server as DB backend instead of MySQL.Thanks a lot for sharing your final solution to this issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which plugin do you prefer for security?Actually, I’ve come to Better WP Security too reading through that ebook on Code Poet ?? Pretty much of the security measures are supported easily by Better WP Security.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Hard coded main site link in each site?If you use Elegant themes, you could try adding code to the end of your body, as (I think) all their themes provides a box where you can put code like i.e. google analytics, without touching your themes at all. These changes won’t be overriden with each upgrade to your theme files. This is usually used for JS code, however you can include any code you like.
About the mix of domain/directory, where did you post about that? I’d like to know how people are giving a try to that. Just for curiosity ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Hard coded main site link in each site?Good luck with that, since once you get updates, every change you do will be lost, and is not really wise stay away from updates. I’d recommend you and your designer explore into child themes, in order to keep your changes while updating your themes.
Logo and small banner, almost everything is posible if you try the right tricks. I’d recommend you the tutorials on and
About the network with both modes, subdomain and subdirectory. It’s just too much complicated, if not impossible.
Glad to hear that you have recovered your website.
Don’t forget make always a backup before adding any plugin you want to include.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite has been hackedTraining looks fine, business shows a blank page.
Your root page shows a dialog from your hosting provider asking for uploads.
How have you configured your multisite? I’m more inclined to think this is an issue with the configuration rather than WP or your theme itself. For example, the links to “training” and “business” in your /home site, points to instead of your other sites.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Hard coded main site link in each site?Have you checked the source code output? Maybe there is a trick with those “elegant themes” (some friends use it with a lot of troubles), not showing your span added to the footer because it doesn’t have a style for becoming visible.
Thinking on this, your could make your link appear on the top of the page, even with fancy styling like overlaying, with a bit of CSS absolute positioning.
@pixeline I’ve done funny things with rewrite rules before, and it’s not really the best way to go, however if you really need that support, you could try pruning the Redirection flag of your rewrite rule, that way the redirection it’s going to be transparent to the user (the won’t see the “real” URL). However I don’t know if it could create conflicts with your permalinks.
As I’ve said before, nobody could help without proper details about your WP installation. The issue about 50 unknown plugins it’s hard to spot if one of them corrupted your database.
Do you have any backups of your database before the massive plugin deactivation? At least you could try to restore it.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pls Help! Caught in a re-direct loopMaybe .htaccess file is hidden in the configuration of the file manager of your hosting provider?
The network it’s not going to work without the .htaccess configured properly. Just search it in the same directory the index.php is located.
About the web.config file, which version of WP are you using?
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Running WordPress on multiple web serversI’d think WP-MU it’s better in performance at least in the use of resources of your server, since you don’t need to have a lot of duplicated copies of wp-admin, themes and plugins you use in more than one site. You can handle as super-admin which themes and plugins admins of sub-sites have access.
I’ve reduced literally thousands of duplicated files just by merging old individual sites into just one multisite network. Even the load of my server it’s decreasing noticeably.
The trouble is we can’t see anything at all! Even requesting your site through curl it show a succesfull request but it doesn’t returns any text at all.
It’s very unlikely anyone can help you if you can’t to give more details about your installation (which version of WP you use? which themes and their versions? which plugins?)
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Allow Admins To Activate New AccountsThe plugin suggested by Joshua looks interesting, however it lacks something specified my jcpeden: it stills need to send emails to admins. Another option I’m using recently is Add Multiple User. I’m pointing you to the FAQ since it includes the option to add users without their real email.
Give it a try and tell us how it works for you.